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Gainward GeForce RTX 3080 Phantom (OOS) / Phoenix 12GB Graphics Card (LHR) $2079 / $1999 + Delivery @ TechFast


Here you go folks, as usual, Luke from TechFast has this incredible deal on the latest RTX 3080 LHR 12 GB model at $1999 for Phoenix and $2079 for Phantom.

Phantom OOS now.

Phoenix: https://techfast.com.au/products/Gainward-Phoenix-RTX-3080-1…

Absolute steal seeing the last 3080 Deal from HT had the sold out MSI 3080 10GB for the same price. So you'll get the extra ram and bandwidth for free with the Phoenix. As all things should be, price is balanced in consistent with last Techfast 3080 deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/670813

Not sure which one to get?, this review might help you between Phantom & Phoenix: https://youtu.be/q_VC_00wcMU?t=1138

Phantom generally has better cooling, and the extra pin helps with overclocking. And it includes the RGB sync cable and RGB led, whilst Phoenix doesn't.

Most importantly for gamers, what can I say, 12GB of vram surely future proof your gaming investment in years to come.

According to this it beats 3080 Ti on most games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsHZ3ZoBjLw

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closed Comments

    • +4

      FHR 3080 only scores 98 mh/s, only 10% more than this. And you'll be paying less for brand new than used FHR.

  • +11

    Shouldnt 3080s get less expensive not more? is it going the other way again?

    • +6

      its $350 cheaper from the other 3080 12gb 'deal' today.

    • +1

      This is a "better" 3080. Nvidia basically:
      A) bad at clear labelling
      B) making minor changes to justify price hikes

      You basically swallow this nonsense today. Or accept you're waiting 12mo (or more?) for a sanely priced gpu.

      • +12

        excessive inflation is not only limited to GPU. I think too much FOMO hence driving the prices up. If no one buys and can live with their current GPU, watch them drop

        • It's a lot of things. If you think consumers waiting will drop prices that's good.

          Whatever has done it and whatever will fix aside. We're basically looking at 12mo-ish on what seems to be a rough ballpark based on what gets reported.

          • +9

            @incipient: I'd rather wait 24 months to buy a GPU that's really worth $1100; even with their marketing acronym, value propositioning tools LHR, SHR, DHR, xHR etc to pretend they care about affordability - FOMO GPUs. Furthermore, I'll stick to my Xbox 1X rather than paying $1500, giving a 200% profit for a scalped XBSX $750 purchased off EB games. My trusty GTX1080 might not hit top benchmarks, I'll just tweak to lower settings and still enjoy. Edit. IMO inflation is out of control.

            • +11

              @vinni9284: Still rocking my trusty Gigabyte 1080 does struggle running on 3440x1440 but refuse to give in to this scalping industry

              • @solidussnake: I run 4K on FH5 and it looks awesome on my OLED. It depends on the game. FH5 runs optimisation when loading hence adjusts to playable settings

                • @vinni9284: wow thats interesting you got it hooked up via HDMI or DP to HDMI ? I've got a 77C1 so would be keen to do the same friend ! :)

                  • +2

                    @solidussnake: HDMI. GTX 1080 does have HDMI 2.0 and supports 4K @ 60Hz. If it doesn't work then upgrade your HDMI cable

            • @vinni9284: The problem is when that 100% overpriced GPU will pay itself off mining in less than a year. That is always going to hold prices up.

              • @AutomationGuy: Supply vs demand. That's it. Not everyone is going to mine & run a PC 24/7, and be potentially worried that they'll see rubble when they get home.

                • -1

                  @vinni9284: Agreed on supply vs demand. There will always be demand when there is sub 12-month ROI on a money-printing machine.

                  • -1

                    @AutomationGuy: ROI won't last when everyone jumps on the bandwagon. That's when the government will intervene and start (or increase) taxing. Everything is controlled and regulated. Make sure you check in with your app into a venue and tap and pay because no cashier is available.

              • -1

                @AutomationGuy: Mining won't exist in 6 months, I guarantee it.

                What do you think will happen then?

                • @Zilch: If mining doesn't exist, then ROI would plummet and prices would stabilize and very likely fall. But that argument hadn't been made, and my comments said that demand will hold when there is a sub 12 month ROI.

                  (I don't mine or hold any crypto currently FYI) But that is a very bold statement, which will almost certainly prove incorrect….. plummeting values, regulation, taxation, change by major players to PoS…. none of that will ELIMINATE mining. Less profitable certainly possible. ETH to PoS a very real possibility (/very likely within 12 months), but all forms of proof of work mining disappearing it 6 months? Basically impossible.

      • +5

        GPU prices are not going down. Everyone on the supply side is happy with these prices.

        You might get a decently priced 3xxx once the 4xxx cards are out if you buy used, but unless you know the person, you've no idea if it was used for mining or not.

        • +1

          They'll come down with competition once the chip shortage abates. Especially with arc/alchemist entering the market too (but unfortunately also reliant on TSMC…for now?)

          • +1

            @incipient: It's a new node (6nm) so that means it isn't sharing existing capacity, but also that yields will initially be poor

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: 6nm is just an optimised 7nm, so yields will be fairly similar to existing 7nm process.

        • +1

          prices will come down if crypto crashes

          if the guy's selling more than 1 of the same card, pretty good chance its mined on

      • -2

        You forgot, C) competing with AMD's RX 6000 12gb cards.

      • +5

        If you think a 4080 is going to be retailing for less than the current shelf price of 3080s then youre in for a rude surprise when you get your hands on one in 12 months time. That is of course assuming the silicone shortages are no longer an issue by then and the 4000 series is actually available at launch.

        • +4

          Without any wafer shortages, and if eth goes pos as it should be, and combined with arc/alchemist…there will be a lot of downward pressure on gpu prices.

          • +3

            @incipient: I certainly hope yourr right, but I doubt AMD and NVIDIA are looking at the current situation and thinking that next gen gpus should be cheaper. I would hazard a guess that the xx80 series will be priced at above $1000 USD on launch from now on.

            • @[Deactivated]: Without supply shortages, my hope is that competition would bring prices back down to RRP. However the RRP will definitely be increased back to the 2000 series price points at least.

          • +1

            @incipient: Even when ETH goes pos another coin that's easier to mine will take over on everyone's mining pools. There's a lot of different crypto out there.

            • @Agret: The issue is for other coins, is they won't be able to absorb that amount of hash rate. It's basically just rvn and something called ergo, at about 30TH combined. Eth is up at 900TH. You dump that much extra onto those coins and the profit per day of those coins will fall through the floor, driving down the amount they'll pay for a gpu. That's assuming there is enough capital to buy those coins when the miners try to sell them.

        • +4

          silicone shortage

          As opposed to the silicon shortage :)

      • +1

        The early benchmarks I'm seeing suggest that it regularly performs like a 3080 Ti in games, particularly at FHD and QHD, where it sometimes outperforms it.

        Seems that this was an attempt to open up some bottlenecks in the Ampere SKUs to this point, and it worked.

        It's priced poorly in the US if EVGA's pricing is any indicator, but over here our 3080 10GB model prices are already ridiculous. If this were to normalise at $750-$800 USD globally should crypto continue to dip (or move to PoS ETH, as it's supposed to in Q2), it's a good value release.

      • but it will be a "sanely priced" better GPU in 12month time :p

      • I overpaid for a 3060 a year ago and thought I was stupid but prices have only gotten worse.

        Prices normalising is certainly proving to be forever a day away.

  • +38

    Would be nice if Nvidia didn't embargo day 1 reviews of 12GB 3080 cards.

    Their continued dilution of supply so they can manipulate prices doesn't sit well with me, this is just another example of that as far as I'm concerned.

    • +11

      Am really hoping Intel hits this market hard

    • +5

      There is no embargo. They just didn't put a RRP on it and refused to give the driver to the media. Shame on them

      • +15

        Yeah sorry that's what I meant - intentionally sabotaging reviewers so consumers have nothing to go on when it releases. Super Skeezy.

        • +3

          "We didn't embargo anyone, we just made sure you literally couldn't make it work"

  • +14

    They should be 16gb just like the 6800 series by AMD.

    Laughable really when you thinking about… classic nvidia doing its shady sales pitches saying "yeah GUYSSSS NEW 3080 is awesome just another 2+ GB" then expect everyone to get excited about it lmao.

    This is coming from a someone who has a 3080 10gb first gen.

    • So true

      • funny how it seems

    • +18

      Whilst I agree with the idea that there should be more VRAM at the $2k+ pricepoint, due to the chip configuration, you can't actually have 16gb of VRAM on the GA 102 chip used by the 3080 / 3090 without severely crippling its performance. GDDR6X chips come in 1gb and 2gb varieties, so the only available configurations whilst maintaining the correct very high memory bandwidth that 30 series cards have are as follows:

      320-bit memory bus - 10GB (1GB chips: OG 3080) or 20GB (2GB chips: the rumoured "big boi 3080")
      384-bit memory bus - 12GB (1GB chips: 12GB 3080 and the 3080 Ti) or 24GB (2GB chips: 3090)

      So the move to 12GB is actually more than just +2GB - the card ends up having a much wider memory bus as well as the addition of some CUDA cores. Since 30 series cards are still generally memory bandwidth limited a lot of the time, I'd expect this to perform pretty much on par with a 3080 Ti. However, I agree that this is nowhere near sufficient reason for nVidia to suddenly lift RRP by 50% more than a year later lol.

      You'd only get 8GB or 16GB VRAM configurations if you drop down to the GA 104 and its 256-bit memory bus (used by the 3070 / 3070 Ti / mobile 3080). AMD RX6000 series cards max out at 256-bit wide memory bus (therefore have 16GB of VRAM with 8 x 2GB GDDR6 chips) and are extremely memory bandwidth limited as a result (you can see the 30 series really pulling ahead on higher resolutions where VRAM bandwidth matters a lot).

      • +2

        I wonder if the whole thing helps them streamline production. The 3080 was always a bit of an oddity card, the only one with 5mb L2 cache, only one with a 320-bit memory bus. Now that they can sell it for 3080 ti prices anyway, may as well kill off the 3080.

        The 3080ti was only ever a pissing contest card anyway, the at almost double the RRP it should have been a ridiculous proposition that no one bought. Instead it would up costing about the same as a 3080 anyway at retail and people lapped them up.

        I don't even want to know what a 3090TI will cost, I need to keep at least one of my kidneys.

        • +2

          You might be onto something about streamlining the GA102 production combined with nVidia justifying a sharp increase in 3080 pricing due to the "upgrade". May also be the case that GA102 yields are so good now it's a waste laser etching off functional areas of the die just to have a 3080 and sell it for a lower price. Better to just kill the 10GB version and sell everything with the full memory bus.

          3090s seem to be selling in the 3.5-4k range, so I fully expect the 3090 Ti to be at least $4,250+…..

      • +1

        Cheers for that detailed explanation, I had wondered why Nvidia cards seemed to have such an advantage at 4K

    • Typical Nvidia less ram unless you go the 3090 or Quadro route.

    • How much more performance would the card get with that extra 4GB though, if you compare side by side a 3090 24GB card and these 3080 12GB cards the performance difference is miniscule.

  • +13

    nVidia's RRP is now "pay as much as you can"

    • +31

      RRP = Rectum Ripping Price

      • Daddy Jensen giving gamers exactly what they deserve.

        • such as reducing the supply more, lowering the volume and up the margin for them haha. consumer always happy to oblige and pay after getting sucked in by the marketing. it's like tossing a banana to a monkey's face, you see this…..you can't have it. But I'll eat it while you watch :D

    • +12

      The Australian housing market has entered the chat.

      • +1

        It's a bad time to be in the market for a GPU and a House!

        • True.
          I was wondering why property buy&rent price skyrockets whilst hard border restrictions applied and barely new settlers or visitors coming in past 12 months…
          Got it now: Miners need houses for GPU fleets.

  • +5

    Nah not going to drop my 3080 10g EVGA FTW3 which I got for 1200+ more than a year ago!

    • Your very lucky then as I paid 1.5k secondhand before the over 2k+ scalper prices appeared!

        • ok that's just ridiculous, i'd pay that much for a 3090. i can see why some people would go for fhr considering nvidia can basically lock out miners at this point using driver updates and who knows if they can force firmware updates as well for further restrictions.

          at this point 3090 ti would probably drop for $4k. maybe $5k.

          • @dfg555: there won't be force updates, its not north korea lol. the higher gpu price, the more profit they make, its win-win with the miners.

          • @dfg555:

            considering nvidia can basically lock out miners at this point

            Evidently they aren't great at doing so… they've tried…

    • FHR cards have been selling for a decent amount, could flip and buy a 3080ti with a couple bucks to spare. I know I've been pretty tempted lol.

      • Same but… my 3080 is doing such a great job. And flipping it means taking the chance of getting scammed etc. And honestly, am I really going to notice MORE performance? I get great frames in all the games I play. I figure if it's not broken don't fix it.

        • +1

          This is my thinking too. Almost rather wait for the next generation, and we know 3090TI is going to be helluva priced.

  • +2

    Still very expensive …

  • +1

    Arent the 3080 Supers coming this month? Like 3090 Super etc???

    • +2

      This is essentially the 3080 refresh (or SUPER). The 3090 Ti is coming later this month.

      • … and a rumoured 3070Ti with 16Gb this quarter.

      • Any theories on why they didn't call it a 3080 Super?

        • +3

          So they can release another variant at a future point as the super that costs more than the Ti

          • @andyc26: Ah, so Super > Ti in Nvidia speak?

            • +2

              @TimR31: it depends really

              Next release will be "super". If they really want to milk it a "super ti" could be after that. Fk I hope they dont read this

  • +5

    Seems we have different definition of "steal", lol

    • Someone's definitely stealing something during the sale of this item…

    • +4

      not all of us are pure miners, for gaming 3080 will blow away 3060. And you only need 1 of them, not 2. SLI is dead now.

      • -6

        Wife gets angry if I play games. For me seeing hardware making profit is more interesting for me. It's too risky to buy expensive cards at this time because it is too much overpriced. 3060 is not that much overpriced

        • Wife gets angry if I play games.

          just play while chad is over and she won't know

    • You've also got a difference in power usage to account for too. Haven't done the sums, but I'm absolutely certain either two 3060s for 1500 is better than 1 3080 12gb at 2000 or the other way around! Dunno as I'm not a miner.

  • Shame it is too long for my case,

    • Which case you got?

    • You must have a small case as this is 30.4cm which is on the smaller side of the 3000 series cards

  • -4


  • "Increadible deal"

  • What GPU should I get in the current state? I am planning a build with a 12700K, 32GB ram, but still undecided with the GPU.

    This is mainly a work PC (mostly massive excel files) and I won’t play as much games so I don’t need the best GPU. I was initially planning to get a 6600 for just under $800 but not sure if I should get a 3060 for $1100 instead. Is it worth the price difference?

    • -2

      1660 super.

      • +2

        The Radeon RTX 6600 and even the 6600 XT (depending on sales) are pretty much the same price and much better.

      • Definitely thought about this but that card goes for $799? I don’t mind spending a bit more if it means more value for my money which I don’t see in this card.

        I might be wrong though, as I understand it that the 6600 performs better than the 1660 super?

    • +1

      If you decide to get 3060, wait for 800-ish deals, they are regularly appear. Or even <1000 deals, 1100 is a no go obviously.

      • +1

        Oh cool, haven’t been in the PC loop for a while now since my last build with an R9 280x!

        Thats good to know that 3060 comes down to $800 cheers

        • +2


          Just 1 week ago there is a 3060 for 729 aud, and they are regularly under 900$. My usual standard for 3060 Ti is under 1100, but u should get it for under 1000, with 3060 is under 900 with amazing price around 750 and below.

          Ofc all the prices above only considers with currrent situation, I'm having a gtx 1660 for 300 AUD and absolutely wait for next Nvidia gpu gen in Q3-4 this year.

    • +2

      6600 XTs often go under $800 and is what id pick for a build like this.

    • a 3060ti at $1000-$1100. I wouldn't bother going higher than that

    • The upcoming Intel GPUs might be OK for your usage

      • Yeah I’m really excited to see how that goes.

        Also keen to see reviews for a 3050 if the price is right.

    • mostly massive excel files

      What is this, 2003? Tell your boss that databases are now a thing :)

      • Haha yeah we do have databases, some in our servers but most are on the cloud with on the fly calculations.

        However, we do still use excel for other things which can get massive and literally take days to run. It's being phased out though.

  • In the market in it's current state should i just stick with my gtx1080?

    Seems like i would have to spend massive sums of money to see a significant upgrade.

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