Looking for cheap Windows for Mac Air - 7/8 Home Prem?


I'm looking for cheap windows so I can install on my mb air. I missed out on a few deals back for upg. Ver of win 8 @ costco etc.

Windows doesnt come cheap, a quick search on static ice shows $130+
Is this normal price? Because i've always used loader on my win7 so I dont know prices…

I read on other forums loader don't work on macbook boot camp? Maybe a techxpert can give me advice here.

Other questions;
Can I reuse cd keys from previous laptops?

I do have a retail oem win7 home, how can I transfer that if its currently being used?

Going back on topic, where can I get cheap windows? Pricematch ow with static ice prices? Ebay?

Anything would be great help.

Thank you :)


    • But you can make a fresh install by recycling one of your old keys (although that isn't "legal".)
      Do you actually need Windows?
      And if you have a Windows specific program for which there is no alternative, can you make do with MacWINE instead?

  • Yeah, i want to know if i can recycle old cd key from my old win7 laptops?
    i previously downloaded 'crossover' but its very limited…

    • It's not "legal" to reuse a Key from a preinstalled copy of windows, but you can do it.

      • Wow, I didn't know that.

  • +1

    Sorry to hijack your thread OP but I also need a copy of Win7. I don't have an old key. How can I buy win7 for cheap? I have a uni student friend if that can be utilized.

    • Should be able to get a EDU copy from the Uni Student for cheap.
      Note that this isn't "legal" either, unless you're a student.

  • I couldn't install windows 8 on my,'12 mac air.. Boot camp wouldn't set up properly.

  • I think it might actually be legal to reuse them.

    I've reused Windows 7 keys from old laptops heaps of times. Basically I went through a period of a few months when I was testing and reselling a bunch of old laptops for work, and deciding which I would keep.

    I reused the same Win 7 key every time. And, every time it failed to activate online, and I had to call microsoft directly.
    They asked why I was using the key on a new computer, and I said I sold the old one. No problems on their side, they gave me the activation code.

    As far as getting 'CHEAP' windows 7, the best way is surely to buy the student edition upgrade only? I've seen it going for $50, and upgrades can be installed as a clean standalone without actually upgrading anything.

    • Pre-installed Windows Licences are officially tied to the machine.

    • Can you upgrade from non-activated older windows versions?

  • Yeh mine was a standalone CD

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