Live Connected vs Vaya. Which to pick?

Hi guys
I am bit confused as to which company to go with
I have to choose between :

Vaya Power Plan 22 $17.60/month
Live Connected $15/month

Both offer comparatively same value

But which company is better to go with ?


  • They are the same company now. Vaya bought Live Connected few weeks ago.
    LC is good for 3g plans as Vaya doesn't offer 3g plans anymore
    and Vaya is good for 4g plans

    I have been with Vaya since a few months - and I have expreience significant data dropouts in the last couple of weeks - it drops out like more than couple of times every minute( I am on the old 3g plan). My partner on a 4g Vaya plan is having the same issue and my friend too. So its just not me. It could be an Optus issue but I havent read about it anywhere.

    Beware about the 4g billing issues with Vaya - they have been billing each data request as MB and not KB - so my wife's phone shows she has only used about 500 mb data but Vaya shows she has already reached her 1.5 gb limit - and its a known issue - look it up.

    You get what you pay for - customer service is useless. They dont resolve anything - twice I have been promised a callback only to not hear anything.

  • Thanks. I am inclined more towards LC at the moment. Seem bit better even though they same company now.

  • The lack of customer service phone support is unbelievable annoying with LC. I switched to TPG

  • I've been with both LC and Vaya, and to be honest, I really can't recommend either!
    LC has been bought by Vaya now.

    So they both frequently make mistakes to your account, their customer service is completely inaccessible (and useless even if you do manage to stay on hold for hours and get through). Vaya don't let you upgrade your plan at all! Changing things like your billing details is a mission.

    Read the relevant threads on Vaya on Whirlpool to get an idea for how much fail they are made of.

    To their credit though, they are very cheap, and their CEO is actively trying to improve the situation.

  • Also, watch out for the way that Vaya's "power plans" bill data per megabyte. For many people, they find their phone generates new sessions (according to Vaya) every few minutes — meaning that what would have been a few kilobytes of data gets uplifted to a megabyte.

    Last month, people were complaining that they were only getting a quarter or third of their actual data allocation due to that issue. Vaya have fixed their billing a bit now, but even so, the megabyte-uplifting is a rort. (but something which a number of other MVNOs do too, such as Amaysim, Kogan and ALDI)

  • +1

    Vaya owns LC now.
    LC now runs the 3G area,
    4G is Vaya.
    That's the only difference. (Well price obviously, but that's a given because of the different products.

  • The family is all on lc and we have no issues. Have not tried using service desk though.

  • 4G is for data only, voice is 3G on both networks & ive been with both networks too. LC website gives most everything management of account with online help, VAYA offer a call centre with people to talk too; which wasnt offered with LC. Optus coverage for both with limited 4G coverage so i find it hard to recommend that you pay extra for it. LTE/4G is fast, on low data inc amounts 4G is a licence to go broke very fast IMO.

    Beware exit fee's and having to give 30 day notification of porting out without being charge for a period you want able to use the service. Its a toss up, you choose but aldi/kogan/boost and even telstra prepaid are all better coverage and speed.

  • If you live in Sydney or Melbourne, then you have pretty wide 4G coverage — I get it at home (Brunswick), work (Fitzroy), the city, and out in the south-east suburbs at friends' places.

    4G is far FAR faster than you'll ever see on 3G here - even faster than ADSL when I'm at home - but of course you do have a pay a bit more for that.

    It's worth noting that Vaya's excess data amount is four cents a megabyte, whereas LC iss fifty cents — so when you're downloading at 3 megabytes a second on 4G, keep that in mind if you're over your cap.. A minute of downloading will cost you $7.20 on Vaya, and $90 on LC!

    • except you can't get 4G in Liveconnected? So that $90 would be per hour

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