Cashrewards Rejecting Cashback Even Though I Used Valid Code

Hi all,

This is a new one for me as ive generally not had significant issues with any of the cash back sites when using ebay other then when ive knowlingly used a discount code not listed(ie monthly ebay plus codes). Did a purchase about 2 weeks ago during the ebay plus sale(Approx 7-9/5). I purchased on the 8th using the code "PLUSW100" which was listed on their site as one of the valid codes to use for cash back. No cahback tracked and ive been going back and forth with support. Today i recieved the following message which perplexes me :

"Thank you for your response concerning with the discount that has been applied.

Please be advised that you will not be eligible for the cashback due to the voucher that has been used, even though the code that you used was listed on cashrewards.

Since you used the voucher, the eligibility of your transaction met the terms "Purchases using any type of discount that lowers the price advertised on the merchant site' was the reason why we are not proceeding with your claim."

So even though i used a code listed on their website, they using another clause to reject it. Can someone explain how they can send out an ad on the 8/5 promoting the ebay sale with 6% cash back and clearly advertising the promo codes of PLUSW15 and PLUSW22, yet turn around and say their use invalidates the cash back due to another clause? If that was the case, dont promote those codes and clearly state that cash back is only valid when full price is paid(ie dont use any promotional codes).

Am i missing something hear as this is the first time ive encountered this.

Thanks in advance.

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  • +11

    we use topcashback now

    • are they any good?

  • new one for me as ive generally not had significant issues.

    Yep. Its the nature. All good until not. Nothing new. Its just gambling businesses

  • Cashrewards Rejecting Cashback Even Though I Used Valid Code

    Status quo for CR, nothing to see here.

  • +7

    If only they had a rep here to reach out to

    • +3

      Assume they no longer so since TA left?

  • +1

    look, ever since TA left they have been in a shambles. wouldn't give them the time of day anymore. took over 6 months beyond the waiting period to get my last (and it will be my last) cashback with them.
    good luck with it, don't give in a keep escalating every week or so.

    • +1

      Yeah getting that impression. They have genrally been ok for me thoguh to be honest i use Shopback much more.

  • I never get cashback from them without a fight

  • It seems what they are trying to say is that you used a payment method that is not credit card or paypal (e.g. ebay voucher, eBay GC, etc), rather than that you used a promo code that is not listed on CR. (I'm not saying they're right, just what the issue appears to be.)

    • No the jist of the rejection is that i used a promo code that lowered the price below the advertised price. Using Giftcards has never been an issue. If it was about using gift cards im sure they would have said that. Plus the website says gift cards are fine. They are suggesting this as the reason for rejection :

      "Purchases using any type of discount which lowers price advertised on the Merchant site, including but not limited to employee discounts, student discounts and price-matching."

      Of which i did not use. Though they state not limited to so they are being cagey about what the not limited to items may be. But they clearly state that using coupons listed on their website is fine so i dont see where the issue is. I use a listed coupon and paid using ebay gift cards. They transactions clearly tracked as they sent me a screenshot of my transaction so they know what it was.

  • It's sad to hear. I've been using SB a lot more (due to better rates and more frequent offers/incentives).
    Now that TA has moved to TCB, I'm waiting for them to offer an incentive to sign up and will go with them.
    TA was always very helpful in getting issues sorted.
    With no rep here, I guess we need to look elsewhere, or factor in that you may get zero back on your purchase.

  • @hazzad lol I had the exact same issue around the same time. Activated the $10 bonus on $150 spend, went to eBay and used PLUSW100 as it was listed as a usable code. Didn’t track, lodged a claim and was rejected for using a discount of $10 (the coupon code) which they were arguing I used “other discounts” which makes absolutely no sense. Cashrewards is the pits now.

    • Yep same issue. I kept argueing it and they pushed it through stating its up to Ebay to accept or reject. Not sure why their system vailed to track it and dont understand their arguement as its contradictory. They clearly promoted the use of the three codes on their site but seemed to have some clause in there though i suspect they are reading to much into the wording. How can you promote the use of a discount code and also state that cash back is invalidated by the use of any method that reduces the price of the item. Anyway will wait and see. I don care about the ebay casback as its a measly 16 cents. I want the $10 reward. Anyway will see how it pans out.

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