Received Coffee Club VIP Card today ! :)

Hi all,
I recieved my coffee club card today in the mail

With it also came a voucher for a free "first hot beverage"

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The Coffee Club
The Coffee Club


  • +6

    Whilst i wait for mine here was a comparison for this morning

    Bacon & Egg Roll at Coffee Club (includes salad wtf) = $13.00
    Bacon & Egg Roll at Coffee Shop 20 Metres from Coffee Club = $5.50

    No wonder the cards are free, i dont see many ozbargainers using unless they have to

    Having eaten the coffee club roll last week (due to a voucher from work) and the competitor this morning, the coffee club was a rip off in price and taste/quality.

    • Looks like the Coffee Club roll is laced with gold flakes

  • +2

    I only use it for the buy one hot beverage get one free ..

    but it's a gamble (hit and miss)

  • Got one for myself and mother the other day too. Will not be getting much use, most coffee club make horrible coffee and the food is a rip off. $13 for bacon/egg roll is a joke. Can get that including a coffee for around $6 at most decent cafes.

  • My coffee club experience (on more than one occassion) is a 20 minute wait for horrible coffee that takes another 30+ minutes to cool down from scalding hot to drinkable.

  • Took my printed e-mail into one the other day and grabbed two small coffees for $4 (I usually buy a large coffee for $5 at uni, but I was elsewhere that day). Meh, just .. meh. Even if there was a Coffee Club near my uni, I'd probably pay the extra $1 just for the convenience of carrying one cup. Although two small cups for $4 is at least $2 cheaper than buying a large coffee in the city anyway.

  • +1

    Well, before receiving the card, went to coffee club without the printed email and told the girl I am wait for my card in mail and she was cool with that. Gave buy 1 get 1 free.

  • +11

    My sister threw away the letter that had the free voucher on the bottom. I think she must be adopted because she said she wouldn't go get it out of the bin just for a free coffee.

    • +6

      your sister has failed the ozbargain community

  • Received mine today as well.

    Don't know if the card will get much use, since I already have a go to coffee shop. But I must say, the card looks pretty awesome with the OzBargain Rocks!! message :)

  • Received mine 3 days ago. No voucher though

    • its at the bottom of the letter , were your card was stuck

      • I always look thoroughly through every letter/parcel. Definitely no voucher though…

        • yes it was there, the card was attached to it. I made the mistake of throwing it away as well

  • I got a free cup of cappuccino with the voucher. What a disappointment. Lukewarm, tasteless.
    Who would pay $4 for their coffee?

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