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[PC] Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition A$29.97 (50% off) @ Square Enix Store Online


Endwalker Expansion also 50% off for non-Steam users at A$26.49

Complete Collectors Edition also half price at A$79.47

The code is to redeem via the Final Fantasy XIV website (MogStation) and can only sign in to the game with the installer version downloaded from that website.

If you want the Steam version you have to purchase FFXIV on Steam directly plus all future expansions on Steam as well, purchase is also required on PlayStation Store to access the PS4/PS5 versions.

You can play the Free Trial with 1 character until Level 60. Only redeem a licence key when you want to play the expansions as you will have to pay for a subscription A$39.95 per 60 days to play at any time if you have a full license on your account.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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closed Comments

  • Anyone play and can give their opinion on the game? How does it compare to WOW and EQ?

    • +1

      It's a very story focus MMO that are very casual friendly. You don't feel the need to grind but there are enormous amount of content if you choose to. I retired early this year after finishing Endwalker main story without the additional update since MMO no longer interest me but I have been playing since FFXIV Online Beta that was 2010. The story was what keep me going that long, Endwalker was a satisfying end to it. Of course being an MMO it doesn't end there but the Zodiark Arc that is the original story till Endwalker has finished.

    • FFXIV is a story-driven MMORPG and has hands down one of the best stories I've experienced in a game. From the rocky beginning, the developers somehow managed to create a masterpiece, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

      Yes there is a free trial up until level 60 (the end of the 2nd expansion - Heavensward, which is fantastic), but the game goes into complete overdrive from Shadowbringers, and has the perfect final expansion in Endwalker, and I don't say any of this lightly.

      This game also has some of the best composed tracks I've had the pleasure of listening to, which is crazy because it is done by 1 man, and that too I do not say lightly.

      Gameplay-wise, the later bosses and raids are very fun, and well designed. Combat is nothing to talk home about, slow at the beginning, but gets better as you level up more.

      Community is one of, if not THE best you will find in any MMORPG, there is simply no comparison especially when compared with WoW and its toxicity.

      If you can get past the slow 1st expansion, and enjoy it even a little bit, I can guarantee you will love this game because it's unbelievable how incredible it gets as you keep going.

  • +3

    You should play the free trial. It's not ordinary free trial. In WoW, you can play up to level 20 which is nothing. In FF14, you can play to level 60 which is A Realm Reborn AND Heavensward. HUGE!

  • +1

    If you're still on the free trial, it's still safe to purchase this if you're worried if buying this will end the trial.

    They email you a code, and only until you redeem it does it unlock the expansions and then you have to start paying for the subscription.

    If you plan on playing FFXIV, buy this now, it has insane value. The complete edition in the US is $29.99 USD, it's crazy that there's no price conversion.

    • So this will unlock the expansions permanently and then all you need to do is pay the monthly subscription?

      Just checking I understood your comment right.

      • Once you redeem the code, it unlocks all the expansions and unlocks all the features that weren't available on the free trial.

        And then yes, you have to pay the sub. You should also get 1 month free after unlocking.

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