Switching regions on the 3DS eShop

Is it possible to purchase European eShop games for the 3DS (ie. Switch eShop to UK/Belgium/Poland) with a normal (as in no 28 degrees card or something like that) Credit/Debit Card from Australia?

I wanna get Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, but I've found that again, we're getting the short end of the stick, with the US paying 29.99 USD, the UK paying 19.99 GBP, and the EU paying 24.99 euros, which after converting back to AUD, are all cheaper than Australia.


  • You can change your region and buy from the UK/EU stores using your cc without a problem. I have AU and UK purchases on my system and use them all.

  • Yes! I want to get Ace Attorney too. How do you change regions? Will there be a conversion fee?

    • Conversion fee depends on your CC (usually $1-$2) and to change your region go to settings/profile/region

      • Nice. Thanks!

  • I checked which countries have the eShop available for the 3DS in Europe, and it includes Russia. Would purchasing from the Russian eShop be worthwhile or would their games only be in Russian?

    • Doesn't it work out cheaper for the UK store? 19.99GBP=33.6AUD while 24.99EU=35.8AUD?

      • Never mind, I checked myself, the price tag is exactly the same as the UK after conversion (1029 RUB is about 33.6 AUD)…man, and I thought based on Steam, the 3DS prices would be cheap in Russia. Their Pokemon X & Y prices are pretty much the same as the Australian eShop price of about $60.

        I don't think I'll bother with the African stores…for all I know, they might not even have the game, let alone how tedious it would be visiting every eShop store (pity Nintendo doesn't list the eShop prices on their website). Guess it's the UK store for me.

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