7/11 Fuel Lock Capped at 25c Per Litre

We heard it was coming - just received this email.

We’ve changed the way Fuel Price Lock works by introducing a maximum saving of 25 cents per litre (see section 16).
If the difference between the pump price and the price locked in by Fuel Lock exceeds the 25 cents per litre maximum discount, the price will automatically adjust so that you receive the maximum 25 cents per litre saving.
You will still pay the lower pump price if the price at the pump is lower than your Fuel Lock price.

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  • +12

    Wonder if it is to do with Japanese organisation buying 7 eleven

    • Did something happen recently? They've been Japanese since at least 2005.

      • +2

        Not the Australian business.

        • Ah I see, didn't know they were separate.

      • +1

        I just find it funny that you did some research but got it wrong

        But here it is for you https://www.7eleven.com.au/get-to-know-us/stories/news/7-Ele…

        • Yeah don't really care enough to do more than a quick wiki lookup, hence why I asked.

        • New ownership is definitely behind the change

          Probably more to come

          • @HeWhoKnows: Well it says same management for now but I'm sure influenced

            If only the Japanese knew how shit the food was at the servo

  • +2

    I tried to lock today and getting A01 Error. Seems they also did something to the new app? :(

    • +2

      Happening to me as well. When I try interstate it gives that error. When I try Victoria it works first try.

      • +2

        It feels like they already blocked interstate choppers? Got the same.

      • I'm in QLD but my chopper only seems to land successfully in Victoria, at least managed to get a fuel lock =/

    • Noooooooo don't tell me that

    • It did that to me a few days ago but it eventually worked after a few tries.

    • Try one of these:
      1) Lock in lowest price in your actual home state (works 100%)
      2) Try changing "time zone location" on your iphone to the state/city where the desired price lock is located (I havent tried this yet)

  • +6

    This is really annoying, as the price where I work is often $0.35+ cheaper than my local, assumedly due to the intense competition in that area (industrial). Limiting fuel locks for redemption in the same state the lock was made seems a fairer way to prevent choppering.

    • +1

      Except when you live close to a border?

      • -1

        Not hard to have 2 separate accounts.

    • +2

      Yeah I commute to the other side of town on my motorcycle and the fuel is often 40+ cents cheaper. I normally lock in over there. I guess I'll be more inclined to just use my 10c Ampol discount now.

      • +2

        Or you could like fill up over there when it’s cheap.

        • Some of us like have like more than 1 vehicle like, or like, commute on like motorcycles like macro & like use the fuel lock on the family car like.

          • +2

            @Ham Dragon: Exactly. While I do fill up my motorcycle on the cheap side of town, it's not a huge saving when I'm only putting 11L in at a time. I lock in so that we can fill up the car at the station up the road.

          • +1
      • What are you using for the 10c ampol?

  • +12

    RIP 7/11.

    Hello EG Fuels!

    • +29

      Why would you pay more if you don't have to? The fact that there is always >50c variances in fuel prices from suburb to suburb is criminal in itself.

      • +4

        This. Not even different brands either.

        PetrolSpy shows a 34c difference from one 711 to the next, 2.1km as the crow flies.

        Same prices as yesterday too, so they haven't progressively gone up either.

      • +5

        ACCC says it's all good friend

    • +10

      I saved hundreds by "not playing by the rules", so no regret.

  • +2


    • +22

      If only we had some sort of consumer watchdog with teeth. Why should fuel fluctuate over 20% each week when - independently of the price of materials and labour? Why should fuel be a hugely different price 15km away?

      If by "first world" you mean countries where big corporations are allowed to control the political discourse then I agree with you.

      • +1

        And fuel lock is your solution to this? Fruit and vegetable prices fluctuate that much.
        I keep my eye on the price cycle, if i am going somewhere, i'll use an app to see what the price is in that location, maybe i will fill up there.

        • +3

          Fuel lock doesn’t hurt!
          And yes, it is a great solution.

        • +6

          Fuel lock literally solves for this fluctuation smh 🤦🏻‍♂️
          Try not to get so butt-hurt when you read people’s complaints about anti-consumer policy changes.

          • +3

            @RobLive7: Lord Fartbreath is so incensed they're downvoting any negative sentiments. Not exactly the spirit of OzB to cheer on megacorps screwing consumers…

            • -2

              @Ham Dragon: The votes don't bother me. I find it hilarious that people who have ridiculously abused a system are now crying the loudest.

      • +5

        15km?? I've seen differences of 20c+ between stores 100m apart. Terrible system.

    • +1

      pretty easy for those in the big city, just use motormouth, select only show 711 & find one that's within 25c of your lock-in.

      The way people & bots are carrying on you'd think they've made it retrospective & start back-charging.

  • -3

    I absolutely give OzBargain lots of blame here IMO. That deal a couple of months ago for like $1.10 or whatever with people taking the absolute piss with jerry cans and multiple tanks. This is why we can't have nice things.

    • +2

      exactly my thoughts, choppers ruined it for everyone else using this legitimately

      • +2

        The locks always allowed 150L they could have limited more as most cars only have about 60L capacity but they didn't

      • +1

        So choppers are resposible for 50c price hikes and 40c differnces between 2 suburbs?

    • +1

      Absolute ripper morning.

    • +3

      I can’t imagine a Sherman is cheap to run, that would add up to a substantial total discount.

  • Definitely can be annoying as a fuel spike by the servos easily can go +10c minimum overnight.

    • Excuse me

      Try $1.64 up to $2.20

  • +2

    Don't think I've had more than 25c difference between the fuel lock price before.

    • +17

      Literally the last time I used it was locked in at $1.66 with the bowser showing $2.20

      • Yeah same. The checkout dude said he was annoyed another 7/11 nearby was slow raising their price.

        • He shouldn't care, the fuel stations set their price to whatever head office tells them, and they just get a flat rate of a couple of cents per litre sold (if they're franchisees). They make their money from the things that people buy in the store.

      • yeah but how often do you get that sort of price differential? it's not too hard to see the price cycle and it doesn't stay at the top too long before coming down.

        end of school hols in Qld it started jumping up in Wed/Thurs, a week later it's already dropped 10c (tour $2.20 has become $2.10).

        There's still some sub $2 around.

      • This was the case in Sydney

        So not even relying on lower interstate prices

      • That was yesterday for me but $1.64 price lock

    • That is because you live in Sydney.

    • +9

      In Brisbane it goes from $1.60 to $2.20 overnight.

      • that was last week due to the end of the school hols ending an unusually low dip. it dropped to $2.10 fairly quickly.

        • +1

          You’re kidding right? It’s been doing that cycle for a year now lol.

          • @Repstar: exactly. (although the last jump was an unusually big differential), You know it's coming, it doesn't stay high for long. So either fill up before or after the highs.

      • can confirm

        saw the $2.20 became $1.60 when I drove pass the totem pole

  • It's Albover

  • +1

    Choppers have ruined it for everyone else who played by the rules

    Agree. It's the minority that ruins good things. Think speed humps, chicanes, ripple strips etc.

    Never used it. Never had to where I live.

    Today for example, I can save 54c per litre by driving 12Km round trip from my home. That's $32.

    • -2

      Agree. It's the minority that ruins good things.

      Certified doghwhistle

    • But what are the stats of choppers significantly impacting 7/11?

      Choppers can't be that significant to warrant the 25c cap, must be other reasons too.

      • +2

        it's just the accountants showing their new overlords that they shouldn't sack them. See we saved you money from these professional scammers.

        they probably ran the numbers, showing it'll save the company $x and only affect a small number of customers who don't typically don't spend extra money in-store (i e. the non-profitable customers like me).

        Despite the wailing & gnashing of teeth here, people will still use it. After all it is up to 25c/l saving.

    • And choppers are to blame for that?

      And Choppers are to blame for price hikes from $1.64 to $2.20 over night or differencial in the same city?

  • +2

    This is annoying. Currently my closest store (5min drive) is 40c more per litre than my 2nd closest store (9 min drive).
    Might as well just use the petrol-spy app and drive to the bowser with the cheapest 91 in my area. Waste of time to use the 7-eleven app at all.

    • Doesn't the app find the lowest price of the nearest 5 stores no matter what the distance is though? So you driving 5 mins or 9 mins shouldn't affect the price lock, you should be able to just do it on the spot.

      • +2

        Hmmmm.. but he would be paying 15c (40-25) more at the closest servo compared to filling up at the cheaper one which is the whole point of this post.

      • My understanding was the cheapest within the closest five 7-Eleven stores.

        • +1

          yep it does, but.if the local 711 is 40c/l more expensive, then they'd only save 25c/l instead of the current 40c/l at the local 711.

          whinging about 9 vs 5min drive to save some money seems a bit sooky.

        • Yes you are correct. But now, if you lock in the cheapest fuel to you, and then travel to an “expensive” pump (one that is more than 25c per litre more than your locked price) then you will pay more than your locked price.
          I.e. what you’ll end up paying 🟰 ‘expensive price’ ➖ ‘25c’ , which may well be higher than your locked price.
          It’s disappointing cas if you lock in a great price, then you won’t necessarily pay that locked price anymore

      • But if price lock is now more than 25c you loose even between the 5 closest stores

    • yep, time to go back the the old way of doing things

  • +2

    So max saving is like $15 now in a 60L tank. Less if smaller car. Still not bad… You won't have to fly your chopper as far now just far enough for 25c dif.. and less chance to get banned I guess…

    • +5

      But now if you fill up and an expensive place, it’ll just be 25c off (per litre) of the expensive price. It won’t be the price you locked in.

      • +4

        Yes hence max saving $15 off a 60l tank

      • Have you figured out how you get your 25c/L back when difference is greater?

    • that's only for a few days every 6-8wks for a bottom to top price cycle. top of our recent price cycle lasted 2-3 days before dropping 10c. But 2x 20l jerry cans help protect against that.

    • +1

      You won't have to fly your chopper as far now just far enough for 25c dif.

      You may just have to fly it as far as before, the real problem you face is having to find a local place cheap enough for you to be able to get the max discount.

  • +2

    What is “choppering”??

    • App that pretends you are somewhere else so you can lock in cheaper prices. I don't use it but I am sure you can find out here. Not some phones require unlocking boot loader (iOS is jail breaking)

      • -1

        Doesnt work for android phones. Only iphones

    • +1

      People would fake their phone location to pick up a cheaper locked in price anywhere in the country - not just the 5 closest 7-11 to you

    • +1

      Also welcome to Ozbargain

    • I think Android allows 'mock location' somewhere inside developer settings from memory. Was to allow people to test location settings without physically moving. Not sure if it's still a thing, as I've been using the 7-11 app legitimately (like a sucker). The one 3mins drive fro me is usually only 5c more than the five closest 7-11 around me anyway.

      • -2

        fake/mock location doesnt work for 7/11 app on android

  • +2

    Well, time to shit a brick…..

    Better get your fuel locks and jerry-cans ready!
    Wouldn't surprise me if shortly after 06/02 petrol prices increase 25c+ per litre

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