
Ive been looking for a shed and the best one i could find is this color bond shed.… for $1698 and its dimensions are 3 x 6 x 2.06
there is also a Zincalume version for $1199.

If anyone can find a better deal for around the same size shed it would be much appreciated.


  • That looks like a good price, but I thought different brands are different?

    We just bought one a month ago — ~$1000 for a 4x3x2.06 (zinc), with delivery and installation.

  • Yes that is true. The shed mentioned above is built by Absco sheds which have a 10 year warranty on all there sheds and they use bluescope steel which is the better steel to use (from the ads on tv haha).
    Where did you get your shed from scotty maybe they have a larger one of that size?
    Did the installation also include laying down the concrete pad?

    • Somewhere in Campbelltown in Sydney… It's called Sheds Plus. We got it when it had a post-Christmas cashback offer.

      No the assembly does not include laying the concrete or pavement. Just assembly and secure it on the slab/concrete. I think the difference is a bit more than the material but also the structure. Well — it's our first shed and I can't claim I know anything about it :P

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