Metamucil Sold out Everywhere?

Hi all Ozbargainers,

Anyone know why Metamucil (the natural flavour, no sugar) and Metamucil capsules are sold out everywhere?? I went to a few Chemist Warehouses, pharmacies and Pricelines in the CBD, the Castle Hills area and even Roselands. They are all sold out. Even in Coles and Woolies.

Is there a reason why this is the case?? Are people now hoarding Metamucil like toilet papers? People getting more constipated during this wet weather perhaps? I need my daily 4 Metamucil capsules after lunch or there’ll be a traffic jam in the tunnel.


  • +63

    Metamucil sold out everywhere?

    I sh1t you not.

    • +5

      Could probably go out and drink from a puddle of mud to get the same effect.

      • Baked beans, chilli and 2 L of skim milk.

    • +6

      Probably not. Not without Metamucil!

    • -2

      Could it be made in RUSSIA ????

  • +1

    Not sure why. but check Amazon. Heaps of stock and earliest delivery is on the 7th

      • +29

        You sound a bit shitty about it…

        • +1

          Shits gotta go out one way or another, either through back end or top end. Since my back end is jammed, top end it is! No way about it.

      • +17

        i'd rather give someone a few cents in exchange for not having constipation.

      • +27

        amazon is amazing, i don't give a F@*K what anyone says about him not paying his staff or whatever, with a website shopping delivery service that is that efficient and competitive, he deserves to be rich, ordering something at lunch time on a Saturday and getting it delivered on the Sunday, no one else can even come close to that level of service

        • +5

          Ordered a speaker from the US, shipped out on the 21st, arrived in Perth on the 25th… Hard to even get stuff in our own country in that speed!

          • @spackbace: Yeah they are crazy organised, i have never had an order arrive late, i'm sure it happens, but they try as hard as possible not to, one time i got an email 2 days before an estimated delivery, apologising saying my order was running late, then it turned up the next day 1 day before the expected due date

      • +3

        So you'd rather spend your money at Chemist Warehouse who are known for their questionable employment conditions and pushing out independent pharmacies?
        Weren't woolies just recently caught underpaying their staff too?
        Pretty sure most companies find ways of underpaying and overworking employees, but hey, don't buy from Amazon.

        • This is way off the subject!
          Trying to find out why Metamucil is so hard to find.

          Is in made in RUSSIA ?????

      • +1

        Don't fret, Jack Gance is also a POS, and his son is even worse.

        You should try benefibre sachets if you want something neutral. It isn't the same sort of fibre, but it's tasteless, and dissolves better than psyllium husk

  • +18

    if you just want natural, why not get psyllium husks?

    • +1

      I need it in capsule form. I can’t mix psyllium husks while at work.

      • +2

        Get some Nature's Way Vita Gummies Daily Fibre.

      • They do make psyllium husk capsules, but I've found all the ones I used to buy are out of stock or super expensive shipping nowadays. :(

        • +1

          Buy gelatin capsules and fill them yourself

      • +1

        I put mine in a shaker bottle with some protein powder to have at work

      • Grab some diet gummi bears

    • +1

      Metamucil is psyllium husk.

  • +1

    i bought like the last container on the shelf last week. didn't know the product was so popular.

      • +2

        Diet isn't the only reason why you might need it.

      • +2

        My GF is a vegetarian. Due to some hormone issues caused by the cancer treatment she's on her colon is gummed up like a fat berg in a sewer.

        No amount of fibre is fixing it. Fibre isn't always the answer

        • -2

          Is her gallbladder functioning?

          Perhaps a low fat diet would be beneficial.

          • @Scrooge McDuck: Uhhh your gallbladder not functioning has nothing to do with cancer or a gummed up colon.

          • +1

            @Scrooge McDuck:

            Is her gallbladder functioning?

            Perhaps a low fat diet would be beneficial.

            Gall bladder is fine. I wouldn't describe her diet as high fat & she's quite healthy in her choices.

            She's 172cm & 65kg so in the middle of the healthy BMI range.

            Age, cancer and the treatment causes some weird things in the body. Hopefully it will sort itself out when her post-operative treatment finishes. 12 months this week since the surgery and still all clear. :-)

        • +1

          Fibre adds bulk to the gut.

          The gut moves things along like a snake, contracting rhythmically.

          If the drugs are inhibiting the gut action (peristalsis), adding fibre will make it worse. Speak with your DR, she may benefit from a stool softener (coloxyl) or a laxative instead

          • @[Deactivated]:

            Speak with your DR, she may benefit from a stool softener (coloxyl) or a laxative instead

            already happening. It's a long road at the moment.

          • @[Deactivated]: Not completely true. The fibre adds bulk but with every supplement they always recommend to have at least 2l of water . Fibre and water will actually cause the bulk of stool to be drawing fluid to the gut for easier excrement.

      • -4

        But if you don't eat meat you become deficient in nutrients and your iq drops

        • That’s not true. The OP didn’t say he suffered from a medical condition like cancer. I just suggested they try something since they couldn’t get Metamucil. I haven’t eaten meat or seafood in 20 years. I have regular movement at ~10am every day. Humans, especially in developed countries, don’t need meat to live healthy lives. It’s purely a choice that they like the taste and are happy to breed cows, chickens and pigs to later kill to satisfy their tastebuds. I’m not debating this situation but discussing the health benefits / disadvantages of meat. Meat does not contain fibre and can cause digestion problems. Meat does contain protein and some micronutrients but we can get this elsewhere with a balanced diet. Most people who eat a lot of meat also get bad body odour because rotting meat produces many byproducts as it slowly breaks down in the body. Meat can also carry a lot of bacteria. From personal experience I’ve noticed those who eat meat usually have really smelly body odour and farts. Beyond personal experience, it’s a fact that eating meat can cause constipation. It’s also a fact that eating fruit and vegetables can relieve constipation. I stick by my original argument that OP should give it a go for a week to see if it helps. He might be able to stop buying Metamucil, reduce CO2 and save some money in the process.

  • +3

    eat some pears, they'll get you moving

    • Or dried cherries from The Source Bulk foods, or Heather's Tummy Fibres or Flax Seed etc etc

      Maybe the OP should drink more water and eat more fibre generally?

  • +3

    Have you tried kimchi or kombucha?

    • Too spicy and too sour to consume daily. Also would need to consume in large amount to get enough fibre.

  • +5

    I got you fam!

    Sugar free Haribo gummi bears are better than Metamucil and apparently tasty too! Good for snacking on at work which seems to be one of your requirements.…

    Google for more "positive" reviews, there's thousands.

  • +5

    Eat your vegies for fiber!

  • +1

    Nah, you're full of sh*t.

  • +1

    eat better…

  • +1

    Makes sense that people hoarding lots of metamusil would also need lots of toilet paper…

    • +9

      Or a good Hoselink deal

    • +1

      Metamucil means ghost turds, just one wipe to confirm

  • Eat more fruits, navels work well. If desperate, dragon fruit.

  • +5

    Metamucil is just psyllium, Bonvit is another brand that does it in a capsule if Metamucil is out…

    You could see about incorporating psyllium some other way, eg add it to a blended juice/smoothie, add to cereal or make some bliss balls with dates/nuts/oats whatever + psyllium. I do get the convenience factor though.

  • Coloxyl Senna tabs are a good alternative.
    I made the mistake of eating a spoonful of Metamucil once. Had some of the worst pain in the oesophagus for 5 mins while trying to digest it.

    • Did you mix it with water first?

    • They work differently to Metamucil
      Ask your gp for alternative (supps, fleet drops etc….), better than ozb advice.

  • +1

    Just add some turbo-lax to your coffee.

    • +1

      For fast, effective relief!

  • Is there a reason why this is the case??

    We normally import them from Russia?


  • Plenty in SA.

  • Get any other product from Indian shops. Metamucil comes from India anyway.…

    There are some capsules in Indian shops for different brands. There are Orange flavoured ones too.…

  • well that's gotta give you the sh1ts.. oh wait…

  • +5

    everyone wants to use up the toilet paper they've stockpiled for 2yrs?

  • +3

    If you need Metamucil every day you have a problem. Fix your diet or go to a doctor.

  • Floods or no floods, people gotta stay regular.

    • drinking the flood water should have a similar effect.

  • Colonic irrigation worked for Princess Di

  • +1

    This is a waste of time. Adding bulk to your shit doesn't help with constipation.
    Doesn't improve microbe diversity either.
    Just make sure you're properly hydrated and getting enough salt.

    • +3

      It helps achieve a dry wipe, which is what we all want out of life.

      • -1

        I get a dry wipe with almost no fiber but ok

    • -1

      Not if it's cancer!

      • Welp we found a negger who doesn't believe in a correlation between bowel movements and cancer. Have fun shitting everywhere if you ever get cancer.

    • Bulk forming laxatives like psyllium husk (metamucil) are excellent first line therapy for most people

  • +2

    I also see engadine maccas are having issues with their toilets.

    • I wish! My tunnel is backed up!

  • +2

    People stockpiling cause it looks like albo is gonna win

  • +1

    A few months ago benefibre was sold out everywhere too.

    Supply chain issues. Before it was covid/border closures. Now I am guessing floods.

  • Try 100 ml of Prune juice each day. Not the greatest tasting juice on the market but you'll get used to it.

    You'll soon be able to ditch the metamucil.

    Your shite will slide out like it's on rails !

    • Prune juice is much too acidic for my stomach.

  • "Here's one that's guaranteed to work for you. You take a spoonful of bacon grease …"

    • +1

      I don’t know why some of y’all are advising and recommending me meds/foods to get the runs. I’m just after Metamucil to help me stay regular and not be constipated day in day out.

  • Have you thought about having some extra hot vindaloo? Same same.

    • I don’t know why some of y’all are advising and recommending me meds/foods to get the runs. I’m just after Metamucil to help me stay regular and not be constipated day in day out.

  • Prune juice

    • Was about to post the same thing, prune juice is a great alternative.

    • I can’t stomach Prune juice, much too acidic for me.

  • +1

    Noticed it too, but I also noticed a large amount of it being sold in Reject Shop and Silly Solly's for extremely low prices so take that as you will.

    • Thanks for the intel! Will keep the Reject shop on my radar.

  • This stinks.

  • +2

    Maybe the delivery trucks are backed up

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