Why Do Most Aussies Rely Solely on Toilet Paper after Doing No.2?

Most Australians only use toilet paper to wipe after taking a dump. To me this seems a bit unhygienic - poo remnants are left behind on your arse not to mention potential skid marks on your undies later. You really need water to clean up.

Those of you who have travelled around Asia know how great toilet bidets are. So why aren't they standard in Australia? I'm not even talking about a fancy Japanese bidet. Just a simple hose gun would do.

Along with being more hygienic, this would also greatly reduce the toilet paper used and save money in the long run.


      • +1

        Good to see the joke go over some people’s heads 😂

    • Shoe Shine

  • Asswipes.

  • Sh!tpost!

  • +2

    You're confusing hygiene with feeling clean

    There's nothing unhygienic about it unless you're doing something sexual afterwards.

    Also if you're getting skid marks mate then you need more fibre in your diet

    Those of you who have travelled around Asia know how great toilet bidets are. So why aren't they standard in Australia?

    I'm guessing you never visited the public toilets

  • I have a few thoughts on this:

    1. Poo is generally fairly solid. Spraying it with water doesn't automatically get the remnants off your butt better than toilet paper. In fact, quite the contrary. Toilet paper with pressure from your hand is probably more efficient for solid particles. You would have to spray it with water for a while to get the solid bits off completely. I imagine many people who use bidets or Japanese toilets are walking around with solid bits of poo on their butt.

    2. Nevertheless, I agree that when used properly, water would be more hygienic, as it would wash all the last remaining poo bits off. Then again, is it really unhealthy to have a tiny bit of dried poo stuck to your bum? I imagine millions of people have survived to old age with this happening to them every single day.

    3. Given the option, I think I would choose a water-spraying toilet over toilet paper. But I don't know which is more environmentally friendly: toilet paper or water-spraying toilets. The former requires a lot of industrial manufacturing and tree-destruction (if not using recycled paper). The latter would result in a massive increase in water consumption if the entire population adopted it and used it properly. Then again, the volume of water needed to flush the toilet may be lower if if you're not using toilet paper.

    4. I assume (not 100% sure) water would be healthier in terms of exposing your body to toxic chemicals, e.g. forever chemicals such as PFAS. Think about how easy it would be for chemicals to get into your skin when you're wiping it roughly with toilet paper several times, every single day. Water is more gentle, and your skin may be enough of a barrier to prevent most of those chemicals getting in. However, I'm not entirely sure about this.

    5. I imagine another reason some people like bidets/Japanese toilets is because they get a bit of a massage down there when they use them.

    • +8
      1. My personal experience with using a bidet in Japan is that there is nothing at all on the paper other than water after using a bidet. Cleans much better than paper. Until you have tried it I don't think you could fairly say it is worse.
        3, It isn't that much water, it is pressurised. Also I'd wager a lot more water is used during the manufacturing of toilet paper.
  • +4

    I agree to a point - I def want to get a bidet at home. But for public toilets, for reasons I think mutually agreed above, paper please.

  • +1

    You can use a bit of gel on TP to get a proper clean. I use 100% aloe vera gel from chemist warehouse

    • Got it. I think I have some Deep Heat cream around.

  • +3

    I have learnt so much from this thread..

    I am a traditionalist but would like to try a bidet. Would need the fancy one with a drier or you would have a wet ass?

    Never thought of using water or anything with TP. Maybe the rich use wet wipes :)

    • +5

      Not a fan of just water.

      In Asia is ok, as it's hot and the cold water tap isn't cold.

      It wouldn't work in most of Australia were the water is cold. Imagine what it would be like in the middle of Tassie's winter.

      The Japanese one with heated water and a hot air dryer. They are great.

      The flushable wet-wipes are terrible for the sewerage system. They should be banned from being advertised as flushable.

      • Most are electronic, heats the water to temp you want, the ones on Amazon are 250-500, they dont differ that much

        Unfortunately the mid market versions have dropped off, as people go for the cheap 100-200 versions

        You want an electronic one.

        I think Bunnings has a good version for 350

    • Rich Arabian countries buy golden bidets

  • +1

    Those of you who have travelled around Asia know how great toilet bidets are.

    You haven't travelled much. In China there is squat toilets. No bidets and stinky in general.

    • In China there is squat toilets

      In Australia there is dunny toilets.
      About the same but sitting down. Hairy funnel-web spiders as a surprise.

    • You didn't finish the story.

      In China there is a group of squat toilets without walls in between and non running water. This is year 2008, 45 minutes drive from Beijing.

  • +7

    Come here for the bargains… never left wondering….

    • There are bargains in this thread.

  • Why Do Most Aussies Rely Solely on Toilet Paper after Doing No.2?

    Because that is what it has been available!

    If you are used to not using/having a bidet then having anything to mimic a water wash is unthinkable.
    There are a thousand an one options, like the Bidematic used in the sailing world. But you'll not look for one unless you wish/seek to have one.

    Even today, when building a new dwelling, a bidet is something you have to request, a special, an extra.

    Yes, pretty barbaric, I agree!!

    • Harvey Norman has $6500 Toto toilet that has built in bidet if you want extra special. No need to add any extras.

  • -4

    As the anti Asian brigade is out:
    The bidet appears to have been an invention of French furniture makers in the late 17th century … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidet

    Needles to say, "ladies" also use the bidet water-wash for their female genitalia, bringing the more unusual little stories about it …

    • +3

      "As the anti Asian brigade is out"

      Really? That's what you've been taking from this conversation?

      The word Bidet itself is French, so the history lesson might be a touch unwarranted, as I think a lot of people already knew that. Different countries have adopted different things and are used to different things. It's just part of culture. No-one here is anti-asian or associate Bidets with asian countries only I'm sure.

      • -4

        Read some post persistently "reminding" us how filthy some/most Asian toilet facilites are. If not anti Asian then what …

        In particular when the bidet is originally French and mostly as well known as baguettes and croissants … but clearly not in Australia.

        • Look I don't agree with you. Simple. You're taking this FAR too personal.

          Some of my best friends are Asian and I love asian culture and food. Vast majority of my holidays are spent in Asia.

          Stating that a percentage of the public toiltes I go to in Asia are covered in water and sometimes filthy is not anti-Asian - it is FACT.

          Please don't take things the wrong way I'm sure no-one here is anti-asian.

          • -5


            You're taking this FAR too personal

            Not one bit.
            On the other hand perhaps your defensiveness do.

            Let's agree to disagree.
            Let's move from toilets to bidets.

  • +2

    What parts of Asia are you referring to? I rarely see bidets or similar anywhere in Asia. Japan yes, but nowhere else.
    Lucky to get a bowl in many places, or toilet paper, and often used toilet paper is to be placed in a bin and not flushed.

    • Indonesia for example. All toilets i went to had squirt gun next to the toilet. Blast the shit away before drying with tp.

      • +1

        The gun is more common in Muslim majority countries in Asia such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Not common in others (except Japan of course).

        • What gun?! It's just a hose with a stolen head or some orange PVC pipe submerged in filthy water.

  • -2

    According to latest world statistics the
    crusaders who cut down trees to bleach the result and wipe to have brown undies
    are about to be outbred by the:

    Left hand water users who save trees and keep their undies white.

    Option 3 got discussed in a forum here long ago:
    Shower stompers……

  • +2

    Cats & dogs don’t use toilet paper or bidets and people still have them climbing all over them

  • +1

    In Brazil, most people use the little water gun right after wiping. It's attached to nearly every toilet.

  • Even in Thailand now it's rare to see the old squat toilet.

  • +1

    In some.parts of Asia people just shit in open and throw a bucket of water at the back. Must be really clean.

    • +1

      In India they have really huge outdoor nature toilet called the sea.

  • +4

    I use the 3 sea shells

    • Haha very good! Takes me back…

  • +1

    Toilet paper might not get the micro shit off but definitely sufficient to clean it enough so that you don't get skid marks, and you don't have to worry bout how to dry your crack after using a bidet.

    Normally I shower before bed as-well so that's an opportunity to have a thorough clean.

    This does reminded me of a past highschool language class (Bahasa Indonesia - where our teacher was telling us about how in Indonesia (and many SEA countries) basically everyone used a bidet/water instead of toilet paper. Everyone in the class was weirded out.. and the teacher remarked, 'Well if you went for a walk in then park and stepped on dog sh*t would you rather wipe your foot off with some paper or hose it off with water?' - which kinda got everyone lol.

    • No Toilet paper is not enough, get in the shower each time.

    • +1

      Good teacher.

  • +1

    i shower after each poo…. without shower i prefer toilet paper because i can remain dry down there… XD

  • +2

    Once you get used to a bidet you don't go back, you can just about install one on any toilet too. I have used these in the past

    Just measure the line into the loo tank and fix the correct tap, can use some Teflon tape too. Mine has been going great for a number of years. You should adjust the 3-way tap to direct water to the tank when the bidet isn't in use. Some bidet heads may leak over time if left pressurized indefinitely.

    I came across them in Sri Lanka and honestly don't know why western society hasn't adopted them, they may as well be a modem cultural icon in Japan, its so much more civilised and hygienic. Additionally you can have a foam soap dispense onto to some TP and wash that area with soap and then rinse again, you just use a little TP to dry. You end up using significantly less TP

    You can learn to use it properly and not get water where it shouldn't go, just like kids learning to use TP. We've all seen what public toilets can get like over here even without bidets.

    You can adjust the bidet to have considerable pressure, it often only takes maybe 1 or 2 squirts, so less than a glass of water. When you use a little TP to dry its just water, you never get Andys wiping problem Ai reckons to produce just a single toilet paper roll it takes over 100 litres of water involving the tree and the refining process, again that's just one roll, not all rolls. This also doesn't take into consideration the over all carbon foot print of the toilet roll, in regards to industry or transportation etc, if you want to get environmental about water useage.

    I liken it to having basic modern amenities.

    • I've got that Amazon bidet coming today - any tips on putting it on? It does look fairly easy.

      • Its fairly straight forward, that amazon link has videos, be sure to check your loo tanks inlet diameter that is the correct size, they can vary. You can get an idea with a good ruler, but recommend a cheap vernier caliper I also used a little teflon plumbers tape even though it has a rubber seat in the tap valve, don't accidentally over tension the fitting if you have a plastic tank inlet, a heavy wrench etc, you might not feel it taking out the threads and chewing it up.

        • I got it on all good - thanks!
          It works great with no leaks, aside from discovering water can escape easily under the toilet seat at the back making a mess.

          • +1

            @theguyrules: You don't spray from the front, but squat somewhat and angle upward from further behind, so that the water can only fall into the toilet bowl after squirting that area. Takes some getting used to the tap trigger sensitivity depending on what it is, but eventually you can get it just right. It can help to lift the seat as well.

            • @stedmaster: Yeah I see, I've only tried from the front.
              I'll try from the back. I've adjusted the existing tap so that it's not as harsh on full - we have hectic water pressure here.
              Gotta get my partner used to turning it off after using too.

              • +1

                @theguyrules: Yeah 45 degree angle roughly for the squirting and about 45 degrees for the tap too from the direct down (off) position which is cistern only, at least for my pressure, you don't want too little otherwise its not effective, but not too much either else water goes everywhere. Takes a little technique to master, but so did the paper when we all first started.

                GF leaves mine on sometimes too, as its been in there for 5 years the head ever so slightly leaks now when left on.

    • Ai reckons to produce just a single toilet paper roll it takes over 100 litres of water
      involving the tree and the refining process, again that's just one roll, not all rolls.

      Yet, the same people who program these AI systems,
      will tell you that owning a Tesla is good for the environment.

  • You are stating a fact? How do you know "Most" Aussies?

    You are assuming the lack of French arse washers, means we dont use water?

  • +3

    We Aussies from an arab background wash our bum with a spray, no need for toilet paper lol

  • Had to do the waddle of shame between toilet stalls at work today as no toilet paper. Bidet would have been preferred in that instance. Having said that I prefer toilet paper as a proper bidet with heated water is expensive to install and to maintain. Only place I like Bidets is Japan, hell the toilet in the Park hyatt even had automatic seat opening and it spoke to you.

  • Few options available in bunnings : https://www.bunnings.com.au/search/products?page=1&q=bidet+s…

    Plumber installed mine with non-return valve.

  • Saying public toilet in Asia is dirty is a weak argument to deny the usability of bidet. Public toilet anywhere is dirty without daily staff coming in to clean and Asia in general just invests a lot less in public infrastructure. That doesnt mean bidet is not good.

    If you compare home toilets, toilets in Asia are transitioning into separate areas for shower and toilet, with glass shower and everything. There is no need to wet the floor. In contrast, toilets in Australia are not adopting bidets.

    Even when you compare hotel toilets, the toilet in Hitlon Saigon is objectively better than that in Hitlton Sydney. I cant comment on all but the toilets in Sheraton, Hilton and Four Seasons do not have bidet.

    Its all about adopting the good things and discarding the bad things.

  • Ninja wipers, Assemble!

    Did a text search and I'm shocked to be the first to make the call to arms.

  • I'm wanting a Japanese toilet for new bathroom renovation but dealing with old buildingg and some restrictive elements making it more difficult and already a higher cost toilet etc.

    would love some recommendations for a "Westerner" ass rated toilet - i.e bigger boy butt 120kg support…

  • Bidets are great, but poos that don't stick to your bunghole are even better.

    I call them phantom poos, because you wipe, but there's nothing there. Spooky.

    The secret is lots of fibre in your diet.

  • One of the common issues must be not having a power point near the toilet.
    I wonder if there are any battery powered (needing an occasional recharge) ones out there?

  • Australia is a desert, so save water and use paper.

  • +1

    Those of you who have travelled around Asia know how great toilet bidets are. So why aren't they standard in Australia?

    I’m asian and the last thing I want to visit is a toilet with a wet f*king floor. I understand why you think hand bidet would improve the problems with hygiene but more often than not, it creates even a bigger mess for the next person going in.

    I would propose a really basic toilet seat with wash which doesnt cost too much as opposed to a hand bidet. I personally use a heated seat with wash for main toilet and a basic $50 toilet seat with wash function in guest toilet. Hasn’t failed me since.

  • +3

    I have adjustable heated seat, auto adjustable heated spray, pulse or massage spray, adjustable heated blow dryer. It remembers your all of your settings based on your weight so as it doesn't need adjusting.

    Apart from time and money saved using it, it's more hygienic.

    I do have a bidet, it comes in handy for cleaning the skid marks off the side of the toilet that the flush misses.

    We do have toilet paper, single wipe just to be sure.

    There is no debate which is better in every way, only savages who use their hand, grass or sheets of paper and don't know any difference vs people living in 2024..

    • I have a question reg your setup. Could you please turn on personal messages?

  • -4

    Why do we solely rely on toilet paper? Because most of us were taught cleanliness and hygiene from a very young age thanks to living in Australia.

    Simple things like wiping your bottom with toilet paper until it's clean and then washing your hands with soap and water. These things aren't hard to do if you're not lazy and don't live in a poor country where you have to waste water to wash your bottom after defecating because people can't afford toilet paper, not to mention the sewer systems are third rate and can't handle toilet paper because the toilets don't flush to begin with.

    Please regale us with more stories of how Asia is more "hygienic" than Australia

    • lol I can't think of anything less hygenic than spreading s*it all around your butt with paper. It may look clean, but it's very far from it and it stays dirty at least until you have taken a shower.

      • +1

        See this is what I'm talking about, you don't know how to wipe your bottom with toilet paper until it's clean. You don't smear it around like you're putting Vegemite on toast mate, you wipe the faeces off your anus as if you were trying to "clean it".

        Jesus, this can't be that hard to comprehend, or is it?

        • +4

          You are so wrong, if you got shit anywhere else on your body you'd be washing it off.

          What about all them hairy bums out there, do you expect tissue to do a 360 degree all around the circumference of each individual hair.

          Next time you're finished with tissues and you think it all clear, get a wet wipe and see how much you just rubbed around and dried into your skin.

          • -2

            @AuQld: Ah so now we going to compare the anus to somewhere else on the body that is exposed, yeah….sure🙄.

            Again, mate, buddy, pal, if YOU can't do good job, not anyone else with hairy bums, YOU, I'm sorry to say but it sounds like you don't have personal hygene down pat.

            I wonder what you do in some of the remote areas of the world where there isnt any running water?

            • @scooba: Are you serious, remote places in the world without running water and there's somehow a toilet 😂😂.. I'll stick to my heated seat, heated water spray, heated blow dry and bidet for backup and speed.

              The time taken to install would be made back in a week, maybe you just like prodding your fingers down there for 5 minutes, I'll take a spray and a wipe in 10 seconds and do a better job..

              • @AuQld: If you're that against putting in the effort, ok. I'm guessing you've never been camping . Maybe if you were camping you'd find the nearest public shower or body of water to defecate in so you could wash yourself properly, thus polluting the environment? Speaking of pollution and the environment, they're not too concerned about that in Asia are they? Maybe that's why they prefer a hose gun to clean their bottoms, akin to me going out into my backyard and washing my backside with the hose which we don't need to do because we have plumbing that can handle toilet paper and we can afford it.

                But I get it, not all people and cultures have the ability to commit to hygiene, nor can afford it and need a hose gun because they can't master the art of wiping their bottom with toilet paper.

                But now you'll take the "moral hygiene high ground" so it doesn't sound like you can't wipe with toilet paper? Or maybe you just like water spraying on your rusty sheriffs badge whilst you're doing something "else" sitting on the toilet?

                Cuts both ways, yes?

                • @scooba: Camping, I don't live in a tent nor do I like sleeping rough.

                  You don't have any arguments for toilet paper.

                  Bidet is

                  Cheaper, you're on Oz bargain

                  Way better for the environment, think of your carbon footprint of a bog roll, manufactured, packaged,delivered.

                  More hygienic, who likes a crusty bung hole

                  Quicker, I can think of better things to do with my time but you like putting in an effort 😆

                  Anyone who thinks toilet paper is better at anything is delusional.

                  • -1

                    @AuQld: Anyone who thinks using water to wash more E. coli into the water system is delusional.

                    "like putting in an effort"
                    Where did you learn this pigeon english?

                    I guess you're telling us if you don't have access to a bidet you can't wipe your bung hole properly so it ends up crusty?

                    Think of the water you're wasting versus biodegradable toilet paper.

                    No getting a "real" bidet is not cheaper than a deal for 48 rolls of toilet paper from Amazon, you have to get a certified unit so your faeces doesn't back flow into the water system.

                    I have plenty of arguments for toilet paper.

                    Out of curiosity, were you born here in Australia?

                    • +1

                      @scooba: None, most come with a backflow prevention valve, even without it your feces would have to be sucked through the bidet or toilet cistern which is literally impossible. The backflow prevention is if your toilet floods.

                      I'm not sure what you're on about ecoli, if a bidet would cause it so would any other device.

                      Have you travelled Asia, have you used a bidet.

                      You buy a bidet once or you buy toilet paper for life and you think it's cheaper and better for the environment lol.

                      It's hard to win an argument with a smart person you can't win a argument with an idiot.

                      Have a good day crusty hole..

                      • -2

                        @AuQld: Yeah I bet they don't come with back flow protection in Asia.

                        E. coli is a bacteria that can enter the water supply, especially if you've bought a dodgy bidet from Ali express for under $200 on OzBargain,

                        Before I answer your questions you need to answer mine, obviously you don't have to answer the "were you born in Australia" question now because by you not answering, we know now that you aren't.

                        Yes you buy a bidet once and never clean it and use clean water to wash your anus that you pollute and then it goes into the sewer system or if you're some parts of Asia, back into the clean water system.

                        As the old saying goes "Any fool can criticise, condemn and complain – and most fools do", especially uneducated fools that can't achieve personal hygiene without using something as simple as toilet paper.

                        I hope your next trip back home to Asia is as always a pleasant one, standing in water and everyone else's excrement when you need use a public toilet.

                        Sleep tight.

                    • @scooba: lol toilet paper ain’t enough, never 100% clean. tried wetting toilet paper with water from Sink and wipe, it cleans quite well, but not as good as actually washing with liquid soap and warm/hot water etc.

                      • -1

                        @Makaveli99: So every time you defecate, you need to wash your bottom till it's 100% clean? Easy solution for you, shower once a day instead of using your bidet every time, then you can clean your whole body at the same time and it's great for the environment.

  • -1

    Aussies are dirty when it comes to hygiene after using the toilet

    • +1

      Ah yes and Asia is world-renowned for being obsessed with hygiene. India, China, Thailand, Bali, etc can all attest to that. Just compare the rates of common, communicable and easily preventable diseases in those countries to Australia and you'll realise there's no comparison.

      • -1

        What makes you think I'm Asian. I'm Aussie as they come

        • Where did I say you were?

          I'm simply stating that your argument holds no water.

          I mean, public defecation is a massive problem in India, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia and many African nations, etc and much of the developing world still has so many issues with common sanitary diseases like food poisoning, diarrhoea, cholera and hepatitis being incredibly widespread due in large part to poor hygiene, poor public sanitation and a lack of socio-cultural concern with personal hygiene.

          Just because most Australians don't use bidets doesn't mean they're actually less hygienic practically speaking.
          If there's one region of the body that can afford to be somewhat unhygienic and cause no real problems for human health, it's your a**hole. Whereas not washing your body regularly, not washing your hands after they're dirty, not having clean public water or sanitary public spaces and not being familiar with modern concepts of disease/germ theory massively contributes to the spread of communicable diseases and poorer overall health outcomes in later life.

  • +2

    If you had shit on your face or hands, would you be wiping it off with toilet paper or washing it off with water?

    • Comparing the anus to your face or hands is a stupid comparison, especially in Australia.

  • +2

    As an Italian a grew up with Italian style bidet's, virtually every bathroom in Italy has one (it's actually mandatory since 1975 in the Italian building code) - it's completely separate from the toilet bowl, it has its own bowl and a tap, you clean with paper first until paper remains white, then you sit on it and wash your butt with water and soap as if you were in the shower. Then you go to the sink and wash your hand thoroughy. I think it's the most hygenic thing, I can't fathom why this is not used in Australia or in other countires in the western world - less paper waste, more hygene, less visits to the proctologist. It's a win win win

    P.S. this is it: https://www.macomaitaly.com/1424-thickbox_default/bidet-quic…

    • I can't fathom why this is not used in Australia or in other countires in the western world

      Boils down to sophistication and quality of life.

      The Roman Empire brought a lot to some of the barbarians …

    • I've always been a proponent of water over paper,
      so I appreciated your reply.

      You are the first person who has explained this to me,
      after my 30 years of traveling around the planet
      and never knowing what those "spare bowls" actually were, hahaha''
      True story.

      ( I never bothered to ask anyone nor do any research,
      but would always think they were #1 and #2 bowls )

      • +1

        lol this is hilarious. Glad I've clarified it for you!
        However in Italy we do use paper, I'd say almost the same amount as in Australia. But we finish the cleaning job with water.

        • Aclaró

  • Read some post on how expensive bidgets are how long it takes to install them. You can always go for these https://amzn.asia/d/04V2ONS or this https://amzn.asia/d/bQXQzuP cost is around $40-$50. Install time is around 10mins. No plumber required.
    Works like a charm!
    Got these during the early COVID pandemic toilet paper rush days. That was a struggle! Ended up getting these and never looked back. Still use little bit of toilet paper to pat dry after a quick wash. Doesn’t make the toilet floor wet.

  • While I do agree, I have had a hand held bidet but it started to leak so removed and didn't replace, I keep meaning too, they just work better.

    Toilet paper is acceptable, 95% clean, no big particles. A large portion of my number 2's are in foreign environments so the bidet is a nice to have for a problem that is not that big of a deal.

  • +1

    I am trialing no toilet paper after using a bidet for a year. I find I am clean using the bidet and wipe with a cloth which I put into a bin beside the toilet.

    I cut up an old towel for the trial and it lasts almost 2 weeks. I then wash the towels on hygiene wash.

    It would be very rare for the cloth to have any particulars on them.

  • I've used bidets and they just wet your bum. Still need to wipe to get clean.

    Take a small plastic bowl with water and tap your toilet paper in it to get the best of both worlds without having to install anything.

    • I've used a few throughout my travels. This sounds like a lack of pressure. While you don't want to be Karcher'ing down there, you do want a bit of force to get the job done. You'll only need to wipe once if it's done properly, and that's mostly for drying and double checking.

    • +1

      Sounds disgusting

  • +1

    Not sure I would look to all Asian countries as the bastion of poo hygiene. Over in India they like to crap in rivers which they also bathe in. Mongrels lol.

  • +1

    I'm more curious as to why we starting to accept the American spelling 'Ass' and stopped using the international spelling 'Arse". They only reason they started spelling it that way was to get around TV censorship.

    • Ok fixed

    • +2

      I'm more curious as to why we starting to accept the American spelling 'Ass' and stopped using the international spelling 'Arse".

      Because no one actually gives a sh*t about this spelling faux paux unless they were born in the UK or they're an Aussie boomer over 45. Australian English is allowed to diverge in the way that the popular lexicon/vernacular dictates, because you know… Australia is an entirely separate country from Britain on the other side of the world. We don't really need to keep up with the Queen's English seeing as we don't talk with their accents or use a good amount of modern British English slang/vocabulary anyway.

      • +1

        I'm more concerned over how easily our youth is so easily influenced by U.S culture and bad habits. The rest of the world has one way of spelling something, the U.S. does it another. It seems the U.S. way is now starting to win out.

        Anyway, back to my rocking chair.

        • I completely agree, the US way of doing many things is patently stupid whether it's the Imperial system, their time/date conventions (MM-DD… why?), their bizarre spelling variations of common words, their generally subpar knowledge of the English language and the ridiculous pervasiveness of Black American Ebonics and slang/vernacular throughout the US to the point where everyone under the age of 30 in the US talks like they're trying to audition for a 1990s gangsta rap album, etc.

          However on this particular topic… ass > arse. The majority of English speakers pronounce it phonetically as "ass" anyway, unless they like to annunciate their speech like a curmudgeonly, private boarding school head mistress in England from the 1950s and really inflect the 'ARR' sound.

          I know a lot of English/Irish/Scottish people will disagree but quite frankly, they're a minority of English speakers globally and it's largely due to perceived "cultural prestige" issues on their part. Moreover, the phonology/morphology of ass/arse, like so much of modern English is just retarded with either variation so there's no sound logic on display here to begin with. It's like trying to police the usage of gaol/jail; the "proper" term gaol is just patently silly to begin with and has zero correspondence with the rest of the English language because it's a poorly-imported Norman French loanword that wasn't standardised into the English language properly because the English language is a linguistic hot mess of Germanic/Latin/Norman French influences with bizarrely contradictory and inexplicable sound changes and grammatical rules.

          Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to gaoump off OrseBargain for a bit as all of this linguistic talk is thoroughly throwing off my train of thought.

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