Flight Compression Socks

With domestic and international flights what’s your experience using flight compression socks? Which ones would you recommend?


  • +5

    Just fly Jetstar and there's a good chance you won't need them.

  • Whatever you get, try them on for a while at home. It'll help you to provide a comparative to how your feet feel later when you're flying. I've used them before and they helped a bit. But so did drinking lots of water prior to and during flying and ensuring I moved my feet a lot and forcing myself to get up and stretch or walk more often than I felt like. The compression socks just stopped my feet from turning into shrek cankles but I felt like it was a false impression and gave me an excuse not to move around and stay hydrated.
    I'm a weirdo coz right now I'm going to go read up some studies and stats on the topic to see how much is real benefit vs perceived. (No /s applicable unfortunately)

  • Why not pills. You can get blood pressure pills, relaxing pills, sleepy pills. Everything you need to make it a forgettable flight.

  • +2

    I don’t think there’s a need

  • +1

    I use the Scholl ones. They are tight but vastly easier to use than hospital versions. They work as intended - used during illness.

    Depends on you and your body. A flight to Singapore? Maybe not. But long haul? It's worth adding to the mix (including exercises, hydration etc)

  • Big W.

  • Kmart $6

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