RolandWaites » user profile

Member Since 19/02/2015
Last Seen 2 hours 4 min
Badges 3 2
Location WA

Recent Activities

That's really good value. Unfortunately not a first-time customer otherwise I'd be all over it. For NYT critics: the paper definitely has…
14/06/2024 - 19:16
We're through the looking glass here, people.
14/06/2024 - 13:18
How do you know it was the booster that "gave you myocarditis" (has it been professionally diagnosed)? Not trying to discredit your story…
14/06/2024 - 10:58
So your argument is that drivers should, even if they are obeying the law, jump out the way of other cars on the miniscule chance the…
12/06/2024 - 22:59
the entitled idiots are the ones in the right lane who think people should get out of the way for them because they want to exceed the…
12/06/2024 - 19:40
Why not? Where in the road laws does it say your overtake must be within X seconds? If you're overtaking a car in 5 or 60s you should be in…
12/06/2024 - 19:39
Aim to get in the left lane, but don't break the speed limit any further in order to get there. If it takes a minute that's fine. The dude…
12/06/2024 - 10:05
To use games in their app, yes. But if you sideload game ROMs from online you will still be able to use the controller just fine.
11/06/2024 - 13:10
Bought one of these last year for slightly less to use on a flight. As a controller it was alright - did exactly as it was intended to. I…
11/06/2024 - 09:52
Are you saying we *can't* equate Michael Richards' offensive words at the Laugh Factory in 2006 with the actions of the architect of the…
09/06/2024 - 12:48
Don't forget Sugar Ray Leonard.
09/06/2024 - 12:45
What is there to not get? It's merely a commentary on contemporary mores, a slice of life.
09/06/2024 - 12:44
$88 admin fee for something that is almost certainly a two second automated computer sequence.
07/06/2024 - 11:04
You may be right. But as I say, until we have that primary source we don't know. It would only require five minutes either side of the…
06/06/2024 - 18:20
> Seems like a no brainer to have asked him what he meant during the congressional hearing. I agree. That the congressman didn't give him…
06/06/2024 - 16:38
I've tried to find a free download of the audiobook it's quoted from but, alas, none seem available. But I would contend that Fauci wasn't…
06/06/2024 - 16:07
Doesn't this apply to everything? Tell people they have to do their taxes or they'll go to prison, and they'll do their taxes. Tell people…
06/06/2024 - 10:11
Scratches and dents are frustrating but you need to be able to get over them quickly. There's no going back so why stress about it longer…
06/06/2024 - 00:15
24 hours and 5 minutes a day
04/06/2024 - 12:09
No I think I'll leave it out there for *everyone* to see.
03/06/2024 - 11:02
brb checking out a place in Cranbourne that I hear has just had a massive cut in asking price
03/06/2024 - 10:10
> i know what you think, it aint very deep. Strawman (x2).
03/06/2024 - 09:52
03/06/2024 - 00:22
Blokes will happily accept 20,000 years of only men being allowed to work and then one time a "we are looking for a female applicant"…
02/06/2024 - 20:06
Use that 50c saved to go to a 50 Cent concert. Here's a dollar, take your little sister with you too.
31/05/2024 - 11:08
It is a shame. What's frustrating is that so few people either can't see or refuse to acknowledge - or acknowledge but can't be ar*ed…
30/05/2024 - 23:48