aapt as wholesaler

i realise this isnt whirlpool but as work blocks it, i thought id ask here

i am/was currently with telechoice who use ispone
im getting emails from aapt saying that im migrated to them. rang them up and they said yeah it a telechoie thing.

just wondering if aapt > ispone basically?



  • AAPT has a pretty big wholesale network, supplying lots of ISPs and corporates. Assuming this is about an ADSL link, the migration will be switching from a ispone DSLAM to an AAPT one.
    Telechoice will decide things like their bandwidth to the Internet, contention ratios etc. so it may be better, worse or the same.
    AAPT has some big connections to the rest of the Internet, and peers directly with the largest Internet networks in Australia (Telstra, Optus and Verizon).
    So in terms of capability and quality available, I would say AAPT > ispone, but if Telechoice is choosing to throttle back backhaul/Internet capacity that will have more impact than anything else.

    Disclosure: I work for AAPT, but not in the department involved.

  • Thanks Keggs

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