Superglue on LCD monitor display!

How do I remove superglue from my LCD monitor matte display?
A search on the internet tells me that Acetone is not recommended as it melts plastic.


  • I don't think low concentrations of acetone melts plastics.
    As I use nail polish remover(primarily acetone of low concentration) to get rid of the sticker residue on calculators, etc.
    If not you can use lighter fluid, or any high alcohol content liquids.

  • Acetone will melt most plastics, for a matt screen it'll tend to leave a shiny mark.

  • +6

    Is there a funny/sad story behind this? Enquiring minds want to know. :)

  • i would just use acetone (or even water it down), and just apply it with a cotton tip.

    What's to lose? the screen is irritating you enough to fix it

  • Superglue has quite a low melting point, about 60C I think. A cotton tip dipped in some boiing water should do the trick.

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