How do I subscribe to the Laptop tag?

I am after a laptop so I thought I'd subscribe to any Laptop deals but I can't work out how.

I can sub to Computers it seems but then I'd get a million hard drives and graphic cards etc.


  • +2

    Just do a deal search for "laptop" and create an alert.

    • How?

      Edit… just done it. Thanks.

  • Currently only "product tags" are subscribable, and laptop tag isn't one. We might make those available later on. Meanwhile you can use the laptop RSS feed and hook that into some notification services.

    • Thanks mate.

    • +1 for non-product tag subscription, please.

      When one is on the market for a product, say a new laptop, subscribing to specific models is almost never the answer (unless when one is adamant about a specific model, and won't take anything else, no matter the offer).

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