Furnish or Non Furnished When Renting House out?

As people know I'm moving but then due to costs thinking about just buying everything new rather than moving them lol

Means that the place I'm leaving would be an investment property just four bedroom metro area about 40km from city.

Would it be a good idea to advertise renting furnished? - Just basics like bed, fridge, washing machine, table, wardrobe cabinet and lawn mower.

I don't see many on real estate.com.au advertised as furnished but would many people consider renting these or they'll be like heck I have my stuff already🙂. Or should I just move everything into one bedroom and lock it then advertise it as three bedroom? I don't particularly mind if they get bit trashed 😆

Gee hope someone can give me some direction ☺️

Poll Options

  • 1
    Furnished would be easy to rent out
  • 35
    Furnished more difficult to rent out
  • 0
    Furnished would be same as unfurnished when renting out
  • 1
    Lock everything in a bedroom and rent out as 3bdr-no big deal ppl would rent it


  • +3

    Really depends on the market. Note that everything you fit the place out with you now have to maintain. So if the fridge dies then you need to fix it.

  • +3

    My experience is that furnished house is not easier to rent out (most people have their own stuff already). Plus the extra liability of needing to maintain the furniture, and be prepared to see the items trashed.

    You get more rent for 4 bdrm house than 3 bdrm house.

    Appliances and furniture so inflated now that I would rather take them with me than buy new.

    Get a depreciation schedule from a quantity surveyor for tax purposes. Although you won't be able to depreciate your 2nd hand furniture / appliances if you leave them there.

  • How long are you planning on renting it for?

    • 12-24months thanks or even more don't mknd

  • -1

    Get a storage unit.

  • Facebook marketplace the furniture,
    Rent it unfurnished, people don’t want your old furniture, you don’t want to maintain/replace the old furniture, putting it in a room will decrease rentable space, storage sheds cost more than furniture is worth.

  • Rent it unfurnished, I had trouble renting my place furnished and had to take away a few items the eventual tenants did not want. If you are renting it for 6 months or less then furnished is fine, otherwise, you need to get rid of the items.

    Join your local Buy Nothing group and get rid of as many items as you can before you move, the rest you can pay someone to pick them up and take them to the tip.

  • +2

    I rented out a place furnished and it was very difficult, had many people say that would take it if I removed the furniture. The people who ended up renting it (unknown to us) put some of our furniture in the shed where it got wet and damaged

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