Forum Filter Option to Find Old Posts

So I recently had a touch of nostalgia for old legendary OzB forum discussions.

I was trying to find the one where the guy was using the BBQ in the public park out the back of his house to save money. But couldn't find it.

I realised a filter/option that might be good; is a most replied to posts of all time filter.

A way to find those legendary back and forths that went on for pages.

Just a suggestion.

Also if someone has the link to that thread please let me know.


  • +6

    This one?
    I typed in BBQ park and it was the 4th option

    • +3

      Yes it is. You bloody legend. Thank you

      • +2

        A great read. OzBargain personified

  • +7

    Epic Threads Wiki

    That one is #42

    Edit: Feel free to edit it/add to it.

    • +2

      Oh nice. I didn't realise there was a list. Awesome. My nighttime reading is now covered for a week or so.

      • Cheap entertainment

  • +3

    Where is the cake one? Where the user wanted their cut of the work function cake proceeds??

    And how come old Mr RAV 4's epic roof racks meltdown isnt on that list?

    Or how about when the guy "Richard" on facebook was caught out selling the secrets to success on Amazon" and it was basically him telling people to buy cheap shit from AliExpress, upload it to Amazon and link to it from OzBargain?

    • +1

      It's a wiki, so someone hasn't added them. You're welcome to.

      • +4

        God damn it… now I need to go find them…

        Oh… and I need to find the one where the user stayed at a hotel and bad mouthed them, then the owner made an account and roasted the user…

        Oh, and the sibling fight over JBHifi gift cards…

        • +1

          And old mate mark, from marks markdown market.

    • I have somehow missed all of these. Maybe the wiki needs an update.

      • +1

        I added 5 new ones tonight for your viewing pleasure…

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