Nike Fuel Band vs Jawbone

Hi guys, looking for a present for family member who have just started running! Can anyone give advice on which one is better? the Nike Fuel band or the Jawbone? Family member has an Iphone. Any recommendation would be appreciated! Cheers. Yvonne

MOD: Moved to Electronics forum.


  • +1

    Not jawbone. It breaks .. Easily. U can google the review

  • your post is helpful for me

  • +1

    I think the fitbit's are worth considering too. They have a wrist one called a flex.

  • I bought my hubby a Fuelband for Christmas. He loves it, and tries to burn the fuel amount needed each day so it gets him moving more. He doesn't really run so I can't comment on how good it is for running, but he tracks his Fuel Points against a few other friends who have them. I had to buy it from the US and get it shipped here, you can't buy them locally.

  • Thank you all for your recommendations. Have you had any problems with the Fuelband Shadowshriek? I heard another friend who has it, the band malfunctioned a couple of times already and its not even 6 months since her purchase. Hence I was abit hesitant to get it because returning it to get it fixed in the US would probably be a nightmare! And yes, talk about how behind we are, its not going to be released here until 2 years later! (from the sales at the Nike shop here)

    • No problems as yet with it yvonne. He uses it every day. I don't believe his friends have had any issues either but I'm not 100% sure.

    • I've had mine since Nov 2012 and no problems with it. Pretty much wear it everyday.

  • For running perhaps you can consider a GPS watch? Personally I use a Nike GPS Sports Watch to record my runs.

    For the everyday fitness gadget I strongly recommend a fitbit because its reliable and so simple to use.

  • Thanks all again for the tips. The latest Fitbit isn't released yet in Australia (surprise suprise!) and the Nike+Fuelband can only be bought either from Ebay agent in Australia or overseas stores like Amazon!

    • I find the Fitbit One to be more useful than the upcoming Fitbit Flex due to the on device display. Whereas the Flex only has led lights that indicate wether or not you have reach the goal for the day.

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