muncan » user profile

Member Since 25/07/2012
Last Seen Hidden
Badges 53 6
Location Adelaide

Recent Activities

Upload the logo to RedBubble, then wait for the cash to roll in. Then the lawsuit.
31/05/2024 - 20:51
Nobody would buy anything until a discount code is posted
31/05/2024 - 16:46
“Hey ChatGPT, how exciting can Anchorage be?” > Anchorage, Alaska, offers a unique blend of urban amenities and outdoor adventures,…
29/05/2024 - 13:05
Weird, same conversation is simulcasting now on Reddit
28/05/2024 - 08:54
Retroperistalsis would be used for this?
28/05/2024 - 08:33
100% when rounded up to the nearest 100.
28/05/2024 - 08:01
> Reading age ‎Baby and up Sweet, I’m in
26/05/2024 - 16:21
Hey, if I can get my question/issue sorted in seconds by AI rather than waiting for an hour on hold for an offshore customer services…
24/05/2024 - 12:50
I will never get tired of this video, I look forward to it every time this game is posted. Thank you.
24/05/2024 - 08:47
24/05/2024 - 08:31
Fear not, AI is coming. Will take offshore call centres to a whole new level.
24/05/2024 - 08:16
> a whole Free-Range Goat sourced from all across South Australia That does sound pretty free-range
19/05/2024 - 15:33
OP, by any chance, does your neighbour have a pineapple door knocker? [e.g. this one…
19/05/2024 - 08:37
[Mine]( is pretty close, bought a decade before the movie
11/05/2024 - 17:24
Reminds me, when are they going to release that Pomegranate Phone?
11/05/2024 - 12:28
Jacket added to my list of things that need recharging.
11/05/2024 - 10:39
I can’t remember the last time I bought duty free grog from the US. Everything seemed cheaper in their bottle shops. This is going back…
11/05/2024 - 10:20
Fear not, we will all end up in landfill.
11/05/2024 - 09:00
Common sense isn’t so common Edit: whoops this was literally just said a few lines above There is proof in the proverbial pudding, and…
10/05/2024 - 10:00
Little known fact, when you share>print from an app, zooming into the preview opens a pdf copy of whatever you were about to print.…
06/05/2024 - 19:17
If this was Coles, you'd get it for free!
04/05/2024 - 11:50
I think it was playing tricks on me. After a mental break, I eventually managed to get it to boot with just the 2x 16GB sticks, but not…
04/05/2024 - 08:42
OK, have removed all 3 ram sticks, I think one (green) might have been the original, as now my iMac won’t boot up! I’ll try again with…
02/05/2024 - 10:43
02/05/2024 - 10:27
Mine is painfully slow to open apps (about 1 minute to open Safari). That said I do love the display and design (not the mouse). Been eager…
02/05/2024 - 10:22