• expired

China Return Ex SYD/MEL: Guangzhou $361, Chengdu $362, Shanghai $380, Wuhan $386, Beijing $388 & More on Hainan via Haikou @ BTF


The epic deal is back again!

I've gone through some example cities and routes below, but anywhere that Hainan sells/flies, appears to be on sale. If you find any dates cheaper than I've found, please add in comments for others!

Accommodation is also available for sale in these cities

Sydney to Beijing (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $388 Return
Sydney to Shanghai (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $380 Return
Sydney to Guangzhou (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $361 Return
Sydney to Wuhan (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $386 Return
Sydney to Shenzhen (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $362 Return
Sydney to Chengdu (31 Oct- 31 Mar) from $362 Return
Sydney to Xiamen (31 Oct- 31 Mar) from $386 Return
Melbourne to Beijing (31 Oct - 25 Nov) from $441 Return
Melbourne to Shanghai (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $458 Return
Melbourne to Guangzhou (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $433 Return
Melbourne to Wuhan (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $455 Return
Melbourne to Shenzhen (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $368 Return
Melbourne to Chengdu (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $455 Return
Melbourne to Xiamen (31 Oct - 31 Mar) from $421 Return

Sydney to Beijing

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Shanghai

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Guangzhou

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Wuhan

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Chengdu

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Shenzhen

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Sydney to Xiamen

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Melbourne to Beijing

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Melbourne to Shanghai

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$606 31 Oct to 25 Dec
$511 30 Jan to 25 Mar
$458 3 Mar to 23 Mar
$458 3 Mar to 25 Mar

Melbourne to Guangzhou

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Melbourne to Wuhan

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$606 31 Oct to 10 Nov
$519 5 Nov to 16 Nov
$458 3 Mar to 23 Mar
$455 3 Mar to 25 Mar

Melbourne to Chengdu

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$626 31 Oct to 10 Nov
$512 3 Nov to 16 Nov
$455 3 Mar to 23 Mar
$455 3 Mar to 25 Mar

Melbourne to Shenzhen

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Melbourne to Xiamen

Dates: 31 Oct 23 - 31 Mar 24

Return Price Travel Dates
$606 31 Oct to 25 Dec
$469 3 Nov to 11 Nov
$421 3 Nov to 16 Nov
$606 13 Nov to 8 Dec
$458 3 Mar to 23 Mar
$458 3 Mar to 25 Mar

You can follow us at Beat That Flight for more deals, error fares, promos and sales, on Youtube, on Facebook, or on Google News.

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Hainan Airlines
Hainan Airlines

closed Comments

    • +4

      I thought covid was a hoax or Pfizer conspiracy? Geez, all that good advice by the medical cooking experts here was wrong?

    • Lame

  • +3

    What's the pick between Shanghai and Beijing for a first time visiter?

    • +3

      Shanghai. Unless you want to get closer to President Xi, Beijing will be much nicer.

      • Is Shanghai family friendly, as in travelling with children and pram

        • +3

          Yes, it is pretty much like any modern city these days.

        • You all will be fine in Shanghai.

    • +1


    • +8

      If you want to see something like New York then Shanghai;
      If you want to see the history, then Beijing.

      • +8

        Come on it’s an insult to compare Shanghai with shithole New York.

    • +6

      YMMV, but having been to both, Beijing is better by far.

      Shanghai doesn't have much to offer as it is a newer city. Found it to be pretty similar to Seoul or Tokyo, a modern east Asian city. Disneyland is okay if you have kids, but otherwise Shanghai is pretty lifeless beyond eating and shopping. However it is convenient to visit cities nearby, including Nanjing, Hangzhou and Suzhou ( ~an hour by rail).

      Beijing is far older and has many cultural sights (Great Wall, Forbidden City, etc.), and has more of a 'Chinese' feel. Moreover, you'll find the same modern conveniences as you would have in Shanghai. Beijing has a Universal Studios, and plenty of food and shopping. Only downside to Beijing would be the colder weather in Winter (sub-zero).

      • +2

        oof, take it easy. tokyo has a lot more going on than shanghai. he comparison to Seoul is probably more accurate tho. You can "do" Shanghai in just 2 days. It's not different from Melbourne in that sense

        • You're off your rocker creampie.

    • +1

      Beijing is great, Forbidden City is a must.
      Clean, cheap Didis, no scams.

    • Beijing!

    • +1

      You left your home in the last 3 years ?

    • -1

      lmao,you a cave man or mind filled anti com breed?

      • He is obviously joking, you don't need to reply to every post that look like it might be CCP negative. Chill.

  • +2

    By only visiting China for once, you'll find our media is hilarious. If you don't work for Canberra or for the military, you'll be fine coming back in one piece.

    • +3

      By only visiting China for once… and never go back to tell the story.

      • +2

        You "seriously" got what I meant.

      • 100% don’t do spy businesses or drugs

  • +1

    Got to wonder how they make money on this

    • +5

      They definitely dont

    • +5

      they are majority state-owned. They don't need to make money.

      • -4

        Qantas is "state-owned" and makes heaps of momey .. and worse…the state has no say in their affairs.

        • +8

          Should be state owned. But we just dole out the government cash for no equity.

    • It would be literally subsidised by the Chinese government to get people in there spending & has the added bonus of helping to improve China's terrible image with foreigners. It's a smart policy. We'd do well to do similar stuff given how much tourists typically spend once they are actually here.

      • +9

        China has a terrible image purely on misleading news.
        Having recently visited China, I have not been anywhere more safe/no scams/clean in the western world.
        China has high speed rail, extensive subways, and everywhere is literally clean. I see more rats and roaches walking around Sydney CBD and I saw none in my 2 weeks over there.

        • +1

          Staying for 2 weeks in major cities designed to impress and not fluent in the language is not a genuine experience in my opinion. But you are now an effective advertising tool, you see!

          You can only know a country once you live there long term and try to integrate, that's why I only trust what the locals and expats are talking about behind closed doors.

          • @Surefire: So visiting Melbourne and Sydney as a foreigner is not a genuine experience?
            Do travellers need to visit the Darwin? Do they need to learn the traditional language of the tribes too?
            Everywhere has issues, it's like going to Europe and getting pickpocketed is almost the norm.

    • +1

      They are not state owned anymore.

      1) competition from other 4-5 chinese airlines flying between Aus and China.
      2) pay their pilots, flight attendants, ground staff 50-70% lower salaries than their counterparts in Australia.
      3) subsidies from Haikou government as no one likes to fly to Haikou. Less likely now as the Chinese gov are in financial trouble. Use to have $200 return Aus China before covid, as a result of the subsidy subsidy.

  • +15

    Just flew Sydney to China return on Hainan Airlines, return ticket fo $300-ish. Service is good. Food is decent, 2 meals with both Western and Chinese meal options.

    Down side: Flight is usually 90% full (because of the incredible price). There are long queues at Sydney and Haikou international check in counter as they only open a few counters. Sometimes very crowded and can wait up to 1-2 hours. The domestic arm (flying out from Haikou to other Chinese cities) usually had bad food and crew do not speak fluent English. Don't expect good alcohol.

    Haikou, the transfer point. Need to pick up the luggage at the transfer point and check in again. Their international terminal is within the domestic terminal, small and only opens when there's a flight, had to kill time at a nearby McDonald's or nearby domestic terminal areas with all your luggage, before a long hours of transfer time and late-night check-in.

    Overall no much surprise in my experience.

    • +4

      Fair feedback, I mean you're flying in China, not sure why you expect fluent english.

    • I beg to differ re the alcohol. Tsingtao beer is some of the best in the world. The brewery was started by the Germans when they and a host of European nations forcibly occupied China and 'leased' Hong Kong. Sadly now owned by the Japs along with most Aussie beer.
      How times have changed from China being an ally and Japan being the enemy eh?
      Amazing what a little political propaganda can do.

      • China was an ally because they were fighting the Imperial Japanese army, but then the Communists took over and relations soured and strained and haven't fully recovered since then.

        And yes, the war with Japan ended 78 years ago. Times have changed, and that's a very good thing. No need for propaganda.

        • Times have changed, but you make it seem like China has stood still in time.

  • -4

    Wuhan for next round of the Viiiiiid

    • As long as there is no new virus leaking out for Fort Detrick.

  • This a full service flight, meals entertainment and luggage?

    Do they come to South Australia?

    • Really?!

  • How much for Australians to visit China on a visa?

    • It's about 120 for single entry, and you'll have to rock up at the visa centre personally at the mo. Can be tough if you live over 1000km from a capital city.

      • Thanks annoying, no online Digital Visa

  • Mandatory comment

    "Something something Covid"


  • +1

    Last time I went to China was in the Winter (our summer) of 2018. The static shock over in Beijing was so bad! Could not touch a car door handle or elevator button without being zapped. 5 years later, I still hesitate with elevator buttons in Australia because I was zapped so many times over there. Probably because the air is dry in Winter, but the zaps were so loud and painful :')

    • I don't remember static in winter there, but do remember being a tad cold. Worth it though for the fantastic scenery and food.

    • Yeah, winter in Beijing is very cold and dry. I don't like it either.

    • You get static in very dry places especially when you wear synthetic clothing.

  • -1

    Yeah nah

  • Thanks China for paying Australian Centrelink and Medicare.

    • +2

      Thanks china for becoming a dictatorship.

      • Thanks China for not buying into WW3 in the ME. If they do it will likely be with the ME and Russia, while we get smudged into dust . Thanks America.

  • +2

    Thank you! Book a trip to China in March for $433, fantastic price. Quite impress that it includes 2 x 23kg luggages and 1x10kg handheld per person.

  • +2

    That's crazy cheap! Good time to head to China!

  • +1

    Apparently the new variant makes your PP enlarged. Bought tix to Wuhan Thanks POP

    • -3

      Obviously, someone needs to do a global trip to visit 400plus U.S military bio labs.

    • +1

      Oh well that's no good for me then, I've spent so much on reductions already.

  • +2

    Seems such an effort to visit china nowadays. It just doesn’t seem to be that tourist friendly reading all these. Surely they gotta be better places to visit that’s easier and stress free and don’t have to constantly watching over your shoulder

    • +4

      Maybe if you go and try build your own perspective without reading all the propaganda/biased views then you'd realise that it's actually a super easy modern place to travel to

      • -4

        What a ridiculous comment. I’ve run out of negs to neg this. Will be back tomorrow.

        • +1

          You are the only person being ridiculous here. You are full of rubbish and only utter useless words.

          • @FOX: Oh! Brutal take down!!!!!!

          • -1

            @FOX: Just a troll account run by someone else.

  • Bloody hell just paid $2500 for 3 to Shanghai with AirAsia!

    Could have fly to Sydney first and still have change left.

    Damn Perth

  • Since COVID is over in China, best to travel there again, long live the CCP, please protect your country from foreign outbreaks.

  • Possible to use this to visit Hong Kong? Or would that make the visa process not achievable because they want you in mainland?

    • +3

      Yes easy to do, as long as you get a multiple entry rather than a single entry visa, same process but a different box to tick on the application form. Actual travel is easy, fly to Shenzhen, transit straight to Train Stations via the Metro, or stay for a few days, and then a 30 minutes ride to HK Kowlong on the bullet train.

      • Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a great option.

  • If you go to Shanghai, you can go to several good museums, as well as the Bund architectural complex. The nearby Suzhou Gardens and Hangzhou Lingyin Temple are both worth visiting. If you plan to bring some gifts to friends, you can go to Yiwu Trade City. The south has beautiful mountains and rivers, Jiangnan style, and various delicacies. If you go to Beijing, the most worth visiting are the royal gardens and historical sites, as well as the Great Wall. The diet in the north is mainly pasta, which is completely different from that in the south.

  • +2

    Why would i wanna go anywhere outside the greatest country we live in?

    • One doesn't buy the bargains on ozbargain because they need it, they buy because it's a bargain.

    • +1

      Didn’t know you lived in China

      • Chinatown

    • -1

      There's probably 24 million reasons

  • -1

    Too many CCP bots upvoting this deal and downvoting the first negative comment. You guys need to be less obvious and spread the mass dislikes around other comments to maximise your pro CCP propaganda.

    Here are concerns with travelling to China:
    the language barrier, internet censorship, air pollution, visa requirements, food safety concerns like reusing gutter oil, unsafe tap water, aggressive hasslers trying to sell you junk traffic, health risks (covid), limited Western amenities, prejudiced view towards foreigners, and the potential danger of being detained by the government. All this, and you are financially supporting a regime which violates human rights and has no regard or respect for its citizens.

    • +3

      You do realise most OzBargainers are Asian right? Predominantly Chinese Australian. Not to mention these flights are dirt cheap. Makes perfect sense why the deal is popular.

      I'm not Chinese but planning a trip to Shenzhen myself. The tech capital of the world. Plus all the trade shows in Hong Kong.

      • You do realise most OzBargainers are Asian right? Predominantly Chinese Australian

        Ummm… that is stereotype thinking, being Asian does not automatically makes someone Chinese, there are a whole lot of people from other Asian countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, etc, plus India which was the top immigrant country into Australia last FY year)

        • +3

          being Asian does not automatically makes someone Chinese,

          Who said that? I certainly didn't. You shouldn't change people's words around. Its very dangerous.

          Rather I said a lot of OzBargainers are Asian (which is true) and mainly (synonym for predominantly, does not mean same) Chinese Australian. Based on OzBargain meetups and 'what nationality are you' posts.

          • -1

            @Clear: No. You said ‘most’. Please don’t change your own words around - dangerous behaviour.

        • -1

          Yeah but Asia was made in China.

    • +4

      So many great places to travel without all the negatives of China.

      • -1

        That rules out the US,then

        • +3

          Nope. US top of the bucket list, even for Chinese Travellers.

          • -2

            @rokufan: Yeah I suppose the spectacle of daily blood and guts massacres,and rank planet sapping over consumption,,war mongering,sugar dripping ,gun fellating insanity is hard to resist.

            • +1

              @Protractor: Sounds exciting! Like a Hollywood action movie. You're such a salesman, you must be a travel agent?!

              • -1

                @rokufan: Nah, I'm just not a grovelling obsequious sycophant like the so called leaders in the Canberra bottomless trough.

                • +1

                  @Protractor: Or could be because China's defence budget was $230 billion in 2022, second only to the United States

                • +3

                  @Protractor: Speaking of troughs, China's Politburo has the the most billionaires of any parliament in the world. Oink, oink!

      • +1

        except every other travel deal isnt being flooded with racist fueled trolling because its a destination people dont want to visit

        • +2

          Many of the negative comments here are from people with Chinese or Asian ancestry. Also, the criticisms are of the government or actual problems, not race.

    • +3

      Typical MSM logic, if you disagree with MY opinion, you're a CCP Bot lmao.

      • Language Barrier - Yeh ok, same goes for almost every SEA country - heck Japan/Korea/Indonesia/Vietnam/Thailand are all similar
      • Unsafe Tap water - Same as all of SEA
      • Aggressive 'Hasslers' - absolutely none in my 2 weeks trip to China
      • Limited Western Amenities - like?
      • Prejudiced view towards foreigners - You've never been to China obviously
      • Detained by Govt - Cool story bro

      Oh then you ended with a joke, Well played.

      • +1

        he literally ticked the anti chinese racism bingo card lol

  • What a great price! Thanks for sharing. It's time to visit China for couple time this year and next.


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