I-Helicopter +

Udi I-Helicopter Missile Launching Cobra for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Control 3-CH $36.99 FS

expired Udi I-Helicopter Missile Launching Cobra for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch Control 3-CH $36.99 FS

Support legacy IR System Just fit for your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch You need to install the i-helicopter program from AppStore Item Number: Udi 162 Main Wing Diameter: 180mm FLIGHT TIME: 5min

iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Controlled Rechargeable 3-CH R/C I-Helicopter, AUD $33.6 Shipped

expired iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Controlled Rechargeable 3-CH R/C I-Helicopter, AUD $33.6 Shipped

This is A whole new line of remote control toys have been released for the Apple iOS and for Android. This is a prime example of what advanced technologies can create. The i-Helicopter Air is an …