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Nonstop Flights to Manila with Philippine Airlines from $691 Return (Depart SYD, MEL, BNE, Jul-Nov 2022) @ Flightfinderau


Destination: Manila
Airline: Philippine Airlines
Valid Departure Dates: July to November 2022 (plenty of availability)
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out

Sydney to Manila Flights from $691 Return.

15/Oct - 29/Oct $691
07/Nov - 22/Nov $691
06/Nov - 22/Nov $691
27/Jul - 13/Aug $691
27/Jul - 11/Aug $691
27/Jul - 12/Aug $691
10/Aug - 25/Aug $691
17/Aug - 01/Sep $691
17/Sep - 30/Sep $694
25/Jul - 11/Aug $694

Melbourne to Manila Flights from $694 Return.

15/Oct - 29/Oct $694
10/Aug - 25/Aug $694
17/Sep - 30/Sep $694
06/Nov - 22/Nov $694
27/Jul - 13/Aug $699
27/Jul - 11/Aug $699
27/Jul - 12/Aug $699
12/Aug - 27/Aug $699
17/Aug - 01/Sep $699
15/Jun - 21/Jun $699

Brisbane to Manila Flights from $702 Return.

06/Aug - 27/Aug $702
27/Aug - 17/Sep $702
09/Oct - 22/Oct $702
30/Oct - 12/Nov $702
15/Oct - 29/Oct $702
25/Sep - 10/Oct $702
16/Jul - 06/Aug $702
23/Jul - 13/Aug $702
30/Jul - 20/Aug $702
13/Aug - 03/Sep $702

Can I use my own dates? Yes - just click the link closest to your preferred dates and then change the dates once the search has completed.


  • checked in bags, meals and entertainment included
  • please take into account any vaccine/covid test requirements when traveling to/from Philippines/Australia

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Philippine Airlines
Philippine Airlines

closed Comments

  • Thriller deal!

    • Yes, and the flights never stop! (Non stop flights!)

  • Who still go to Philippine for holiday?

    • +8

      George Christensen?

    • My (f) partner and I like the place, spent many months there but we liked Cambodia as well, live'd there for a year. So many islands to explore in The Philippines. Its in our back yard. I am more a slow nomad though ie months in a place.

      As to Manila itself, I think the traffic there is an unsolvable problem :) way to much stupid American influence to move people about on roads (and they have a LOT of people) and they neglected the trains. I do see they have put in a ton of cycle ways in though during Covid (some 500km across Manila, Cebu and Davo) not sure that will have much impact though nor what sort of cycle ways. I'd like to go back and have a look though :)

      If your flight arrives later at night, and you're just going to Makati it's fairly straight forward if you use the express way.

  • +1

    Great price, but it was so hectic the last time I went to Manila! Grab driver laughed when I got in the car because he said I would be able to walk faster..

    • +1

      As is often the case in manila. A colleague said the same thing. He could have walked to get from restaurant to the hotel faster than the taxi he was in.

  • +1

    Non-stop return flights just get you back to departure airport, useless

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