I wish I had a ..... when I was 14...

Just read the long thread about a 14 year old who has to have an Iphone because it has a camera on both sides. Made me wonder of things I wanted to have when I was 14, and thought this would be an interesting thread to read. So here we go.

Complete the sentence .. I wish I had ….. when I was 14.


  • +36

    I wish I had a girlfriend.

    • Sorry, that was supposed to be +. :(

      • ha ha no worries,
        you can always revoke your vote.

        Also I can't see who has negged it, so I wouldn't have noticed anyway.

  • +1

    a zillion dollars

  • +7

    Dad who wasn't about to spend the next ten years in a hospital bed before dying.

  • +2

    I wish i had the computer i have now when i was 14…

  • +2

    I wish I had a sea mega drive when I was 14… Everyone else did.. :(

  • +4

    WWF Smackdown 2 on the PS2, always went to the video store to rent it out, never got to buy it :(

    • I was worse, always had to give all my daily pocket money to play for 15 mins at game store..

    • The day I got this was probably one of the happiest days of my life. My brother and I had to go halves to afford it though.

  • A computer that wouldn't turn off every 15 minutes and make loud grinding sounds…

  • +2

    When I was 14, I wanted to buy an add-on camera for my Nokia 3100, so I could take photos with my phone (those things were $50+). Oh, how times have changed.

  • +12

    I wish I had a criminal record when I was 14.

    Did'nt realise that you get a clean slate when you turn 18.

    • ha ha lol

    • +1

      Its actually 17, just in case anyone is thinking to jack a car on the day before their eighteenth birthday.

  • +4

    i'll let you know what I think I need when I turn 14.

    • +19

      When I was 14, I wished that I was 18 so I could drink out legally.

      Now that I'm 20+, I wish I was 14 again.

      • oh wait till u get 30+

        • Or 40!

  • +1

    genie's lamp

  • +2

    Microsoft shares, Google shares etc :-)

    For real though like any 14 yo I wanted a license and car.

    • and I really really wanted the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

    • +2

      yeah… had I known, based on a movie popular a few years before I turned 14, I would have "invested in some kind of fruit company"…

      • +5

        Yeah. Forrest Gump (1994) invested in the fruit company when the said company's share price was crap (between $2 and $2.50). Should have listened to him…

    • not quite when I was 14 but my uni prof said to invest in google. They were 250 USD around 2008

  • Brain cell

  • +5

    The latest 'Leisure Suit Larry' game for the Amiga 500.

    • +2

      I am now a mature aged man, but those questions to start the game are still hard. Although I do remember trying to get Larry to sex everything.

  • +7

    I wish I had a 386DX-33 with Tseng Labs ET4000 and Sound Blaster so I can play Wing Commander and Ultima 6.

    • +1

      I had an SX-25… I wished for a sound card and speakers to play Deathtrack in all its glory.


      • Weapon of choice for the first few rounds - 30 caltrops! Strafe left and right, drop those lil things and you're ahead!

    • +1

      I just had a geekgasm reading all that.

  • When I was 14, I was lucky to own a Super Nintendo for Christmas, Even then I would save my pocket moneyh and buy it with the help of my parents. These new gens, are sooooo lucky!

  • I wish I had money to upgrade my 16KB Atari computer to 64KB. And I also wish I had a floppy disk drive instead of cassette tapes.

  • +1

    a .22 rifle and a Suzuki LT80 four wheeler motorbike

  • It would have been something to attach to my Microbee 16kB/2MHz.
    Maybe a 8 pin dot matrix printer? A 300 baud modem acoustic coupler?
    I was saving up for them…

  • I wish I had my current knowledge and then I could get everything else and help some people out too :D

  • +1

    Knowledge from the future about what stocks to invest in or the lotto numbers.

    • +1

      Hot tub time machine?

  • +2

    Glad when I was 14 there was no Mobile phones and cheap powerful PCs probably made life more free and easy.

    Now, what did I want when I was 14, probably more Lego, oh wish for…hmm would have been nice to have a girlfriend..

  • +1

    Better than 28k internet connection.

  • internet that was better than dial up

  • +4

    A growth spurt.

  • +1

    when i was 14 i wish i had a mum like Peggy Bundy and a [step]sister like Kelly Bundy who liked playing doctors an…….no wait, that was in my dreams! in real life i really wished i got a Tamiya Super Hornet r/c worth around $300 for xmas

    • If I had a sister that looked like Kelly bundy I wouldn't want to live on this earth.

  • a sega saturn!

  • +3

    An ADSL connection. Lived with dialup until I was 18. Nobody could call our house for a period of 6 years because the internet was constantly connected.

    • +1

      Same at our house. Dialup was on 24-7, usually downloading movies on Kazaa. It took about three days per movie.

  • I wished I had Final Fantasy XIII Versus when i was 14 and even now it's still in development…. god knows how long it will take for Square Enix to release the game.

  • I wish I had the opportunity to live in Australia when I was 14.

  • a 30 yo girlfriend

    • Yeah, I did too. Ended up with a 27 year-old girlfriend when I was 15. Exciting, for a while, but she was as irresponsible as I was 'driven'. Pregnancy. Life turned comprehensively upside-down. O', to be 14 again, living next-door to someone else, and just harmlessly fantasizing about my sister's best friend and my stunningly beautiful history teacher. TMI?

      • +1

        Not enough…

        • +2

          Just for the purpose of a longing reminisce, a brief elaboration on my history teacher…
          One of only a handful of female teachers at an all boys school, in retrospect she must have known just how much of a sweet smelling rose she was among thorns and just how aching it was for so many of us to just be in her presence.
          She took such pride in her appearance, but not in the car she drove. Everyday she arrived in a beautiful dress. Everyday with flawless, subtle makeup. Beautiful diction and sweetness in every word she said. I can't remember her ever being angry - or needing to be. The poise, her walk, everything.
          I've met a few women in my life with that 'take your breath away' aura of femininity, but nobody quite like her.
          Elizabeth. I eventually found out her first name.

        • +4

          You've reeled me in, much like a soap opera. I'm curious as to what happened, but I doubt an OzB forum is the place for it. sigh

      • delete - sorry

    • +2


      There is plenty of time to date 30yr old women……….when you're 70.

  • +1

    a computer that can play games.

    When people had 800mhz, I had 166mhz (got it to run Windows XP though!), when people had 2ghz, I had a Dell Power edge server that was 400mhz and 2mb of integrated graphics.

    All my friends had decent computers :(

    That stopped as soon as I got a job, I buy the best possible every 1-2 years.

    I still had some games I enjoyed, like Warcraft, Diablo etc

  • At 14 I wanted Kingdom Hearts 2 for the PS2 and possibly a new flip phone (since my all my friends had one) ;D

  • I wish I had a good Gamebattles Clan on GTA IV so that we could actually win the ladders; which would propel me into the world of professional gaming as a career instead of being an engineer.

    • +1

      Yep, totally better career prospects there. Also sure that it was your clan that was holding you back?

      PS: Didn't know GTA was even in any big competitive event.

      • Haha I know, those who complain the most aren't team players, nah I wasn't one of those guys, I had fun with my clan, but I was the leader in numbers ;P.

        I would like to believe it would have made me into an MLG COD player or even Halo, now I'm only a semi-average FPS/MOBA player; still the dream lives on…. one day…

  • +2

    A father.

  • I wanted a Super Nintendo when I was a lad and all I got was a Famicon (which was so similar to the Nintendo in everyway), it was just not the same. And now if i wanted an iPhone I would go and get one, which I do since I'm a grown up and I need an iPhone to develop apps for it.

    • Super Famicom is the japanese name for the super nintendo. its the same thing.. I had one as a kid.. sucked for me cause most of the games was in japanese which i could not read or understand

      • spn said they had a 'Famicon' though, which was the NES (actually Famicom).

  • +3

    The knowledge I have now! Man I'd be unstoppable

    • Indeed! Hindsight is truly 20 20 vision.

  • +4

    I wish I had OZBARGAIN when I was 14….

    imagine how much money I would have saved up to now….. I'll be a millionaire (at least in RRP savings but not in cash or the amount of rubbish I would have bought :)

    • +4

      I'm 14, and ozbargain has done the total opposite to me :(

  • -3

    Wished I could drive a car @ 14. Should have no age limit.

    • Negged. Yeah, there should totally be no age limit. We can have 12 year old's driving cars like they did on forza!

      Anyway, i wish I had more money, had more experiences.

      • +2

        negged for starting a sentence with negged and then a full stop.

        • "Positived" despite the fact that you should have started the sentence with a capital letter. :-)

  • +2

    That stopwatch from the twilight zone that could freeze time

  • a modem faster than 14400bps

  • Clue.

  • A tac2, icepic, fast load cartridge and games like elite, bruce lee and paradroid.

  • It was 1995, and I wanted a laserdisc player and the entire collection of rare cards from the Star Trek TNG Customizable Card Game. I never ended up getting the first one, because DVD was announced that year, but the next year I ended up finally getting all the cards.

  • I wanted a TV in my room. I judged people's success in life by how many TVs a particular family had — and a bedroom TV was the ultimate sign of success. That, and takeaway food and soft drink :)

    • I'm in the airport lounge now in LA and overheard some woman bragging to another woman about how she had 13 TVs in her house. I think that's got to be some kind of record.

      • Maybe she crazy, and they're actually CCTVs…?

  • didn't want anything, tv pc and regular meals were enough,

  • Rifle and some extended magazines. School needed a purge.

  • foresight

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