Why Do People Still Want to Order from The Fast Food Drive Thru Speaker Instead of The App?

Yes I'm having a whinge at slow people.

Now that Maccas has pretty much sorted out the app issues, why do people still want to order from the speaker? One reason I can think of is you can't request a specific Happy Meal toy.

I was stuck behind a woman who kept turning her head to the back seat multiple times and took minutes to order just a few items.


  • +165

    Some people still like interacting with human beings. Don't know who those people are or what's wrong with them but… they exist.

      • +23

        "Can I get 2 big macs without onions but double cheese, large fries with extra salt, an apple pie, mcflurry kitkat and a diet coke because I'm watching my weight".


        "Hi, order 4402. Thanks."

        • +21

          "Hi, order 4402. Thanks."

          A lot less likely for them to make a mistake on your order. But I guess making mistakes in your order will lead to a lot more human interaction.

        • +4

          You straight up do this? I usually say that I have a mobile order and wait until they give a reply before giving them the code. Not sure if they need to go to a specific page to input the code.

        • Don't complain when they get your order wrong then.

          • +2

            @Ahbal: I literally ordered a $3 quarter pounder on way home via app today and removed the onions in customise menu but they ignored the request. Didn't find out till home and it's covered in onions. Sigh.

            • @Hybroid: You shouldn't be using your phone while driving

              • @Lichen6420: Thank you for the concern but I both live and work in the CBD (~5 min walk). No vehicle required. Completely agree though.

        • +3

          That's a KFC order number, not Maccas :)

        • +13

          "Can I get a cheeserburger and a water"

          "What was that?"

          "A cheeserburger and a water"

          "Cheeseburger and a …??"

          "a water"

          "Ok, Cheeseburger meal with water"

          "No, not a meal, a cheeserburger and a water"

          "So just a cheeseburger?"

          "Yes and a water"

          "Not in a meal"


          "Ok drive-thru to the first window"

          • @blorx: Bohh' O 'woduh'

          • @blorx: "Would you like fries with that?"

          • @blorx: JB: Kage…
            KG: Yeah?
            JB: Let's go to this drive-thru.
            (Motor Sounds)
            KG: Oh good, I'm starvin'.
            Drive-through guy: (mumbles)
            JB: Yeah, um…ah

            Drive-through guy: May I have your order?
            JB: Yeah, hold on a second, I'm lookin' at the menu
            Drive-through guy: okay
            JB: …ah l-
            Drive-through guy: would you like special curly fries?
            JB: Please, don't, don't offer me anything… I'll tell you what I want.
            um…ok…you know how you have the six-piece nuggets?
            Drive-through guys: six piece mcnuggets.
            JB: Just, uh, can you give me just four nuggets? I'm, I'm tryin'to…
            Drive through-guy: They come in six or twelve piece…do you want service?
            JB: Shut up and listen to my order. Take the six nuggets, and throw two of them
            away. I'm just wantin' a four-nugget thing. I'm tryin to watch my calorie

            Drive-through guy: They come in six or twelve pieces sir…
            JB: Put two of them up your ass, and give me four chicken mcnuggets. And then,
            uh, can I have a junior western bacon chee? A JUNIOR western bacon chee. I'm
            trying to watch my figure.
            Drive-through guy: Western Bacon Cheeseburger…
            JB: A JUNIOR Western Bacon Chee…
            Drive-through guy: Would you like that with onions?
            JB: No Onions.
            Drive-through guy: Okay, Junior Bacon Chee…Total is $6.57
            JB: Okay, and I'm gonna go with a fillet of fish sandwich, since that has less
            calories, 'cause it's fish.
            Drive-through guy: Fillet of Fish…
            JB: Now if you could take a Coca-Cola, and just go half Coca-Cola, half Diet
            Coke…'cause I'm tryin to watch my figure…Tryin to loose some of the weight.
            Drive-through guy: You want half Coca-Cola, half…

            JB: Um, and a SMALL, a SMALL Chocolate Shake. Because I'm tryin to watch my
            figure, not a large, a small.
            Drive-through guy: It come's in medium-small or medium-large.
            JB: Um…
            Drive-through guy: Small Chocolate Shake.
            JB: Also a small seasoned-curlies
            Drive-through guy: Seasoned-curlies…
            JB: Small, seasoned-curlies.
            Drive-through guy: Okay I got the small seasoned-curlies…western bacon
            JB: Okay, uh…(profanity) my ass, what else? Give me, uh…alright. Cherries Jubilee
            and that's it.
            Drive-through guy: Cherries Jubilee.

            JB: Wait, Kage, what do you want?
            KG: Ah…Jeez, let me have a…I think I want the regular, uh, western
            bacon-cheeseburger, Large shake, um…
            JB: Oh God! Come on with the order.
            KG: I'm…
            JB: Take forever.
            KG: That's all I want. That's all I want…
            JB: good. How much is that sir?
            Drive-through guy: That'll be, uh, $14.75. At the window please, will you drive up?
            JB: Do you have any money?
            KG: Oh shoot, um, oh god. Yeah, I got…do you have s…I got like…
            JB: Give it to me.
            KG: Alright, here.
            JB: Okay, we only have, uh…alright. I'm gonna need to cancel the last two
            things on the order. Okay, thank you, let's go.
            (Motor Sounds)

          • +1

            @blorx: Cheaper to get a happy meal.

        • Just don’t say Order 66

      • +9

        It's technically illegal to use a mobile phones whilst in operation of a vehicle. Victoria police have previously confirmed you can be fined for just using your mobile phone to pay at a drive through, as have other states.

        Here is the link to the article

        • +17

          Op orders from the back seat while mummy drives

        • +1

          Sticking your head out to speak to the phone or reaching out to grab your bags is illegal as well….

          • +2

            @plmko: drive thru isn't public road so i think it's ok. correct me if im wrong tho

            • +2

              @StephBlanks: Any road that is accessible by the public or is considered a thoroughfare for the public needs to adhere to road rules of your state. A shopping center car park is an example of this.

              • +4

                @plmko: Not in WA!!

                • +1

                  @bobwokeup: Yes well WA insists on being different to everywhere else in a number of ways

                • @bobwokeup: Because its a privately owned public car park not a road.

                  • @Wayne7497: Yeah so shouldn’t it be allowed in all states as shopping centres (where Maccas usually reside) are generally privately owned?

                    • +1

                      @bobwokeup: 100% agree, id never have done anyone and i was a wa cop for 37yrs retired 2 months ago. Then again I also refused to enforce any covid rules either (yup I'm fully vaccinated) I believe we are law enforcement officers not moral n ethical enforcers

                      • @Wayne7497: Yep thankfully most cops (in my younger days when I got pulled over a lot more than I do now) use common sense like that.

                      • -1

                        @Wayne7497: I believe we are law enforcement officers not moral n ethical enforcers

                        But you enforce the law…which is a code of morals and ethics that you…enforce? Not sure why vaccinations would get a pass - something that can directly harm others around you - and yet I'm sure you were quite happy to punish personal drug use/gambling/prostitution/etc - things that don't.

                        Seems to me like we have a little power-tripper who abused their powers to unfairly apply the law.

                        • -2

                          @jollibot: Really you think there is anything you could say i haven't heard 1000 times before? Or even offend me.. keep trying.. ive heard it all..

                          • @Wayne7497: If you've heard that plenty of times before, surely you have a better response to actually respond to my concerns rather than trying to frame it as me trying to offend and shock?

                            • @jollibot: Nope still not offended try harder.

                              • +2

                                @Wayne7497: lol, missed the point yet again

                                Not trying to offend, and you saying you're not offended is a terrible way to move the conversation on instead of defending your opinions.

                                Not surprising, but disappointing nonetheless.

                                • +1

                                  @jollibot: Oh please just admit defeat n move on.

                                  But if u really must have answer.

                                  1. Your body your decision
                                  2. Does any vaccine stop you catching covid 19 ? NO
                                  3. Does any vaccine stop you spreading covid 19 ? NO
                                  4. Does it stop YOURSELF from possibly getting seriously ill ? Maybe
                                  5. So the risk is to oneself ONLY , which is same as every other activity you choose to do or not.

                                  As a Police Officer (now retired) I have the right to refuse an order if I believe it to be illegal unethical, in this case I did.

                                  I've had 4 vaccination n caught covid twice, how did it help me ? Or anyone else, oh you can say it wasn't mandatory but what's get it or your fired just another way of saying it's mandatory.

                                  As to power trip, really? Seriously? Your joking right ? Think you watch too many Police TV shows. As to the many said offences you quoted most haven't been prosecuted in years. Gambling $25 infringement, Personal drug use depending on type written caution, prostitution has been run under containment policy for 30yrs in WA.

                                  37yrs and the ONLY thing I miss about not being a Police Officer anymore are the FREE BLACK SOCKS every year.

                                  You well just another keyboard warrior who wouldn't have the guts to criticise Police Officer too their face but use the anonymous internet to do it. What one too many speeding tickets caused your dislike of Police?

                                  Anyhow if this doesn't end your rant nothing will.. But alas to me your comments are like water off a ducks back.

                        • -4

                          @jollibot: People still buy the narrative that being unvaccinated poses a risk to others? If anything those activities you've listed there are more likely to (indirectly) harm others by supporting those illegal industries and the associated crime.

                          • +2

                            @BankstownMoeyDW: lol you're unhinged, people are literally dead thanks to others like yourself - thinking so selfishly and trying so desperately to feel superior and "in" on a secret that the world is attempting to hide in a giant conspiracy

        • +2

          What if you put the car in park and turn off the engine?
          Sometimes they say you can't have the keys in the ignition? But my car has a button, and runs without the keys in the ignition. And it also turns off temporarily when I stop. So if I pull up at the window, I don't have keys in the ignition, and the engine turns off. Does that let me get away with it?

        • It's not legal to stick your arms out of the window either.

          • @Harold Halfprice: You might get a "pass" when you are stationery.
            And all those years ago before electronic e tags, people used to have to put their arm out the window to pay the toll.
            Some of us are old enough to remember.

            • @Leadfoot6: That's my point - just like you'll likely get a "pass" when paying with your phone at the drive thru.

        • +2

          It's technically illegal to use a mobile phones whilst in operation of a vehicle. Victoria police have previously confirmed you can be fined for just using your mobile phone to pay at a drive through, as have other states.

          Not in QLD.

    • Some like to annoy staff with their loud speaker noises, or them yelling at their dogs/kids

    • +1

      Ordering some food is such amazing human interaction!!! This isn't the reason.

    • -1

      That's not a place for human interaction. It's just a side effect. If you want or need human interaction do it somewhere else

    • Because not everyone has a mobile telephone.

  • +49

    Maybe they are not tech-savvy.

      • +24

        That's awfully judgemental. People have issues. Sometimes you can't tell what they are at a quick glance.

      • +16

        Yeah i share the same sentiment to those 'under 40's know it all, W**&Kers too"

      • +6

        I cringe at those who have no patience

      • I cringe at ignorant fools

    • +61

      Or tech savvy enough to be concerned about security issues on their phone from installing apps just to order food from one place.

      From : whatwasherproblem down thread.


      2.2 million users had their data leaked by McDonalds.

      • +7

        Uber too but close your eyes/throw dart at any app really.

      • -2

        Why let these things keeping you in fear of conveniences and modern solutions? Just load incomplete profile info and use disposible credit cards from Zip etc

        Most people aren't even using things like VPN or mobile custom Roms in the first place so it's kind of like being concerned about an incoming iceberg
        when their ship has a gapping hole taking in water already.

    • app doesnt work, cant be bothered, dont want my food to be made 15mn before i get there are the usual reasons

  • +90

    Maybe the woman you were “stuck behind” was the only adult in the car and you can’t use the app while driving?

        • +34

          They don't start preparing until the payment goes thru at the first window.

          • +14

            @kyle: Don't ruin my smart arse comment with lame logic and truths :)

            Fake news I tell ya.

        • You're a liar and you know it.

      • +34

        Maybe they only decided on the drive there? Theres been a number of times where I suddenly had a craving for a frozen coke on the way home.

        • +13

          I don't think I've ever actually made a conscious decision while sitting at home that I'm going to go for a drive to get mcdonalds then come home again. Closest I've done is getting maccas delivered while drunk.

          It's an easy pickup on the way home food.

          • +3

            @freefall101: You’ve never been at home, thought about what you wanted for dinner, decided on maccas, and drove and got it, then drove back home and ate it?

            • +2

              @digitalbath: Hungry Jacks? Yes. But then the burgers are bet… dammit, I was bought by marketing.

              I have eaten a lot of maccas, don't get me wrong. Chicken nugget eating contest? Yes (lost). Airport/early morning drive? Yes. Drunk? Yes. Drunk after swearing I'd never eat another nugget again? Yes.

              I think I've destroyed it as a food of choice though. Probably doesn't help that I lived in Canada for a long while and had a maccas over my back fence and they had a dollar menu. Even then I sometimes drove to A&W because their burgers are so much better (or if I felt like triggering a heart attack, Wendys. Baconator, satan's gift to arteries).

          • @freefall101: So basically you’re saying you are NOT organised!!!

        • +1

          Yep. I usually use the app if I know I'm heading to KFC or Maccas, but sometimes it's not planned ahead and much quicker to just do my order at the speaker instead of parking and playing with the app.

      • +13

        Or maybe like most people going to maccas drive through is on a whim. No one 'eats maccas' planned unless your a fatty or 17yo

        • +3

          I would have thought people eating Maccas on a whim would be the fat ones…

        • On the contrary I like to plan and be organised, so we are selective with what we eat (no buns for example) and how often we order. Helps to understand food and that’s what stops you from being fatty!

      • +2

        I park, order, then hit the drive though.

        I guess in the end it takes longer than using the app, but with the McDonalds points it's worth doing.

      • Can’t believe you got negged for that. How stupid must one be to not order before getting in the car!!! Are Australians that stupid or is it just people on this post???

  • +5

    The HSBC 2% cashback doesn't work with the online app order. Yes I ordered via app anyway.

      • +4

        So you're asking about 1 person? Just q person? People are different dude and have different reasons for living their life differently to you. Grow the hell up.

      • HSBC is a worldwide company, what demographic do they cater to? People that use money?

    • +1

      You get like a permanent 20% off via app though?

      Maybe not permanent, but it's often there.

    • +1

      You just made the problem (if there is a problem) far, far worse. Millions of OzBargainers will now drop the app like a hot potato in search of those precious few cents gained via that satisfying tap with an HSBC debit card

  • +113

    You can't use the app while driving, so are you going to pull over specifically to make an app order, or just roll up to the window and do it then and there?

    Also, ordering via the app is slow AF compared to telling the human what you want.

      • +8

        I do use the app, just pointing out reasons why people don't always use the app, as per your original question.

      • +2

        You can open the app, go to the code page and give them your code.

        Not sure if that results in points being accrued. Maybe an experiment for next time I'm there…

        • Think that code just applies the discount

          • +2

            @kyle: It does if you've added a discount to your code.

            You can use the code without adding any discounts/coupons/rewards.

        • +7

          Can confirm, by giving your code it contributes to your point balance.

        • +1

          Yes, the points accrue the moment you pay, you see the points increase immediately.

      • +4

        Oh no! Think of the points!

        • +1

          I've had so many free hot choccies using points. Hot beverages are by far the best use of the points.

          • +1

            @sparkles: Yep exactly and they even give you a large too.

            • @bobwokeup: Yes exactly! All sizes are the same points, I think it's 2500 from memory.

              • @sparkles: It sure is, just got one with my burger minus the bun. The staff don’t understand why I don’t order the bun, which is the fattening part as it’s full of sugar.

    • +2

      Yep I agree. Sometimes it’s a spur of the moment thing, and you don’t have time to order on the app.

  • +4

    Because they can

  • +96

    I don't want to use the stupid app, I don't need an app for McDonald's, I can just drive through the drive through and order. Easy peasy.

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