Luggage Bargains?

We are relocating long term to the States in a months time.
Does anyone have any bargains on larger size luggage, as we are a few bags short.



  • What's your budget? I just bought some Antler ones in Myer… if you can find them, they have these really light massive ones called CyberLite.. 83cm for 180 or something I think.. and 3.5kg? I think.

  • Cheapest are used bags at op shops, but not every op shop has them, so try the larger shops, and the good bags go fast…you stand a chance of finding something ok to last at least one journey.

  • Thanks for the feedback. We would like reasonable quality stuff, so the Antler might be worth a look.
    I think we might consider 2 good quality big cases and possibly 2 cheaper large cases. So both of those options might be relevant!

  • There is the Tosca factory outlet in Cheltenham…
    Bought a few cases and bags from there before

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