Pizza Hut - Unable to Add or Remove Toppings?

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed you can't add or remove toppings now, other than herbs and spices?

I used to make ground beef and onion (usually removing items until that was all that was left (during the 2 for 1 days, as otherwise it was extra to add onion to a beef pizza)…tried to do that today, but now can't add, nor remove these toppings. Dominos have a ground beef and onion, but not a patch on the Pizza Hut ones, esp as my local puts bugger all sauce on them, so they end up dry and tasteless. Guess I will be making my own now.

EDIT now seems to be back to normal….must have been some sort of glitch in their system this morning

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  • +1

    I remember when Pizza Hut was the king of pizza franchises back in the 90s. It went Pizza Hut > Dominos > Eagle Boys. You're living in the past man, Dominos overtook Pizza Hut in the late 00s with their focus on improving their ordering system and aggressive discounting.

  • The website is definitely letting me add and remove toppings.

    • +1

      hhhmmm, I will look again, but on my end could only change things like chili, oregano etc etc….all other topping options are missing completely.

      seems to be back again, not sure what happened? A glitch in their system this morning?

  • -1

    Maybe they changed it and all the pizzas come frozen with all the toppings. Bit of work having to pick it off.

    • pizzas come frozen with all the toppings

      Or maybe they aren’t even pizzas anymore but some 3D creations.. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • I miss Eagle Boys. And Pizza Haven.

  • Smokin Joes is pretty good. Mainly available in Victoria.

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