Commonwealth CDIA $50 bonus account... easiest way to close?

Well my partner got her $50 bonus and it's time to drain the account and transfer to one with higher interest… How would you guys recommend closing the account? We couldn't find anything in internet banking relating to closing accounts. Call? Email? In person? How do you guys do it?

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  • The easiest way to do it, is to provide a written statement with a reason (as trivial as you like), and then sign it at the bottom. Go into a branch and it'll take 2 minutes.

    I closed a couple accounts yesterday.

  • Thanks for the info cpho. I was hoping to do it via email… I'll head in tomorrow

  • +1

    Are there any fees for leaving it open?

  • or you can just hide it in the internet banking

  • I was thinking I should close it just in case there are fees, or if some other offer ever came up.
    We haven't had a chance to close it yet.

  • Has she actually received the $50 yet? T & C's state that closing the account before the 18th/receipt of $50 will result in loss of the $50.

  • Yes, she received a week or two ago. How would she loose the $50 if we transfer it before closing the account?

  • My apologies, I thought you were talking about the latest $50 commonwealth savings account promo.

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