Death trap to Sand Pit on a budget: Advice wanted

Would love some budget-friendly help with advice on converting this sharp-edge brick death trap (in a friend's rental) into a sand pit that nieces and nephews could play in??

See two pics:……

Any ideas? Yes that is a giant monstera above.

Would like advice on:

  • Where to get cheap, kid-friendly sand for this size sand pit
  • How (on earth) to line the edges so it isn't so death-trappy, cheaply but somewhat aesthetically OK


  • +2

    Hey, Saw this:…

    What is your friend's space and is the monstera staying (or going)

    • Wow thanks for the idea, that closing-over concept is getting me thinking. The 'room' is an enclosed verandah, monstera staying (gives a bit of a jungle/island feel).

  • Idea for lining the edges: marine carpet from the top over the edge (and a bit over that sticking-out brick in the bottom) then perhaps some treated timber to line the edges and hold down the marine carpet and hide it from view. Perhaps get holes predrilled near the ends of each piece of timber and screw down into the brick with a brick screw (I'm not a handy person and don't know exact names for things or even if that would work, but something to discuss with a bunnings employee at least).

    • Excellent ideas, thanks, I think I know someone who has some spare marine matting. That would certainly take the edge off, that brick.

      And yeah timber to top it off sounds great - haha me neither hence the post. Thanks again.

      • If you want to really take the edge off, you could perhaps cover the edges with this under the marine carpet. That sharp corner at the back looks painful.

    • +1

      screw down into the brick with a brick screw

      Masonry anchor, assuming I'm correct: I'm also not that handy :)

  • +1

    Cheapest way for bulk sand is landscaping yard. They will have playlist specific sand
    And yes, timber is softer than brick. I'd use formply so no splinters and can radius the external edges

    • +2


      There's special low silica dust sand for sand pits.
      It's cheap and readily available from Bunnings (bagged and expensive but easy to transport), or preferably from any Sand and Metal depot, but obviously harder to transport.

      To the OP, what's the plan for removal of the sand when they move properties?

      • +1

        how is playpit sand from landscaping yard different from sand/metal yard (essentially the same business)?

        • Totally missed it.. probably due to your typo (added to the fact I wouldn't typically refer to it as a playpit)

  • +1

    How secure are the bricks? Properly mortared in or just pavers laying on top? It looks like the latter so you’ll need to secure them before securing anything to it.

    I’d probably bolt a piece of treated pine around the edge. 90x35mm or similar. Downside is the timber could be a trip hazard. Alternatively, get an angle grinder and a diamond masonry disc and grind off the bricks to a decent bevel.

    • I’d probably bolt a piece of treated pine around the edge. 90x35mm or similar. Downside is the timber could be a trip hazard. Alternatively, get an angle grinder and a diamond masonry disc and grind off the bricks to a decent bevel.

      It's a rental so OP would have to make sure the landlord doesn't mind their bricks being ground. :)

  • -5

    Stop wrapping kids in cotton wool. Just chuck in some sand and let the little tikes go for it.

    Put a sign nearby saying "school of hard knocks".

    Kids are resilient and learn quickly when things hurt.

  • +6

    bring nieces and nephews over after childcare
    free sand in shoes
    repeat a few times and u have enough sand

    repeat every month to replenish sand

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