BOGANOZOI » user profile

Member Since 30/01/2023
Last Seen 31 min 30 sec

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yes, if one day chinese genocide white oz and let your kids speak chinese, like your english speaking ancestors did to my ancestors, i will…
08/01/2024 - 18:13
sorry, thats really racism. im oz people father, the lord of straya land, the victim of the anglo saxon genocide. im aboriginal.
08/01/2024 - 08:18
From coments, I can definitely say that oz value is definitely not affected by Japan. They love Japan enough, even can denfend the…
08/01/2024 - 00:32
imagine that if Chinese pours nuclear contaminated water into pacific ocean, and bargainer post a chinese rice bargain. Woohoo~ Guess…
07/01/2024 - 11:42
Be careful guys, in china this watch costs 1000 aud after discount. this price is not reasonable. and the watch maker making statement on…
18/06/2023 - 23:44
Lol! How dare you compare news corp to chinese propaganda! Seems our former pm does not think newscorp as a toddler like you did mate. When…
06/02/2023 - 23:42
So you just like your dear scomo secretly appointed to five ministries, including Treasury ... WITHOUT ANY SURVEILLANCE. Appreciate this…
06/02/2023 - 23:34
If you think about it as a serious question, you will understand more about the oz life in the shadow of news corp. WHO? Guess true OZ…
31/01/2023 - 20:12
Good on ya. dont understand that people dont mind having radiation food and drinks in Japan. So brave.
31/01/2023 - 20:07
Appreciate those jokes about CPC. Those really scare bogans and refugees away from CHN.
30/01/2023 - 23:41
Understand. Not affordable for you anymore. Should work harder mate.
30/01/2023 - 23:40
BOGANOZOI joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
30/01/2023 - 23:34