Are there any discount codes? I don’t want to pay $30 per month lol
Cheapest way to get Adobe Dreamweaver
I am neither. Don’t qualify 😔
May I ask if using Dreamweaver is specifically required? You may be interested in VSCode or Brackets, which are both free.
Yeah i need to fix an old website that has .dwt templates in. Can’t find my old copy of DW to instal on the new computer i got.
If it's just once off you could go to a public library and use it there. Not sure which part of Sydney you are in but here's an example with it available.
I didnt know public libraries have it. Thanks
I recall there are *.dwt to *.html sites online.
Not sure if they are reliable or even work.
I will look into this. Hadn’t heard of it.
If the work is one-off not ongoing you can definitely download a free trial?
Not sure if feature limited or trial time - but can't beat free!Yes, i think there is a free trial
I googled this as i had never heard of it!
70% off Creative Cloud with a student or teacher account.