MicroSD - Kingston or Sandisk better?? Class 4 & Class 10 worths 50% Extra??

I'm looking to buy a MicroSD, and found 2 deals and facing dilemma..

1.Kingston 16gb Class 4 - $10 Shipped

2.Sandisk Ultra 16gb Class 10 - $14.95 Shipped

  • Is Kingston or Sandisk better for Micro-SD??

  • Is it worths for 50% extra between Class 4 & Class 10?



  • Class 10 has a faster read/write speed so depending on what you are intending to do with your microSD you should consider either of these options.

    For a digital camera use where you are likely to take few shots within a minute or a video class 10 gives you better write speed (depends on your camera of course) but for everday use like a mobile phone class 4 is just as good IMO.

    Coming to brand my personal preference is SanDisc but Kensington is a good brand too! Hope this helps

    • Kensington? You mean Kingston, right? Kensington make those locking cables for laptops.

  • Class refers to the sustained speeds. This is great for video cameras, or high end still cameras with large images. Also good for just copying lots of data on/off a PC.

    If you want to use it for lots of smaller things, particularly using in a phone, you want to know random access speeds. Here the Sandisks (even Class 4) usually blow away the competition, but you can look up the exactly model to be sure.

    The 50% extra seems over the top anyway. Using this:


    The difference between a 32G base model Sandisk and a mobile ultra (very good for random and sustained is $35-$39.

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