Is This Carbon Passport Real?

A carbon passport, as envisioned by Intrepid Travel, would be a passport that assigns each traveller an annual carbon footprint, which they cannot surpass.

The report, created in collaboration with foresight agency The Future Laboratory, explained: “These allowances will manifest as passports that force people to ration their carbon in line with the global carbon budget, which is 750 billion tonnes until 2050.

“By 2040, we can expect to see limitations imposed on the amount of travel that is permitted each year.”

They added: “By 2040, it will be unusual to see members of Generation Alpha without a carbon-footprint tracker on their smartphones. Every Uber ride, plane journey, and trip to the supermarket will be logged in their devices, noting their carbon footprint in real time.”…

Surely this is just a troll?


  • More rules for thee but not for me from global elite.
    Air travel is tiny in the global perspective.
    Anything to distract from the fact the elites are sending unfathomable tonnage of products by sea and air freight causing unbelievable amounts of polution.
    The average Aussie weight like 85kg which is nothing in the grand scheme of carbon cost to move for air travel.

    • Anything to distract from the fact the elites are sending unfathomable tonnage of products by sea and air freight causing unbelievable amounts of polution.

      Who are these elites exactly? You sure sea and air freight aren't just iPhones and other shit bought by people around the world?

      • +1

        Who are these elites exactly?

        Those who fly private jets more than one trip a year. Those who are in first class and business more than 1 trip a year. Thought you knew that?

        • Those who fly private jets more than one trip a year. Those who are in first class and business more than 1 trip a year. Thought you knew that?

          And what does flying private / first / business have to do with moving products by sea and air freight?

      • Big Corporations, supported by the government, that make billions of us being poor and ignorant then try and put the blame of gobal warming on us rather than taking responsibility themselves.
        Perfect example is Ben and Jerrys who makes IceCream in Ameriac and sends it to Australia costing billions in emissions. They then act woke and support woke causes, all a ruse to deflect attention from themselves.

  • +5

    This is some organization with no authority or influence making policy predictions. I wouldn't give it much thought.

  • -6

    Yep, Google 'Agenda 2030' - it's all part of a global social credit score!
    (you use too much carbon, sorry, no plane flights for you)
    (you say the wrong thing online, sorry, no bank loan for you)

    Most people will be carbon users relying on credits bought and traded with those that have 'earnt' them :/

  • And if you are over the limit… pay small fine and back to zero :)

  • +3

    It's a cute idea, but will never get up.

    The rich will just buy credits off others who can't travel no doubt.

    • +1

      You mean like Tesla makes hundreds of millions from credits they sell to other automakers so they can continue to sell ICEs.

      Oh… that cat is out of the bag… a Tesla bus is going to pull up in front of my house to pelt me to death with stones.

  • +2

    You really have to ask if a "carbon passport" dreamt up by a travel company is real?

    Seriously, use a little logic here.

  • Just more marketing bullshit …

  • I've already signed up to Geoff Buys Cars version of Stoptober. I promise not to use my private jet for the whole month of October. And I'll go one better, I won't charter a jet either.

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