Byblosopher » user profile

Member Since 17/02/2024
Last Seen 4 hours 5 min
Location Sydney

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Fair. Just for the record, not shilling for Ororo or anyone else, for that matter. Pretty sure OzB has strict rules around disclosure and…
12/05/2024 - 14:26
Couldn't tell you with any confidence. Haven't run it down yet. But it stayed on for about 7hrs at lowest setting while I slept in a tent.
11/05/2024 - 23:02
They're not the same jackets. They're cheap knockoffs. I bought and returned the Sydney tools branded ones before taking a chance on ororo…
11/05/2024 - 23:00
I have a similar one that I think is much better than the Sydney Tools or Milwaukee branded ones (Ororo, which I recommend over this).…
11/05/2024 - 17:02
Byblosopher joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
17/02/2024 - 20:26