This was posted 11 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2x Jumbo Huggies Nappies for $38 Free Delivery @ Woolies


Total credits goes to the following thread discussion

But woolies having a nappy sale at $29 a box but if you get two boxes and apply codes it comes down to $19 a box free delivery!!!!!

To redeem:
1. Create new account (3 free delievery)
2. Add two boxes of jumbo huggies nappies
4. Enter NOV140 (can only be used once per account)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks ordered

  • Thanks, ordered. Great deal! Also combined it with some of the Disney Planes stuff (beach towel etc) from a few days ago.

  • Also, the Woolworths Select brand jumbo box is $19.xx if you are the member of their baby and toddler club. 3 boxes for less than $40 delivered!

  • How are the Woolworth select compared to Huggies? I bought some of the target dribots and wouldn't do that again.

    • Not sure about the Select brand. Tried Babylove and some others in the past and had to do some extra cleaning!!!

    • My kids have sensitive skin and can only use huggies.

      Being a tight arse i tried cheaper brands but gave them nappy rash :(

    • Next week's catalogue has the convience once upon a time packs half price so i thought I would try them in a smaller pack but if I put in a delivery date Wednesday or Thursday I still don't get the specials for the new catalogue. I suppose they update the prices tonight? Anyone know can I get the specials starting Wednesdays delivered on Wednesday?

  • BIG +1. Just bought two boxes… Awesome deal!!!
    (And I could always do it again using the Mrs details!)

    • I know! Was gonna stock up at the big w one day sale. Now
      I can sleep in :)

      • same here

        • Decided that I'd do it again using the Mrs details that afternoon, but was way too late! Got the first 2 boxes delivered no probs though!!!

  • amazing price.

  • thanks bought 6.

  • Great deal!

  • +3

    excellent timing. just placed an order for our little 3 month prem boy who's due home around xmas.

    • +1

      Nice Chrissy present!!! :)
      Edit: The baby, not the nappies!!! ;)

      • +2

        Why would someone neg this… You're clearly not a parent!!!
        Why would you not want to wish these people well and hope their little one comes home soon, especially in time for Xmas?

  • thanks OP..
    I had added nappies to the cart yesterday evening.. Thank God, I didn't submit..
    bought it just now..

    I love this place..

  • +10

    Ok peeps, New Baby born yesterday, sitting at the hospital trawling ozbargain, as you do as a new dad. How many boxes of what sizes should I buy? Hook a brother up.

    • Congratulations !!!!!
      Buy newborn nappies, Huggies is good.

    • +2

      Hah, firstly congrats to you and your missus.

      My baby (3.5 weeks old) goes through anywhere between 7-10 nappies a day. A jumbo box of huggies newborn lasts around two weeks at that rate. Sometimes they go through 3-5 hours of sleep and you dont need to change during that time, but sometimes they poop 3 or 4 times in quick succession.

      So I think two weeks a box is a good average to work your numbers on.

      Have fun and all the best with your new baby.

    • +1


      My daughter is now 3 months old, from my experience we've gone through 2 1/2 boxes of newborn range and now we're at the second box of our infant range. I'd suggest at this price get 2 boxes of newborn and 2 boxes of the infant range that way you dont have to worry for the next 2 months.

    • +1

      I think he is looking to see how many boxes he should order. What would be a safe number of boxes where the child would not outgrow the nappies while he still had some?

      This would have been a breast price ten years ago,so good job OP.

    • +1

      depends on your baby's weight..
      the newborn size is for 0 to 5Kg..
      consider 10-13 nappy changes a day.

      my baby grows around 40gm a day as of now..
      the next size is 4 to 8 kg..
      buy accordingly

      hope the info is helpful..

    • +1

      Grats!!! How many kg is your bub?

      2 to 3 boxes is enough if bub is around 3kg

      They will grow out of them pretty quickly

      • +2

        Thanks for all the responses above, are awesome. Kid is 3.5kg, already have about a bit over a hundred at home. Looks like I'll get two more boxes of newborn, and four infant?

        • Good idea, coz you'll always need bigger sizes eventually!!!
          Although it'll happen sooner than you like!!! ;)

        • +1

          Once again with the neg!!! LoL
          It's a fact, the kid will grow up and change sizes so quickly it's not funny!!!

    • buy a few of each category mate….cant go wrong

    • Beware of Huggies, they are thick and hard. Unless your baby take massive poo/wee every time, its not gonna fill it fully, and you don't change nappies when they full, you have to change it as soon as the baby poo. It make the huggies not as breathable as other brands. And the paperish edge that go through baby's legs is way to rough/hard.

      My son had nappy rash about half way through the Huggies jumbo pack, then i changed to babylove, feels softer and thinner, and no nappy rash anymore. The only thing wrong about babylove is that they don't have wet indicator which drove me nuts at night.

      I end up bought some Japanese Nappies, they are soft, thin and have wet indicator. Been using them for a week and so far so good. My suggestion is get different brands and try them all, see which one suits your baby best.

  • Jumbo deal !!

  • Thanks OP, never thought I could use both coupons at once

  • Awesome deal! Thanks.

  • nov140 just got frozen got one out of my two kids covered :) thank op

    • NOV140 worked for my first order but not the second. Worked again on my wifes account for pickup so I guess it only works once per account

  • Thanks OP, I'm due in Jan so perfect timing!

  • -1

    Any direct link?
    How many are in the Jumbo box?

  • -3

    NOV140 can't be used anymore

    • +3

      you might be trying on the same account again, create a new id and try again, it should work.

      • Yep~~,thanks

    • Ok i added in desc that NOV140 can only be used once per account

    • Worked for me not 2 nimutes ago

  • Thanks OP got 4 for my kids.

    • ditto. thanks!

  • Session invalid. Please restart the payment process or contact customer support.????

  • Extra 5% discount with entertainment book wish gift cards, hence $18each box. Thanks op.

  • +1

    Thanks, ordered, should last my girl a while :D

    • +2

      How about a + for the deal then

  • Done, thank you very much.

  • Can I open more than 2 accounts per household?
    Anyone had problems?
    I already have one in my name and one in partners.
    Please confirm anyone

  • Excellent, thank you very much!

  • Great timing, officially our boy is due at the end of the month but realistically it could happen any day from now on. Being a new dad and not knowing much about this, are these like universal nappies regardless of gender?

    Think i might get couple of boxes for new born and couple of boxes for infant.

  • Isn't there a $5 off if you spend more than $50?

  • Great Deal…. thanks for posting….

  • Don't forget to use the extra codes that have now been posted NOV130 and NOV150 for a further $15 off

    • Expired?

  • Site is being hammered…Can't get on.

  • +1

    Looks like they have cottoned onto multiple codes

    You cannot enter any more than 1 coupon numbers here per order.
    The following coupon have been applied to this order: ENTBOOKTENOFF

    • Yep finally got on and no more code stacking :-(

      You lucky buggers, nice one.

    • That little "?" icon says you can submit up to 9 coupon per order.

      • Good pick up, it does say you can use multiple codes.. it's not letting me stack codes either now.

  • Looks like the website got ozbargained…. Woolworths website had reach maximum capacity, unable to sign up.

  • Ozbargained ? Woolies online is overloaded.

    • lol. their servers must be heated up with OZies f****ng them hard. lol

  • I am getting this message now.

    You cannot enter any more than 1 coupon numbers here per order.
    The following coupon have been applied to this order: ENTBOOKTENOFF

    Just notice someone posted it already and its expired. Good deal, looks like I missed it.

  • Sorry guys noob to this.

    The instructions in the OP suggest…

    2. Enter NOV140 (can only be used once per account)

    I entered ENTBOOKTENOFF..OK $10 off..

    Am I supposed to then enter NOV140?

    Because it is not working for me….what does NOV140 give you anyway?

    • game is over, only one coupon can be used. so i would say use, NOV140 with order value $30
      it will come down to $20 , still not bad, 30% off.

    • Yep they fixed the website due to ozbargain traffic lol
      Can only enter one coupon now

  • -1

    Aldi's nappies are still cheaper and they are decent quality.

  • Guys…its still doable!

    I did it just then…twice.

    I did this and it worked.

    1. Enter NOV140

    Confirmed I have two order confirmations from Woolies online.

    Edit : Sorry they closed this off too.

  • Still working. Not expired

  • Cant use the NOV140 coupon code again

  • Got email saying out of stock and payment will be refunded. :(

    • At least you go that… I had to log in a check to find out they'd cancelled. Cancellation is fine, not keeping consumers informed is pretty poor…

  • 2 boxes arrived on the doorstep this morning!!!

  • They sent me Babylove nappies, had to send them all back

  • Nappies came! Happy happy joy joy

    • Where do you live? My Select brand nappies order got cancelled due to out of stock :(

    • My 6 boxes came yesterday along with my groceries :)

      Thank you- the money saved help pay for my daughters first birthday party today

  • My order was cancelled and I only found out from logging in to see why they didn't arrive :|

  • Did anyone in Sydney order the nappies after 5/11 9.20am and still receive the order? Mine was also canceled due to out of stock.

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