This was posted 1 year 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] $10 Discount on Ground Passes for Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander Visitors @ Australian Open


Deal description update:

Quote from Tennis Au:

In another first for the Australian Open, ‘Mob pricing’ will be available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on First Nations Day, offering a discount of $10 on Ground Passes.


First Nations Day Offer

Adult — $49.00 each
Kids 3-14 Years — $10.00 each
Concession — $39.00 each

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Tennis Australia
Tennis Australia

closed Comments

  • +2


  • +7

    Cannot believe this is legal.

    • +8

      Not just legal, but backed by a weak government whose directive is to breed contempt among its citizens via racially divisive initiatives such as this among many other targeted benefits. Hard to believe our beautiful country is at a point where a vocal minority with overzealous ambitions to push their self proclaimed 'politically correct' agendas upon everybody else regardless of their views is what constitutes much of our new democratic governing policies. It's not just sad, it's outrageous.

  • +5

    What's the racial equivalent of Green washing?

    • +8

      "Welcome to Country" acknowledgements
      "Positive" discrimination

  • +10

    There's a malignant line of thought which holds that if only it weren't for the evil white colonisers, indigenous Australians would now be living in peaceful utopia. Well here's a news flash for ya - there never was a single indigenous identity at any point, there was no concept of land ownership, and the various "nations" were in constant warfare with each other - at various points subjugating others and being subjugated - much like the whole history of humankind. Furthermore, many indigenous seem to revel in their victimhood mentality never having been subjected to discrimination in their whole life, while claiming ancestral connection to the land, while enjoying the fruits of Western civilisation such as living in airconditioned houses and driving around in automobiles (case in point - Lydia Thorpe). Does that mean that ethnically based violence against indigenous Australians never occurred or that they weren't traditionally marginalised? Of course not! But at the same time, I don't think the solutions are as simple as affirmative action (which I find insulting, discriminatory and ineffective) or trite political statements (which I consider lip service)

  • +5

    Australian Open needs to be inclusive of ALL people and minorities, not just the ones that they selectively choose (e.g. Indigenous, LGBT, etc.). It is incredibly discriminatory, racist and devaluing to Australia.

    • +1

      I'm interested to know how the AO being selectively inclusive of the LGHDTV+ community

      • $5 off on Friday maybe…

      • +4

        They had a pride day marketed specifically to the LGBTIntolerant community. What about a women's day, or a people with disability day, or religious minority day, etc? It's tennis and selectively targeting specific groups is actually creating exclusivity, not inclusivity.

        • +1

          Divide and conquer…it's an age old strategy. Meanwhile the real issues are slipping under our noses and we're being distracted from our gradual enslavement

  • +11

    Am glad to see people standing up to this woke BS and downvoting this deal into oblivion

    • +8

      Yeah, I have never see these many people stand up to the woke maniacs on Ozbargain before.

      • +5

        I think the more that lefty lunatics push the envelope, the more people are going to say "enough is enough" and turn against causes they were previously sympathetic to

        • +4


          I reckon most people are sane and conscientious but just real sensitive to negative emotions, feeling scared to speak up as most normal people take slanderous accusations such as ‘racist’ , ‘homophobe’ etc very seriously and would rather just stay quiet, ‘not get involved’.
          I felt brow beaten to put up with nonsense at uni where even a slight deviation from the popular narrative was considered ‘problematic’ but now I just don’t mind ‘mean words’ that seriously anymore.

          • +5

            @Gervais fanboy: I find the older I get, the less I concern myself with others' opinions, particularly those who I don't know from a bar of soap or who I don't respect. You can't please everyone, and that's okay…a sign of a healthy democracy is healthy debate, something which we seem to have lost the art of in the modern age, as we become increasingly polarised, and opinions become weaponised

        • +1

          Yep, I used to be left. Over the past 5-10 years I've swung to the right because of how insane the left has become.

    • +2

      Downvote into oblivion = nearly twice as many upvotes as downvotes? Interesting.

    • +3

      Yep, good to see. This discriminatory 'deal' shouldn't even stay up…

  • yeesh

    • +6

      This is democrrrrrracy manifest

    • +4

      Depends on how you look at it…

      They might be the minority but they form pretty much 90% of the entire establishment and have a strong uphold of the academia, arts and sciences etc
      Doesn’t matter what you and I know, we’ll eventually be replaced by the next generations who are being effectively brainwashed by the very institutions that are supposed to nurture them.

      At the very least, we are being pitted against each other, distracting us whilst the politicians and elites are laundering all of our tax dollars.

  • Lots of pissed off privileged kids here!

    • +2

      More labels and slinging. Go you. People are trying to talk about the "deal" and "topic" and here you are trying to talk about individuals.

  • +7

    damn woke BS leftie racist discriminating virtue signalling commies! if you love the aboriginals so much then why don't you give your house to one? huh? see! i didn't think so!

    oh wait, this is a post about getting $10 off a ticket to watch tennis? i thought this was a post to complain about woke lefties and the aboriginals, wtf!

  • +2

    The toxicity and whinging in this post is next level.

    • +5

      What's your definition of "toxic"?

      • +2

        Toxic - A song sung by Britney Spears that was made better by Mark Ronson.

      • Not interested in playing games mate

        • If you can't define it, your claim means nothing. Kinda how people go shouting down others they don't agree with with labels of "racist", "sexist", "transphobic" etc. - it loses all meaning

          • @inasero:

            If you can't define it, your claim means nothing

            Just like every other post, including yours and mine on OzB - at the end of the day, means SFA.

            Meanwhile, what's happening at the tennis?

          • +1

            @inasero: It's in the dictionary buddy, look it up, I'm not your mum. Would you like me to define all the other words I used or just the ones that trigger you.
            Racist, sexist, transphobic, woke ect.. are not labels they are real words, all in the dictionary, all with meanings. Seems to me you are the one shouting down. But here I am playing your little game so you can keep shouting, so bigger fool me.
            Enjoy your day and find some bargains

  • +3

    i just wanted to get into the tennis and watch, now i dont want to.

  • So many fragile egos on this thread. Its $10… build a bridge

    • +5

      If we built a bridge they would complain about using "their" land to build it on.

      • I am curious, roughly what did @OZBargain2019 say to you, that was taken down?

        I don’t even know how does someone come back after getting a masterpiece of a response like he did from you..

        • +1

          I can remember, so it wasn't anything witty or remarkable.

  • +9

    Racist Hypocritical BS

  • +6

    I just want to be part of this shitshow for posterity.

  • +1

    Go woke go broke!

  • Black lives matter only when White people are involved.

  • I wonder how many of these commenters would comment with the same conviction if non-Indigenous people didn't get a discount instead.

    • Isn't that exactly what's happening here?

      • -2

        Libs can’t even compute a good argument, they are just regurgitating mush.

      • Sorry I meant 'got a discount instead'.

        • They (and I) would be protesting against it all the same - racism is racism, regardless of the perpetrator and victim. Falling back on the euphemism "affirmative action" doesn't hide the fact

  • +1

    It’s 1 day of the open (not everyday) and it’s a $10 discount.

    Pretty clear who the real snowflakes are.

    • +1

      Strange old world, isn't it, when the cultural warriors start seeing racism in bargains.

      Snowflakes indeed.

      • +1

        Are you like trolling the rest of us?

        start seeing racism in bargains.

        ‘Race specific’ bargains..
        You still don’t get it, do ya…

        • +1

          The people who see racism everywhere - except in actual racism like this.
          Unbelieveable, isn't it.

  • "Racist bargain" was the term used by our now deleted ghost member thatsapaddlin.

    So yeah, I got it. 👍

  • +2

    I'm sick of hearing all this one-sided crap with discounts for this person and that person because of a skin colour. I'm white…. OMG!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!! SAAAAVE YOURSELF!!
    I work, pay my taxes, get zero government subsidy for rent, power, rego, schooling… where's my f'ing discount? Why should only certain people get it!!??? All Aussies should get this!

  • -1
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