Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds with Physical Buttons?

Looking for budget earbuds with physical buttons. I am out in the weather often and I find the touch ones get bumped or cut off if water gets on them.

I have been using QCY earbuds for years but they are now getting a bit old. Was hoping to find similar but it seems like most of them are touch buttons these days! I have some ultra cheap kmart ones with physical buttons which are fine, they are ok for the podcasts I listen to but wanted something a bit better. QCY and other Chinese brands have been pretty good, just looking for an updated version with a later bluetooth upgrade and physical buttons.


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    "Unlike most wireless earbuds, the SoundPEATS Sonic has actual buttons. You can control it by pressing the entire shield-shape on the sides."

    It costs around $45 AUD on Aliexpress.

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    I listen to audiobooks tried heaps of mp3 players. The best one I found was a $10 cheap chinese bone earphones that take a micro sd card from Aliexpress. Put all my audiobooks on the phone and can play what I want through bluetooth or just put one on the sd card and it plays fine and restarts where I left off. Also answers my phone when I have a call. Battery lasts all day, may not suit you if you want hi fidelity music

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