Cheapest Memory Foam Pillow

Hi all,
Would any of you have suggestions as to where I could get a memory foam pillow on the cheap?
My Budget would be <$80


  • +1

    ALDI had them for $20, i saw them at copperart store for $20 and it looks and feels like my $60 chiro memory foam pillow with the (almost) identical cover/pillow protector. So for $80 you should be able to buy 4 but you only sleep on 1, so thats 2 double beds covered!

    AMART sold me my expensive one, check them out and latex pillows are not mem/foam FYI so not interchangeable for comfort…

  • +1

    Hi. I believe you want a memory foam pillow to improve comfort of your neck, head and shoulders. Having owned several types including tempur, technogel and others, I suggest you go into a store and try first before buying. Memory foam is a generic name for a visco elastic material.

    A word of caution, not all memory foams are built the same and vary in density and feel. They have to correspond to your head, depth, position of sleep etc. Best advice I can give you, go into store and try before buying. You might be surprised that you may not even need a memory foam pillow at all, but just a quality built pillow, be it latex, micro fiber etc. Good Luck!

  • +1

    it might be worth checking out a waterbase pillow. i just changed over from a memory foam and i'd have to say its the best pillow i've ever had. i get the best nights sleep with it.
    i got mine from amazon but i think deals direct and maybe target might sell them…

  • wait for aldi/target/bigw/harrisscarfe sale

    btw latex is better:) might help

  • HOMEART stores $20 too

  • Harris Scarfe has a decent range and there's always at least one on special e.g.… is down from $80 to $29

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