Any discout ATI HD 7900's or 7800's coming up ?

Any one know if any promotion coming up for ATI HD 7900's or 7800's series ? From now to Christmas( as 8000's series coming out next year ). Preferably Australian's(e)shop? Thanks.

PS: I can still have discrete GPU if i have an AMD trinity based chip or Intel HD,right ?


  • As long as you have a slot for it, sure.

  • They just fell in price a heap, so I'm not expecting another huge fall before Christmas. Could be wrong though.

    Also these sort of parts at cheap places tend to be constantly low rather than needing to wait for 'sales'.

  • Which is "cheap places" i can't any 7950 less than $300, but they were around 200-250 b4.
    I don't have a desktop yet.
    EDIT: like this what's the different between these brand name HIS, MSI, Gibabyte ect… aren't they all have the manufracturer specs ?

    • Brand names don't matter — the only differences might be the cooling solution, and sometimes the manufacturers may overclock the cards and sell it at a more premium price.

      In the end the hardware is 99% exactly the same across different brands, with very minute differences in performance.

    • +1

      1 deal at 259 (particularly exceptional deal) does not equal 'around 200-250'.

      centrecom is not usually super cheap, but a place to start (under your 300 mark):…

      MSY is usually cheaper if you want to deal with them.

      • +1

        Thank you for that, does that PowerColor better than HIS ?

  • +1

    Might be a bit late, but I managed to score an asus 7970 for $389 when MSY had a promotion running. Not sure if that qualifies to being a deal but just letting you know how low the price can get :).

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