Council Changing General Waste Collection to Fortnightly!!

My council is going to change to a fortnighly general waste collection!! While green bin is changed to every week. My 80 litre red bin is full every week. How do people cope with this madness!?


  • Hmm. Why dont you order additional bin?

    Mine doesn't even get half full by 2 weeks (red bin).

  • +1

    Sticking to the bin issue, my tenant is having the same problem with the bin being too small (120L so larger than op's 80L), they are a family of 3 and the bin gets collected fortnightly.

    Now they wanted me to get a bigger size bin (240L), which will be an additional $237.65 added on my yearly rate. Should I

    1. absorb the rate
    2. on charge the rate to the tenant
    3. just say no to the request

    edit: never mind, they actually offered to cover the cost, so it's all good.

    What are your guys thought?

    • As a landlord and someone that always aims to reduce waste usage, that is pretty poor when we’re a family of 4 and don’t even half fill it over a fortnight.

  • The green bin is now for food scraps so you dont need to put it in your red bin anymore.

  • Is your council accepting food organics in the green bin now?

    EDIT: just realised others mentioned it already

  • +1

    I have a worm bin and no take away/ delivery. My bin always less than half full. Except during cleanup/ family event few times a year.

  • +1

    Guess the council will have more roadside dumping to deal with

    • Only an extreme small percentage of people in Australia would do that let alone think to do that.

      • We don't do that because there is no need. You think we're fundamentally different from the people in Bali burning their trash?

  • +3

    My council will be doing this soon too. Honestly ridiculous. Our green waste bin can get pretty full (collected every 2 weeks) depending on how much gardening is being done and other times its basically empty, we are already good at recycling and our recycling bin is almost always full (or like 3/4 full) every 2 weeks. We generally don't have much food scraps that should go in the green bin, happy to separate that out but it is not going to make a difference.

    The main issue is that we have a baby in disposable nappies, that bin is full to the brim every week. Prior to baby rarely half full. No idea how we are meant to go two weeks without that bin being emptied.

    • -1

      There are always options. Go cloth nappies. Aside from that there shouldn’t be much other waste from a baby. We’ve had 2 and never had an issue with the bin filling up.

      • Cloth nappies? Do you hate our dams being full? Do you know how chemical and energy intensive it is to process sewer water full of detergents? And you propose diffusing this crap far more into our sewers rather than keeping it contained in a garbage lot? Try caring for the environment, please, for all our sakes.

    • Absolutely. Most councils have a larger bin or more frequentl pick up option, commonly used for those with newborns.

      There's nothing hygienic, aromatic or good for the planet about filtering baby poo through your general waste - and washing!

  • Fill your green bin with garbage

  • Love the absolute ignorance from a lot of you.

    Your single dole bludger rubbish bin is obviously not going to be as full as someone with an actual life/family regardless of how much you pretend to recycle/compost.

    • Who’s ignorant when our family of 4 never gets close to filling our bins? The recycling bin yes after large purchases but that’s it.

      Ps love it how you assume they are all single and dole bludgers that made me laugh 😂

  • +1

    It really depends on the size of the families residing in the area. One of the sharehouses I lived in, there were two toddlers, and the bin was always full of nappies and dead toy/packagings.

    Your council will have to deal with much increased insect and animal population, glad it's not summer anymore. Not sure if they would save any money for the long run. Maybe even attract some predator species eventually.

    What they could do is reward those who opt out, as opposed to fine the heavy users (buying an extra bin is also a form of a fine). If we are given a choice to save some money to have the bins emptied twice a week, some of us will have a reason to modify our behaviours, like the 10c bottle recycling scheme.

    Carrots are better than sticks, especially when the trade off is high in (unhappy residents who the council is supposed to be working for, not against) this scenario.

  • +1

    imagine if u missed a turn, 1 month of nappies sleeping in ur bin. gd luck

  • -3

    we fogo waste test area in Townsville we had staff look in our letter box drop us basic go look at red foot waste can go into green bin bread waste not bread bag that can not going yellow bin then bone and other food can go into green bin but must be out cover in bin raw or in bags they tell too buy.

    • +1

      Ouch. My eyes are bleeding…

    • +2

      Bro, did you have a stroke?

  • +1

    Do what some people do, find public bins to dispose of your rubbish and let council deal with overfilled public bins?

  • When we switched to properly using the food and organics bin and rethought carefully our bad single use container purchasing habits we went from filling a full 80L general waste bin every week down to filling it to only 1/3 (about 25 litres) and that was only every 2 weeks!. We now can easily handle 2 or even 4 week collection times if the council is happy with the smell building up!

    Not saying everyone can achieve that, nappies also I don't know the answer to that waste, and the stuff we cannot move on such as waterproof containers is due to problems in our recycling processes in Australia, but if we did have people with intelligent brains in our councils (rather than would be political party candidates) they certainly are in a position to take steps to help their people manage their impact on the environment. Problem is not a lot of people run for council and win for that reason.

    Instead councils like mine, Moreland, are too busy coming up with unpronounceable fancy new names burning our rates on complete an utter wasteful activities. I wonder how much money they have pissed down the drain renaming websites, rewriting content, forms, changing account names, reprinting material, repainting buildings/signs to align to their fancy new name where they could be providing useful services instead.

  • +1

    They know full well that restricting council garbage just increases illegal disposal, but it's all about image.
    (You want proof? Look at any third world country without sufficient garbage disposal, it doesn't magically stop garbage creation).

    1) dump your trash in others' bins
    2) dump your trash in public bins
    3) burn your trash in your backyard
    4) dump your trash in the ocean

    Of course i'm joking, i would never do the aforementioned activities as they are illegal.

    • Too true

  • +1

    Was only a problem for me with nappies, so I used to take them to the shopping centre as their bins are plentiful

  • +4

    Unethical tip so dont be a d#%k with it and put a car battery in or something silly. But you can put stuff in your green bin, burying between layers of grass so the cameras wont see it.

    E.g. i have a banana tree that i cut down new spouts to stop it spreading more, sometimes they get to a decent size first. The council says they dont take tree trunks in any bin… they go in with the grass.

    • I was thinking camouflage some bags in the middle of them . I rarely use my green bin option every 2 weeks and the green crap is growing and taking over everything around my house .

  • +1

    80L is the smallest size that exists. You can get a 120L or even a 240L if you want to make more rubbish.

  • +4

    My family of 5 doesn't come close to filling the garbage bin for our fortnightly collection, and that's with kids in nappies.

    You need to change your perspective mate, and rejig the way you create waste. You don't need to create that much wasteful landfill every week.

  • +1

    OP fails to mention that organic waste (bones, vege, etc) goes into green bin. That in itself reduces what goes into the red bin

  • +1

    Just one more comment saying to OP, what the hell are you doing to make that much garbage. Recycle recycling, compost or green bin organics, you shouldn't be filling your garbage bin even in a fortnight! Maybe look at how you consume and try to shift to low packaging options??

  • +3

    Just chuck everything in the yellow bin after the red bin is full.

    They take it anyway none the wiser

    • +1

      They take it away but I think they check what's inside because I got a tag after bin day which thanked me for recycling properly. I know in America they have cameras filming the trash going into their compactor and it automatically weighs your trash for data collection (and possibly to determine whether or not you're dumping non-recyclables in there)

  • I remember when I was a kid in the 90s we used to get a rectangular tub for our recyclables. It had no lid and was as tall as your knee :')

  • Our area started this over a year ago. Have adjusted.. I do have a decent yard 2 cubic metres worth of compost bays, built long ago with spare wood. I made the decision to throw all of our food scraps into our own compost (I use the free benchtop bin caddy they provided (made in Australia surprisingly) and make sure we get brown paper bags from butcher to line the bottom and layer in with the scraps to absorb moisture. We have only used the green bin once or twice this past year for blackberry/bramble type weeds only. The chooks get the rest. Without food scraps the rubbish bin is sometimes still half empty on the odd week but mostly it's comfortably got enough space for one more kitchen bin load.. I was surprised but we've transitioned well and the garden is somewhat happier. Not sure how I'd go without a yard/gardens to replenish. I'm surprised everyone's green bins aren't more stanky tbh

  • +3

    How on Earth d'you manage to fill a general rubbish bin so quick? Our recycling bin is collected fortnightly and is usually rammed. Our general rubbish bin usually has just has a wee bit in the bottom and could easily be OK with a monthly collection.

  • +1

    Our weekly recycling bin is loosely full which I find staggering. Our fortnightly general waste has two small bin bags. Not a problem

  • +1

    Make less garbage or pay for a second (or bigger) bin.

    Being outraged at having to do that is entirely up to you.

  • +2

    Most councils happy to collect rates and not provide the service we pay for.

    Why not move rubbish collection to monthly . Far cheaper and will just make it so much easier for the eco-warriors so then they can argue that it would make people more prudent and encourage less waste.

    They could then argue that waste collection only needs to be bi-annual.

    Hell let’s make waste collection yearly.

    That would make people even more prudent.

    Or councils can do the most basic and fundamental job they were set up and originally established for Waste eradication

  • +1

    Hell let’s make waste collection yearly

    I luv the idea if we can dump the crap at the eco-warriors places …

  • +1

    Been like it as long as I can remember, Coffs Council. Weekly would only be half full for us.

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