Why Do Most Aussies Rely Solely on Toilet Paper after Doing No.2?

Most Australians only use toilet paper to wipe after taking a dump. To me this seems a bit unhygienic - poo remnants are left behind on your arse not to mention potential skid marks on your undies later. You really need water to clean up.

Those of you who have travelled around Asia know how great toilet bidets are. So why aren't they standard in Australia? I'm not even talking about a fancy Japanese bidet. Just a simple hose gun would do.

Along with being more hygienic, this would also greatly reduce the toilet paper used and save money in the long run.


      • +1

        Austalia is more of an american colony rather than british colony these days anyway.

        • -1


    • +1

      Idk but arse feels very pretentious to say for some reason, dont ask me why. Its like me acting like I'm from London.

  • +3

    I've been a bidet advocate since visiting Japan. I feel like a caveman whenever I travel now and have to go back to using just paper.

  • -4

    This question has been asked on OzBargain before, generally speaking by foreigners who don't get one simple truth because their concept of hygiene is fundamentally different: No one wants to spray sh*t particles all over their toilets/bathrooms after every dump. This is an unavoidable fact of using bidets.

    With very few exceptions, all of the regions of the world where bidets are common such as East Asia/South-East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and Africa generally speaking have terrible hygiene standards in their toilets (whether public or private). Public toilets in Middle Eastern countries are absolutely revolting and you couldn't pay me to try and use their bidets. I'd rather just get gastro/a staph infection and take 2 weeks off.

    The average Australian toilet/bathroom has zero accommodations or design considerations for a bidet. There's insufficient space for a bidet area where you can actually spray your ass with any dignity without literally coating your whole toilet/bathroom and personal toiletries with excrement water and additional plumbing work is required at a minimum, if not an entirely new toilet and more tiling because floor-to-ceiling tiling in any Australian bathroom/toilet is extremely rare and unless you want your paint to become severely stained over time, you need additional tiling.

    Using bidets is also far more time-consuming and uses more water.

    Use wet wipes. They're the best of both worlds.

  • Don't get me wrong, I love a good old buttwash but we need some legislative action here

    Govt already buggering us over, they may as well clean us up after the dirty deed

  • -1

    I am from sub-continent and wiping with tissue paper is too gross for me. I don't understand how people do it and feel clean.

    I use a pot one hand and wipe with other hand. Example of pots include coles 3L milk bottle or plant watering can.

    • I use a pot one hand and wipe with other hand.

      Wow, that's disgusting on so many levels.

      Personally, not wiping your ass bare-handed is something that separates modern human beings from our primitive cavemen ancestors.

      Try wet wipes dude.

      • Gandhi did it. Was he primitive? Don't think Buddha or Jesus had toilet papers. Were they primitive?

        • +2

          Gandhi did a lot of things, some good, some not so good:

          According to the book, Gandhi described black Africans as “savage,” “raw” and living a life of “indolence and nakedness,” and he campaigned relentlessly to prove to the British rulers that the Indian community in South Africa was superior to native black Africans.

          Being a celebrated national hero does not automatically prove that wiping your ass bare-handed is a rational, efficient way of cleaning your body after nature calls.

          • -1

            @Gnostikos: On the other hand doing that so doesn't make you primitive. Having shit in the mind is worse than a bit unclean body. That's the message wanted to give.

            • +1


              On the other hand doing that so doesn't make you primitive.

              Objectively speaking it does because that was basically the state of human hygiene 10,000 years ago.

              We have advanced somewhat since then, I don't know if you've noticed?

              Having shit in the mind is worse than a bit unclean body.

              Sh*t in the mind?

              You mean like outdated hygiene practices?

              That's the message wanted to give.

              What a meaningful message. I'll be sure to let someone know.

              • -1

                @Gnostikos: Your argument is based on the fact that a modern human being is a westerner or.someone who lives like that, and the values you believe. Some of the hygiene practices are very subjective and without sufficient proof and experience you can't come to conclusions.

                • +1


                  Your argument is based on the fact that a modern human being is a westerner or.someone who lives like that,

                  No, it's based on the fact that 95% of modern human beings are no longer archaic hominids/cavemen living a hunter-gatherer existence in brutal conditions where personal hygiene wasn't a priority for survival.

                  Some of the hygiene practices are very subjective and without sufficient proof and experience you can't come to conclusions.

                  I've tried bidets in different parts of the world, my assumption-prone friend. I'm also aware of the fact that much of Asia lags behind the Western World in terms of the incidence of common, communicable and easily preventable diseases largely caused by poor hygiene, poor public sanitation and a lack of socio-cultural concern with personal hygiene, as a I said in this post.

                  In any case, this isn't India and the majority of people live differently here.
                  Your problem seems to be an unwillingness to accept that not everything in your home country is better than it is here, particularly concepts of hygiene.

                  You're conflating my specific comments about hygiene as some kind of attack against an entire nation or culture. You need to stop being so thin-skinned.

                  Australian culture has plenty of failings but I'm not going to pretend for a second that countries with widespread and severe public health issues (like India for example) can lecture others about hygiene standards and public health.

                  • -1

                    @Gnostikos: I don't know much about India except that it was a civilized country well before the western world as I have read it. However, all my knowledge is based on what I have read in books so I'm not going have any fixed views on that.

                    All what I wanted say was that using water and your hand to wash their back shouldn't make one primitive.

                    I don't even disagree with you that's it's probably unhygienic, but I don't know.

                    I think Australia has a much better culture than most of the Asian countries. That's again just a view, but I like that view.

                    And I'm not upset.

            • @Camelface:

              On the other hand …


      • +1

        Can't be bothered to read other replies lol, but I wash my hand with hand wash after this lol. Digusting thing would be to have shit sticked up my ass.

  • +1

    Wet wipes are the way.

    • -1

      This is the way.

      • Having experienced two methods for long enough, i dont understand how wet wipes become way more common. It is the most optimal way

        • -1

          Me neither. It's truly baffling, especially given how many times I've seen this stupid "toilet paper versus bidets" debate come up on the Internet.

          Moist wipes + toilet paper = all the cleaning your a**hole will ever need with none of the downsides of bidets or only toilet paper.

    • Wet wipe and in the bin next to the loo?

  • +1

    I'm all for the idea of bidets but how do you dry yourself afterwards? Surely if I use toilet paper it will just brake apart and stick to my bum and crutch. What if I spray water all over my pants? Do I take my pants completely off? These apprehensions have prevented me from enjoying them in the past. When I have tried them in hotels Ive had to shower afterwards cause I feel more dirty than when I started.

    • -1

      Stay there for 30 sec and just little shake and you will be fine. It's not going to be dripping water.

    • most have fans you use afterwards, and often its just wiping the water away

  • Why people only think of extreme cases. When bidet comes to mind, everyone is talking about Asian toilets.
    I have bidet and home and there is not a single drop water on the floor. It's like having best of both worlds.
    You can ensure you do not make a mess with bidet.

    • There was a bidet in our hotel room in San Sebastian, Spain - beside the toilet bowl - another similar bowl to sit on - could face either way - except with a mixer tap with a horizontal outlet to fire outwards - like this - https://www.thespruce.com/thmb/kG4qpgFKgPqaU7yKxRbx_4Bh7ac=/8445x5630/filters:no_upscale()/how-to-install-a-bidet-4800400-10-689ed42bb08f4e1397be6b6c8be7ba90.jpg

      as I understand mostly intended for women apres the 'afternoon delight' siesta activities, to wash rinse clean ready to return to her husband with those activities undetected.

  • Flushable wipes.


  • What will be your next quesiton OP, why Australians like pork? as it is not a clean animal? BTW, I don't know which part of the Asia you travelled to or from, the part of Asia I am from does the same as what the Australians do so please don't represent Asia without getting a permit.

  • So much shit talk

  • Dry wipes then one wet wipe followed by another dry wipe, this method working well for me

  • Toilet paper is never enough, have a shower and wash/clean with liquid soap etc

    • -1

      or use a bidet….

  • Anyone wanting to use water without the fancy bidet, try a “peri bottle”. Let’s just say it’s like a sauce bottle except the nozzle sprays water upwards. Women after giving birth use it on their sensitive areas

  • +2

    Best thing to do is wipe with your hands but have a little bit of nail on your fingers to scrape with. And just thoroughly wash hands after.
    It's not hard.

    • Your profile pic is my face after reading that

      • Welcome to rural living

  • My xiaomi is the shit. Keeps my bum warm too.

    • Guess you could also enjoy the vibrating - but I hope you wipe it clean and sanitize it after you take it out

  • "Asia" - reminds me of reading a US guy asking "I'm thinking of visiting Asia - will I need to speak Asian ?"

    my first visit - starting in Bali/Java, I learned about the mandi (reservoir of fresh water - dip plastic saucepan for washing body and a/h after dump

    I remember a beachside south of Jakarta where the 'toilet hole' was a bamboo platform over a tiny stream, and as I squatted to dump I looked down and saw a small crab reaching up its claw ready to grab a fresh steaming pile of my recycled nutrients

    In Mumbai at a luxury hotel frequented by Arabs, the marble bathroom hose bum gun was terrifyingly powerful and fired upwards could hit the ceiling with some force

    In Japan of course the Toto heated seat sensor-flush wash-yore-Rs and fan-dry (if you can wait that long) is amazing - I've even seen in Jamie Packer's Sydney Barangaroo erection (Crown Casino) a motion-sensor opening and closing lid - a bit scary on first sight.

    Yeah sometimes after a particularly messy/oily/liquid dump that doesn't easily wipe clean, I will fill up a large 600cc plastic mug, stand and rest my bum over the edge of the vanity basin, and pour the water with my right hand and use the left hand like a good Indian/Muslim to rinse totally fresh and clean.

    And of course in the old days, steaming piles were reused - after composting to avoid cholera and such - for excellent fertilizer - and I recently read of a new push to return to that beneficial recycling as dumping into rivers, oceans and lakes can cause toxic red algae to grow resulting in massive fish kills as seen in the Murray in recent years.

    Like money, piled up in one place, it stinks - spread around, it encourages new growth.

  • I kind of went all out on my bidet. Heated seat and water is awesome.

  • +1

    Visited Japan 5 years ago and experienced bidet awesomeness. Bought a bidet as soon as I returned. One of the best purchases I ever made.

  • Peasant.

    Most Australians have a Groom of the Stool.

  • absolutely genuine reply below
    have a family member that wipes it hygienically super clean
    PINE O CLEAN wipes ,
    reckons it works a treat, wiped cleaned and disinfected in one go ! !
    I wouldn't try it, I reckon it burn my crack and bum cheeks
    but he swears its the best econonmial way, done dusted wiped disinfected
    Whats your thoughts ?

    • You mean pine o clean disinfectant wet wipes right?
      If you meant floor cleaner…yikes. May as well try bleach at that stage.

      • yeah correct pine o clean wet wipes,
        yeah, he most likely has the cleanest disinfected arse crack

  • south park have already covered this - its a conspiracy by the toilet paper companies

  • I saw similar discussions in youtube comments and bidet spray installation. One guy’s argument is, westerners don’t eat that much diarrhea inducing foods like asians.
    But i personally think everyone has their own idea and customs about things, as long as you don’t force others to follow your path, it is all goooood !!!!

  • I talked to a mate recently about how not only we don't get bidets, despite most of us having holidayed to Asia, but we also not comfortable talking about it.

    Not talking about it is the issue.

    My mate said in casual conversation you dont talk politics, religion and bathroom

    Every nation has backwards notion they don't want to tackle

    But yeah Bidets are a game changer

  • +1

    I have to stop reading the comments before I throw up! ;-) ;-) ;-)

  • Here's how it is done.
    Before sitting to do number 2, place a step stool under feet to elevate them and aid bowel movement. Once finished, put step stool in shower, put 1 foot inside shower onto step stool and other foot outside shower, squat down and get washing with shower head. Your body, legs and feet will not get wet, just your arse. Shower will get a little messy so hose it down afterwards.

    • +1

      Talking about bum gun in Asia…

      Always thought a great idea but every time I used it and dried with paper there was always skid marks. Tried spraying longer, closer whatever and most often skiddies unless one of those rare clean poops.

      Found out you must use friction and water.

      Left hand/fingers rubbing while right hand spraying does the trick with the bum gun.

      • +1

        And the rest of the day sniffing on them left fingers?

        • +1

          Maybe that’s why msny in Asia bow instead of shaking hands?

  • Maybe OP should moon a quack.
    Haemorrhoids are treatable.
    Crusaders saved water for over 2k years.
    Left hand wipers do breed in much bigger numbers.

  • +1

    Do people really think clean your private part with nuclear wastewater is more hygenic than toilet paper?

  • The people trying to discredit the bidet while saying "wiping only is superior" has either never actually used a bidet or is so uncomfortable in their sexuality/masculinity that they're scared of anything going near their butt.

    A bidet + a wipe or two is FACTUALLY more hygienic than straight wiping and much less wasteful with paper.

    • +1

      I first used a bidet in Japan, after that trip I went and got one myself and don't feel clean after a number 2 unless I use one.

      • Same for me. I was initially very suspicious of it, and there was that moment of discomfort as soon as the water stream hit my hole, but literally the next moment was an overwhelming sense of relief and understanding of what I'd been missing out on. A mini shower for your butt and then only having to use 1 piece of toilet paper for mostly drying as opposed to scraping and smudging the debris back there. It's just next level.

        After years of rubbing my rectum raw with toilet paper, to be able to clean myself so thoroughly and so easily was an absolute lifechanger. When I get my own place I will definitely be installing one as well.

  • -1

    We need to get to the bottom of this sticky question, but until then lets not ASSume anything.

  • LOL. We're on 3 sea shells in the Eastern suburbs. Get with the times.

  • +1

    Tip: Clippers around the butt hole makes things less clingy.

  • +1

    Its actually quite disgusting, people should be at least given a chance to try a bidet once in their life.

    Put it quite simply, if there was poo on your face, would you be happy to just wipe it off with a dry tissue? Why would it be any different than after you do a number 2?

  • Fyi, it’s not limited to Asia but pretty much everywhere else outside the developed Western world (was once like that until recently). They mostly use watering vessel known as lota.

    Tissues is a 20th century recent phenomenon and is very primitive except the only good thing about it is drying it.

    If poor South Europe have old bidets then then there should be no excuse that bidet should be a standard thing in our toilets here.

  • First thing I did after returning from Japan was install a bidet off Kogan. Did the installation ourselves, no drama. All my SEA friends sing praises of it every time they leave the bathroom. Best decision ever.

  • I wash myself with a rag on a stick

  • "Aussie culture" is generally feral. Topless in shopping centres, barefoot anywhere and everywhere. "She'll be right". A colleague of mine didn't like bidets simply because he doesn't like the way it cleans. It's a poor excuse but more legitimate than the stupid wiping explanations/variations from this thread. You're not going to change the culture. Aussies are generally feral.

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