Harvey Norman Adverts - Why Are They So Prolific ?

I'm constantly hearing Harvey Norman ads. While driving to work they play on the radio, so I change stations and bam, there's another. Just how big is the Harvey Norman advertising budget ?

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman


  • +3

    Just how big is the Harvey Norman advertising budget ?

    Likely >$1

    • More like $65 million plus pa. Personally I just trash all of the HVN and Domayne print adverts as a first task when I open the daily paper

  • +7

    The dementia suffers that shop there forget they exist every few moments.

  • +4

    Remember he used to be a vacuum salesman and probably is deaf now having demonstrated them loud machines!

  • +3

    Harvey Norman > National Tiles

  • Why do you think HN prices are high compared to other stores?
    Why do you think HN has issues price matching cheaper stores where they cannot as it's "below the store cost"?

    • Harvey Norman rely on rebates, so they quite often have an increased Floor Cost

  • +2

    They are aimed at a target audience, people who buy things on store finance and the elderly are often the same people who listen/watch free to air tv/radio or read the tabloid newspaper.

    • They advertise a lot on all the Fox/Kayo Sports channels.

      • Capturing the demographic that gambles on the phone, buys a 4x4 Ute on finance and goes with the missus to HN to buy a furniture package and a big TV to watch the races/footy on 5 years interest free.

  • +1

    "so I change stations and bam, there's another"
    Try JJJ

  • If you are "Starting a New City and Need Personnel" https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/651097 you can control the radio station ads or even ban Harvey Norman.

    • Stalker

  • +3

    You listen to the radio?

  • Can’t recall the last time I saw or heard a Harvey Norman ad, the only thing I’ve seen from them is the sign at the Springvale home centre.

  • +1

    Top advertising expenditure in Australia in 2021:

    1. Commonwealth government (i.e. Liberal party)
    2. Harvey Norman
    3. State government of Victoria

    go figure

  • +1

    Still probably better than those "robotic voice mentioning previously patented technology" ads. I am getting hammered by them right now on youtube.

    I honestly don't get these ads, can someone please explain how they work? Are they a scam? But then why would they pay money to run those ads?

    They are always 10+ mins long but you can skip most of them and they always mention in a robotic male or female voice about "new undiscovered medical treatment" one was toe fungus and another was treatment for cancer, or the most recent one was "a military drone designed for the army has now expired the patent and cost the military $10000 but you can get yours now for only $1000". I think the drone one was 20+ minutes and just kept repeating the same phrases over and over.

    Honestly nobody in their right mind would think these are real ads from companies? But if it is a scam, are they tricking a lot of people? So is that why for the scammers it's worth paying to run those ads?

    • Are you on premium?
      Pretty cheap if you live in India, Turkey, or parts of South America.

      • No I have ads.

        But can you explain the weird ads to me?

        • Something to do with your search/subject history ?

          • @MITM: Not sure. I would see them once in awhile before. Just recently it's been like every 2nd 3rd ad.

  • From previous experience, they have guaranteed contracts for a certIn amount with stations, which pays for a huge chunk of the opersying costs of the station(s). Ads are scheduled a certain amount of times, each hour.
    On top of this, if the station needs to fill space with an ad, because the dj run out of things to say, this will fall on them playing a premium advertiser, which you guessed it, is hn. That is why you may hear 2 hn ads in the one block.
    This can have its disadvantages though, where an advertised item might become unavailable, and there is no ad to fall back on. I remember this happening 20 years ago, and the station was unattended, and an ad needed to be pulled, and replaced.

  • Doesn't matter how much they spend on advertisement.

    I would still avoid making Gerry richer.

  • They probably just pass the bill on to the franchisees, so they don't have any reason to care how much the ads cost.

  • I haven't listened to the radio for ages. But the HN ad Can't be as annoying as National tiles ad right?

  • Global Shop Direct will be the new "most annoying advertiser" competing against HN for air time.

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