Hi OzBargainers, What Gender Are You?

My partner and I are debating the statistics of the genders on the site. So vote if you're male or female or whatever else so I can win the debate.

Poll Options expired

  • 850
  • 121
  • 95
    Something else (add in comments)


      • Still a better answer than what most people can come up with.

      • What if you're a woman who buys something on this website?

        • You will have buyer's remorse

  • -5

    non-binary over here :) dont really feel like i fit in the other 2 options.

    disappointing to see the joke responses.

    • +5

      yeah sick, good one ozbargain

      • +1

        Surely you didn't actually expect a mature response.

        • Is that you Shirley?

        • expected better than 13 negative votes, that's for sure.

          • +1

            @jupy: the amount of racists and anything-phobics on here that like to hide behind their anonymity is appalling. sorry on behalf of those older than 11

    • -5

      It's no joke but you do need to talk to someone about it.

      • +4

        thanks champ, appreciate the lookout on my mental health!

        hope you also find a professional to talk to about your issues <3

    • +2

      This is about on par with the quality of discussion you find on ozbargain.

      A disproportionately high amount of non-bargain discussions here are inane, moronic or made by the kinds of people who would unironically support the Cumberland council book ban.

      Best thing to do is to ignore the stupid and to not engage with it. Just use ozb to find good deals. And maybe post some too.

  • +8

    I am a meat popsicle.

    • +3

      I really like your hat

    • +2

      Get out of my head Charles!

    • Safety's on. I'ma help you with that.

  • What's strange is that the majority of users are male…

    Yet when shopping on a shopping centre, it seems there's a higher percentage of females who are "shopping" or actively seem to enjoy it.


    • +1

      Women need large "SALE!!" signs to feel like they are getting a bargain.

      • +7

        Men need a large up-voted deal

        • That doesn't always stop at least one person from complaining.

        • Man see many plusses, man buy

      • And people wonder why women aren’t using this website?

        • -1

          And the negs are another reason women don’t use the website.

    • +1

      Perhaps men order online and women like to spend hours walking around shops

    • Cause women like the social aspect of shopping, they like to walk around for hours going between stores looking, trying. Men just get straight to what they're after, online delivery/click and collect does just that.

      • Yes, women do experience and enjoy their deep social networks and lack of isolation.

        • Suckers.

  • He She It We You They 🤣

  • yea…having been to a meetup a few years ago, its an absolute sausage fest lol.

    • so did you have fun? ;-)

  • -1

    I'm a manbearpig.

  • looks like a sausage fest lol

    • like the whole internet except for the attention whores on instagram and onlyfans

      • +1

        Those are also mostly managed by males too 😂 you’re not safe anywhere

        • bloody men

  • Quintgender multiflux / quintflux. And I'm extremely fond of veloxigenders and astrumgenders. They all have a flag.

  • +1

    I am not a cat.

  • +4

    I identify as a pigeon, my pronouns are cou/cou

  • -4

    Only two options necessary

  • -4

    52 jokers..
    Or 52 mental patients.

    Which is it?

    • +1

      A little from Column A, a little from Column B.

  • +1

    My sex is male. Do you mean gender as another word for sex, or gender being a concept that is different to sex?

  • +3

    I know someone who identifies as non-binary at a major Australian company that people use every day. He's not non-binary, but he ticked the box because he thought it would be funny. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not the only one, so take the stats of people identifying as something-something with a grain of salt.

    • +2

      Can't wait till they start putting quotas on this.
      Sorry you weren't successfull, you identified as a gender and we have a requirement of 5% genderless participants in the company.

    • +1

      So some people may not have taken the poll seriously?

      I wonder which genders are more likely to not take it seriously.

      Might need another poll.

  • Did you just assume genders exist!?
    The audacity.
    Writing to my local member as we speak.
    I can't believe people in this day and age would use such demeaning language

    I should be able to identify as a dishwasher and not feel victimised.

  • I'm a race / gender non conforming person

    • Can you explain what you mean by race non confirming person?

      • -1

        Race, species and genders are an illusion.

        • Not sure about the first two but genders are usually considered to be societal constructs nowadays; which most likely you know.

          • @Eeples: They are just things we made up. Like tax file numbers. Those too are social constructs.

            • @jaimex2: You think race and species are societal constructs?

              I think you are going to have to explain that very slowly for me.

  • +2

    I am a printer.

    • And I bet you're out of cyan…

    • My computer hates you because I kick it whenever you refuse to print

  • Not sausage

  • +2

    Negative. I'm a meat popsicle

  • +7

    sex = yes please

  • +1

    Hi OzBargainers, What Gender Are You?

    On which day? Jeez! Be specific wo/man!

  • Either you are non-binary or you… aren’t…?

  • +2


    And if money is tight, Eneloop Pro.

  • +1

    I identify as a bear.

  • They / who?
    Who / them?
    Who's who?
    They / them / who?

  • Two options are male and female. Anyone who thinks otherwise should seek help.

    • Yep. Dig up their skeletons in 500 years, going to be one of two.

      • Have you heard of the term "intersex"?

        • Exception is not the rule. There has never been an intersex person who can produce sperm and get pregnant. Is a deformity. May cause some confusion in 500 year corpse, though lol.

          • @zubzub:

            Exception is not the rule

            Morphio25 said that there are only two options, and jefflang007 said much the same thing. Clearly, that is untrue.

  • +7

    Attack helicopter?

  • -1

    They them he she

  • I was born MALE but have transformed into a she/her.

  • +4

    Quite a bit of vitriol in the comments here for one reason or another. I sometimes wonder if this kind of hostile environment is the reason women and gender non-conforming people don't engage in OzB discussions?

    Anyway, ooh ooh ahh ahh!! 🐒🍌

    • +3

      The flipside say it's divisive baiting, and that was the first shot fired. Bandwagoning over other people's private business. Another flag to start trouble over.

      The genuine people born with confused parts will be a fraction of 1%. The rest is mental health & enablers.

      That's just my fraction of 2c

      • -2

        Who/what is being baited..?

      • Making sense ,
        careful .

    • +3

      Honestly as a woman and longstanding member of this website, I think most women realise it's not a replacement for a social life. And engaging in debate in any area where there is an overrepresented demographic is low value and exhausting. Now watch me get downvoted to oblivion not because I'm a woman but because I'm clearly wrong.

  • +4

    I identify as Cheap,

  • -1

    If you look down at your genitalia and refuse to accept reality it's time to get some help.

  • He

  • +2

    OP, did you win the debate? What was your position vs your partner’s?

    • +1

      I thought the ratio would be 1:5 but i guess i'm not too far off. So 20% female 80% male.

      Results currently show 15% female to 85% male though.

      • -1

        But how many of those males were female and vice versa?

      • -1

        Wow, it's sad that you lost and that you don't know how to math. If you knew how to math, you would realise that you won.

        • +1

          Oh rrrrrly if the math is wrong then what was the correct ratio when OP posted their reply?

        • Um what?

  • Not surprise it’s dominated by males. I am one as well btw.


  • You could have drawn a pretty accurate conclusion from historically analysing the deals posted to the front page - mens clothes, computer monitors/parts, tv’s, BBQs, lego, men’s watches, computer/console games, tools, car stuff etc.

    I use this site to typically buy presents for the males in my life. Occasionally I find something for myself or the household (currently need a new tv).

    I need to find a site with more deals that interest females and help save money raising teenage girls - female clothes, shoes, makeup, perfume, beauty, jewellery, homewares etc. but with the same level of critique/feedback of items offered as here, cause that is awesome and super helpful.

  • sorry can’t answer this because three large people are always with me…two marines and their spontaneously raging general.

  • +2

    Here for the male bonding and the 15% female wait staff.

  • You assume I have a gender. Why be so hateful?

  • Hi OzBargainers, What Gender Are You?


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