thekow » posts

Japan Travel Sim Cards. Which Is The Best One as of 2024?

Hey there I have looked through some old posts and deals and wondering what is the best travel sim for japan now, most of the posts are 2018-2022? I am pretty sure both our phones dont have e-sim so …

Amazon AU

Amazon Sale - Crucial SDD 2TB, Two Bad Drives in a Row

Hey everyone. I know in the prime sales and recently there was a crucial 2TB ssd on sale, I bought one. When it arrived the SSD box was already opened. This made me suss straight away. I popped in …

Remote Ceiling Lights? (Not Smart)

Hi This is a weird one. I am usually using smart lights for lighting. My elderly mother wants a remote controlled light for her room so she doesn't have to put up and down all the time. She …