Windscribe VPN Exploited by Those Who Suggest We Take Advantage of Their Offers for Those in Oppressive Regimes

I note some on ozB keep posting free codes to exploit windscribe altruism.
Ethically a dubious practice.
When I negged the post I was warned by ozB.
I am a subscriber to windscribe vpn.
nothing more.
I provide an extract so that those who exploit this kind offer think through the ethics of exploiting a free offer from an ethical business.
I extract their latest blog post on this:
I am not associated with them other than as a free user of their ethical service.

What are Relief Codes?
Windscribe, as you might guess by now, is committed to promoting freedom of information and expression worldwide.
We recognize that, in many regions, governmental censorship and restrictions limit public access to essential online resources, infringing on citizens' rights to freely access and distribute information. Therefore, we are releasing a "Relief code" to give these individuals an opportunity to bypass such censorship.
We believe that everyone deserves unfiltered access to the internet, enabling them to make informed decisions, stay connected with loved ones, openly express their views, and access accurate and timely news about local events, issues, and safety measures.
This Relief Code is our way of supporting the global community in circumventing ever-increasing internet restrictions and surveillance. To allow Syria to stay connected with the rest of the free world.
Can I Use This Code From Outside That Region?
Our relief codes are designed to help people in war-torn and oppressive areas, where private and secure access to information and communication channels is under genuine and immediate threat. Some people, however, see fit to abuse these codes despite not being from the affected region or involved in the conflict and seek to make a quick buck by reselling accounts.
If you aren't the target demographic for any of these codes, we ask that you don't use them for your own gain. If you are thinking about abusing them for your own gain, we ask that you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a stern talking to. If you still want to abuse them after this, then enjoy being a war profiteer, we guess?
How Are Locations Selected?
Windscribe has access to a comprehensive suite of tools for appraising connectivity across our network and globally. Using this tool, and some handy ones listed by our technical team, we can monitor the global state of connectivity.
We can roll out a Relief Code relatively quickly - but if you feel that your region has been neglected, you can raise this on our Twitter.
How Can I Contact Windscribe or Follow Updates?

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  • +1

    That makes sense. Cheers

  • +1

    We are fighting the war on cost of living!

    Now jokes aside. Windscribe free is 10gb a month. If people are that poor they might want to keep in the quota or sign up for multiple accounts.

  • -1

    So which is it?

    I am a subscriber to windscribe vpn.


    I am not associated with them other than as a free user of their ethical service

    And what did this entail?

    When I negged the post I was warned by ozB.

  • Privado gives 10gb every 30 days too on Free. US$1.99 a month for unlimited on 24 month plan.

  • I tried to use windscribe in china but it doesnt work, paid VPNunlimited sometimes work

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