Travel SIM, which one is the best for data allowance?

Traveling to NZ and japan soon, just wondering which travel SIM will give you more value, data wise.
Usually i just buy local Prepaid SIM if I travel to Bali or Thailand, but I'm not familiar with NZ and I would assume that it'll be like here where you'll need to provide residential add & driver licence. Japan, as far as I know, got different kind of connection/networking.
Anyone have any idea or experience? Help please~~~


  • perhaps consider cover-more's global sim?

  • +1

    For god's sake, don't TOUCH Covermore's sim for data. For calls, it's not bad - but for data, it is INCREDIBLY expensive. I burned through $22 with a 10 minute browsing session while in China on Covermore.

    Instead, for NZ, you can just buy a sim ($5 for Telecom NZ, $10 for 2Degrees) ands then buy a data pack.

    You don't need a local address. I think I MAY have had to show my Qld drivers Licence when I got one in February - but I am not even certain about that.

    I went with 2Degrees .. but I was on a cruise ship, and therefore only using it when on land in cities(*). If you are driving around, TelecomNZ may have better coverage.

    Anyway, Australian Business Traveller has some good advice here:…. It's a year or so old, but the general advice still holds

    Enjoy New Zulland!

    (*) As an aside, I often found 2Degrees data speeds to be significantly better than the ship's when we were in port - even if I was in the internet cafe where the primary router was located! :-)

  • Thanks for the tips :) If it's possible to buy the NZ SIM then it'll be great. Some advise from the link also sounds pretty good, will do some more research on it too :)

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