Colombia- What Subs to Get?

Not sure this is the correct forum.

But I will be 48 hours in Bogota on my way to Nth America.

I understand Colombia have a lot of cheap app subscriptions but you need a local sim, which I plan to get.

Wondering what is worth subscribing to whilst there, if any one done it?

Is NBAtv worth it?


  • +6

    Coke maybe

  • the hassle of getting a Sim is not worth it especially if only there for 48 hours.

  • +1

    While you're there can you please pick up some headphones for a friend?

    • +1

      LOL. You stole my thunder.

    • You might come back.a few years later with another "friend."

  • +1

    I'd get a Footlong Sub with a Shiv.

  • +6

    When you're older, looking back through the photos of your memories of adventures around the world, that photo of you wasting hours of your travels to find a sim card and sign up to a cheap online sub, to save a few $ that you could have done from home and a vpn, will be your favorite.

  • no idea but look at the expensive subs that are universal and try sus the prices

    ie spotify, Youtube Premium etc

  • +1

    Definitely OzBargain Premium, it’s way cheaper outside of Australia

  • +1

    48 pairs of Headphones

  • +1


  • Jacket

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