Is Wayne Carey The Worst Bloke in Australian Media

Guy slept with his mates misses…

Has a history of abusing his partner… (pretty she he smashed a glass over his misses head)

Also after his first wife took him back, cheated on her whilst she was pregnant…..

Is 'allegedly' a coke addict….

Bar being good at football back in the 90s how has this man managed to have such a successful career in the media (until now)

For the record i posted this because the comments would be hilarious and Ozbargain you seldom disappoint

Have a good Thursday

Poll Options

  • 263
    Yep Rubbish bloke
  • 17
    No he is a good guy just mis-understood
  • 310


  • +38

    I mean Todd Carney pissed in his own mouth……he's not really in the media but still……….Pissed in his own mouth………voluntarily…….right in there…………right in the mouth……with piss

    • +28

      This seems to have had a lasting effect on you. Do you want to talk about it?

      How did it make you feel?

      • +50

        How did it make you feel?

        pissed off

        • +8

          That's still better than being pissed on.

          • +8

            @Seraphin7: Pissed…. in?

            • +2

              @mbck: There are sites for that. (so a mate told me)

              • +7

                @iDroid: As long as you shower it off, you're golden!

    • +6

      But it's sterile, and he probably liked the taste

    • +20

      I'd rather piss in my own mouth than abuse my partner.

      • +14

        I agree, but that is a pretty low bar.

        • +1

          It's not as bad if you are well hydrated.

          • @dust: I do not want to know how you know that.

            • +1

              @try2bhelpful: What do you mean? I just think it's rude to ask someone to drink something without tasting it yourself.

              • @dust: Love it. Just remind me not to share a SAO biscuit with you.

      • +3

        Why not have neither?

        • +2

          Works for me đź‘Ť

    • +5

      good on him not breaking any laws

    • +3

      R U OK?

      • today is the day.

    • +31

      Todd Carney pissed in his own mouth

      There is a gaping chasm between pissing in your own mouth for a laugh with mates and glassing a woman in the face because of domestic violence/any violence.

      • +4

        There's a gaping chasm between Todd Carneys lips too….and its full of piss

        • +13

          That's fine. It's his lips and his piss.

          But trying to equate pissing in your own mouth as being worse than what Wayne Carey has done is like comparing backing your car into your own garbage bin at home and driving your car through a crowd of people.

          There are sites dedicated to people pissing on themselves and on others. While you might seem is gross, many don't or just don't care. As for Carey, I can't really find an enthusiast website for glassing women while youre angry.

          • +2

            @pegaxs: There are heaps of websites that definitely are all for violence against women though? Its gross

            They are both gross. Ones an idiot and ones a wife bashing piece of sh1t.

            • +1

              @Fergy1987: I've not once stumbled across one of these sites, thankfully :)

              But ultimately, what you do with your own body is your choice, violence against anyone (woman or man) is an entirely different agenda.

              As if anyone is going to buy Carey's BS that it was an anti-inflammatory crushed up, which no doctor suggests makes an iota of difference.

    • R U OK?

    • I mean Todd Carney pissed in his own mouth

      R U OK, or are you taking the piss here?

    • +2

      He's a concreter now. So maybe he's substituted pissing in his mouth to hitting the piss at 8am in the morning?

    • I understand this would not be a turn on for everyone.

    • I mean Todd Carney pissed in his own mouth

      That comment left a bad taste in my mouth…

  • +16

    Is 'allegedly' a coke addict….

    I often wonder - how many people with a high disposable income hasn't at least dabbled in this kind of thing? On my level at work, everyone seems to be in on it - especially at work functions. (And it's not just in the current company I work at either).

    Does it make them bad people? (I wouldn't say so).

    • +4

      Yeah, who doesn’t want a coke head making their financial decisions, operating on them as a surgeon or running the country. Happy for people to “dabble”, if the want to, but anyone who uses their services should be given the heads up that is what they do.

      • +11

        You make it sound like they're on it 24/7 or something - which, of course, isn't the case. There's a time and place for it.

        Do you have the same thoughts about those who enjoy having a drink?

        • -6

          Last seen drinking wasn’t illegal. However, if the guy drinks regularly, and lot, I certainly would.

          Certainly, if the guy had the history that Carey has I would like to know.

          • +13


            Last seen drinking wasn’t illegal.

            Something being illegal doesn't necessarily mean worse than the 'legal' things. We all know how stupid laws can sometimes be.

            Just like drinking (even regularly), as long as it doesn't impact their ability to work, I'd say it's a personal choice.

            • +5

              @bobbified: Personally I think we should be more liberal with our drug laws. It should be taxed and be under Government controls; it would get rid of a lot of the organised crime. I, also, think we need to get more research into the effects of these drugs, including, alcohol on the brain. Some people are badly effected by their use and we need to know who, why and what to do about it.

              The trouble is right at the moment these guys could be using anything cut with anything else. Whilst it is illegal the quality control is crap.

          • +3


            Last seen drinking wasn’t illegal

            Hahahaha, that's your yardstick for something being ok? Someone being drunk is fine, buy someone being high is not?

            Have a look at how research into the treatment for mental health issues using (illegal) psychedelics is going. But it's illegal omg

            • @brendanm: Did you, actually, read what I wrote underneath that?

              • @try2bhelpful: Yep, still doesn't make sense. Saying that alcohol use is ok because it's legal is silly. Smoking is legal as well.

                • @brendanm: I didn't say alcohol use was, always, OK; but, by and large, alcohol is a regulated product in Australia. If you sell alcohol it has to adhere to pretty stringent standards as to what is in it. Illegal drugs could have anything in them and the people ingesting them could be taking anything. Taking some unregulated product you get from some bloke on a street corner, that might've got into the country up someone's backside, is silly.

                  There has, certainly, been a lot more "investigation" on alcohol use, over the centuries, than for Cocaine. As indicated in my comments. We need to do a bit more investigation as to the issues of long term use with Cocaine or any of the drugs that are, currently, illegal. There is some sort of correlation between Cannabis use and mental health issues but it hasn't been determined if this is because Cannabis causes these issues or people with mental health issues are likely to self medicate with it. Frankly I'm open minded here.

                  I think people who smoke are stupid. I lost both my parents to smoking related diseases. Long term usage it is a disaster. However, smoking is unlikely to impair someone's immediate faculties in the same way as Cocaine or alcohol.

                • @brendanm: I totally agree.

                  As you've said, smoking isn't great for anyone, but it's legal, and tobacco is a drug.

                  Growing and smoking marijuana is legal in some states but not others, so it's fine in those states but not where some of us live.

        • +1

          Yep, I've worked for several large corporates and many of the managers and those very high up dabbled in it on a Friday arvo, it's quite the norm.

    • +4

      Football players these days earn enough they don't need a job for the off season and have nothing to do. I'd be shocked to hear if any of them didn't take drugs.

      Young, rich, zero brains, access to anything and people are surprised when they take drugs and act like dipshits.

    • +1

      Which industry is this? Coke is $500 a bag, all I know is I ain't getting paid enough

      • +1

        Which industry is this?

        It's not the industry. It's the $200K+ salaries (most ozbargainers are on this!)

        Coke is $500 a bag.

        I think you need to change suppliers! The prices have gone up significantly, but not to that level (yet!) haha

      • Name checks out

    • +4

      It doesn't make them bad people, but they are directly funding the violence and murder that occurs due to the drug trade in central and South America. Party on.

      • ..but they are directly funding the violence and murder that occurs ..

        Is it much different to diamonds? Would you say that everyone who wears diamond(s) directly contributes to the violence and murder in the African countries that mine them? Just because we don't hear about it constantly, it doesn't mean that it's not happening.

        • +7

          Me, I wouldn’t try to take this down the “diamonds” path. At least they are trying to freeze out the bad players there.

          Frankly oil is a much lower hanging fruit to take. We support a murderous regime that suppresses women’s rights, has capital punishment and treats minorities badly and doesn’t believe in democracy or the will of the people. All for a product that is damaging the ecosystem of the planet.

  • +10

    Is Wayne Carey The Worst Bloke in Australian Media


    His eyes are too close together.

  • +15

    Guy slept with his mates misses…

    She also slept with him.

    • I thought they didn't sleep…

      • +4

        Ok, she also stood with him in the toilet.

        • +1

          Maybe they were peeing together?

        • +1

          That was Sonny Bill and Candice?
          Or Kaylyn and Kurt?

          • +1

            @BewareOfThe Dog: The story I heard is he had relations with his best mates wife at a party at his best mates house. Locked the door and then went at it, and then came out. Probably some drugs involved there, and may have even been the engagement part for the said individual, and then stood up at his wedding as best man. That's next level stuff

    • +1

      Allow me to direct you to section 7C of the Mate Code - Never sleep with a mate's missus

  • +11

    Christ, this post is only about 15 years out of date…

    • +1

      Having said that, I can't understand why he's still on TV, this guy is unredeemable. He makes everything every other footballer has don't look like primary school level

  • +3

    Is 'allegedly' a coke addict….

    and fanta

  • +36

    The Worst Bloke in Australian Media

    No, that would be Murdoch

    • +3

      And ScoMo might be close behind.

      • That wouldn’t surprise me at all.

    • +1

      Peter Fitzsimmons for mine

      • +2

        Give us your reasoning here. You are trying to compare him, negatively, to someone who is a drug taker and who has abused several women.

  • -1

    how has this man managed to have such a successful career in the media

    his knowledge of the game maybe?

    • His knowledge of how the game was played 20 years ago

      • +2

        I've no doubt if he was playing in this era, he'd still be dominating.

      • -1

        So being considered one of the best of all time is irrelevant if not recent enough for you?

    • +1

      The old fanboys that run the media froth over him is why.

  • +7

    Also after his first wife took him back, cheated on her whilst she was pregnant.

    • +2

      I am adding this to the post

    • Cant remember if sahe was the one that he glassed her in the face or was it another woman?

      • +2

        Pregnant wife he cheated on was Sally, his first.

        The one he assaulted was someone else later on.

        • +4

          Pregnant wife he cheated on was Sally, his first.
          The one he assaulted was someone else later on.

          When Channel 7 hired this bloke they should of fired the bloke in HR who did the Due Diligence

          • +3

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Might have been Ben Roberts-Smith.

            • +1

              @Baysew: If I was Roberts-Smith I don’t think I would’ve gone the defamation suit. Whatever the verdict he’s done himself a lot of harm with what has come out in court.

          • @Trying2SaveABuck:

            in HR who did the Due Diligence

            They were consenting adults.

  • successful career in the media

    So he's over or under paid?

  • Is 'allegedly' a coke addict….

    you think hes the only one?
    Gets done with white powder once, instant addict.


  • +3

    That game show host, O'Keefe, and Slater the cricketer, both in rehab at the moment or is it prison, give Carey a run for his money.

    • +15

      What about Warnie? Drug addict, drug cheat, match fixing, affairs, assault, the list goes on. Most likely died in Thailand while on a drug and booze bender but gets a packed out stadium state funeral… But, you know, he's a "top bloke" and an "inspiration" and a "role model".

      • +14

        Yeah but he throw ball good.

      • +6

        Dont bring facts to this place… you been here long enough to realize this…

    • +1

      O'Keefe is bad. He was an ambassador for white ribbon. Maybe he thought it was for violence against women…

  • +13

    I've never really understood how people who may be athletically gifted are looked up to as 'heroes' or similar.
    That are just people that play sport for a living.

    • +3

      My partner met her "hero" Martina Hingis at the Aussie open a few years back.
      Said she was a big fan and watched her play all her matches so she asked for a photo and Hingis flat out declined and walked off.
      No lines or any mayhem around.
      She could not believe the person she looked up to as a youngster could be that rude of an individual.

      • Could look at that in at least three ways:
        1. I don't get fan adoration either. Sure, if you are into a particular sport you could admire someone who is better than you at the sport, maybe use them as your motivation, but hero worshipping is hard to comprehend.
        2. Hingis' job was playing tennis. She had finished her job when she walked off court.
        3. Hingis would have had no idea about the youngster's hero worshipping. I've seen young teenagers take the absolute mickey out of some people who thought themselves to be personalities or stars.

        • All valid points.
          She actually was not even playing, she was just having a casual hit and she was standing with her tennis bag outside of the courts (training courts) on her phone. No one around her.

          So we approached her, and my misses said that she was a big fan in a normal voice and watched her for most of her younger years. Hingis actually said something like oh thanks thats very kind.

          Then my misses asked for a photo and she said "No, sorry" and walked off with her phone and bag towards the courts.

          Kind of blew our minds haha. Misses turned to me and said, "wow, I did not expect that".

          • +5

            @iNeed2Pee: Again, that seems reasonable behaviour to me.
            If someone approached me on the street, said the same things, asked for a photo etc., I would have declined as well.
            At least she was polite.

            • +3

              @GG57: Well she was not you lol, she is a sportsperson who is looked up to by others, especially youngsters.
              Poor form imo, but hey thats why they say never meet your heroes.

              • +2

                @iNeed2Pee: Have we just gone full circle in this?

                I've never really understood how people who may be athletically gifted are looked up to as 'heroes' or similar.
                That are just people that play sport for a living.

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