Recommend Noise Cancelling Headphones for 3yo?

Hi all, have a flight to the US and first time for the 3 year old so looking for some noise cancelling headphones? I’m guessing Bose QC35 is going to be too big. There seems to be limited options for kids or they have poor noise cancellation.


  • -1

    I think Bose and Sony xm4s would be good. I cant recommend anything on the size but I know they have an adjustment mechanism.

  • +4

    We've always bought our kids Puro Headphones -
    In addition to being noise canceling they are also volume limiting to protect their delicate little ears.
    They are great quality and come from NZ

    • +2

      Thanks I saw these but they cost more than Bose and Sony which is hard to swallow!

    • +1

      Just realised these are quiet a bit cheaper on the NZ site - I was looking at the US site so it brings it down to almost reasonable. If I can't find any other alternative from one of the major brands I might just give these a go.

  • +2

    I bought my 2.5 year old nice kids headphones for the exact same flight. He preferred the extremely cheap pair the airline gave him in his kids pack. I think the preference is due to the weight and "tightness" the nice ones have. The airline pair remind me of headphones in the 90's and weigh almost nothing.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't buy nice headphones, but there is a risk they won't find them comfortable.

    • +1

      Similar thing happened here.. he just didn't care for the headphones that we bought him. He actually preferred to watch it with no sound rather than wearing the headphones

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    I am much older than 3 and always turn the noise cancelling off as I find it uncomfortable. Not sure a 3 year old would necessarily understand/need the noise cancelling part.

    • Thanks it’s mainly so the flight is less loud for him and also so he can hear the sound better without having the sound drowned out by flight noise.

      • +2

        I wouldn't really refer to any flight I've ever been on as loud.

        The drone of the engines will probably help the child sleep more than anything.

        It's the pressure adjustments that usually set them off and activate the 'everyone else now hates you' mode.

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