[TIP] Amazon MP3's All Music Available Using Aus Credit Card Including Cyber Monday Deals

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While not officially available in Ozstraya, I’ve discovered a better way than the ol US itunes cards to get around the ridiculous music prices we convicts are forced to endure.
Amazon’s MP3 store allows you to indirectly buy MP3’s using an Australian credit card- no lying about where you live or who you are.
Just some self love in the form of a gift to oneself.
What you need:
2 regular Australian Amazon accounts
Hola unblocker (maybe? I dunno, I used it just in case and didn’t hit any geoblocks)

  • Turn on Hola set to the US, then:
  • Buy yourself a gift card using account A here with account A’s email address as the recipient. This is done using your regular Australian credit card.
  • Once the gift card email is received, redeem it and it will appear in account A as a gift card balance.
  • Go shopping! Find an album or song you like and click “Wish List and Gifting”, “Give Album as a Gift”
  • Pay using gift card balance (does this by default)
  • Send to either email account A or account B (or physical address seems to work matching Amazon accounts)
  • When mp3 gift email is received, click “Get your gift now”, then click “Use a different Amazon account”. * Sign in using account B. (–If you don’t switch accounts it doesn’t work.)
  • Once logged in under account B click “download your mp3 gift”, “Continue”, then “download to your computer” (this will likely lead you you needing to install the amazon cloud player unless you already have it)
  • Login to the cloud player using Account B and your downloads will start.

Of course 28 degrees or similar card works best with payment in USD so you get maximum bang for your filthy convict money.

I’ve just started warming up and bought 15 albums for $80
Bargain picks I reckon:
$5 for Lorde’s record or $2 for Kanye Yeezus…. love him or hate him, the guy’s got a sense of humour: “Track 3- I Am A God [feat. God]”

Some of the Cyber Monday prices are fantastic, as well as their regular prices of course being the pants off anything local.


Related Stores

Amazon US
Amazon US


  • Way too much trouble… But still good to know about I suppose.

    (Also, I think this is more of a forum post…)

    • I think clicking a few buttons to save a genuine 85% off new release music is worth it.

      It only looks like a lot because I've gone to the trouble of spelling out each step.

      kids these days…. It's longer than a tweet = it's too hard. ;)

  • +5

    don't agree to this being shipped off the the forum.

    I guess I should have presented it as "Cyber Monday sale - 70% off lady Ga Ga's latest album" or something?

    Oh well I guess the bright side is it wont get ozbargained this way…. and not block up the ozbargain front page, leaving room for 50c iphone cover deals and free samples of dog food.

  • I'd really like to know how you got this to work (if you did)

    I've followed your steps - bought the MP3 - got the email saying "here is your gift"

    When I try to redeem it using the second account - it demands US credit card details and address.
    I've created a brand new amazon account, US address, US telephone number, used US proxy and STILL can't download gift without it asking for credit card details.

    Amazon clearly states you need a US credit card and billing address to "download" MP3 and kindle content.

    So, if you really do have a way around this - please share.

    • I've just tried again and it worked for me- but you need to have your aus credit card attached to your 2nd account.
      It doesn't let you redeem until you have a payment method on the account.
      once your aus credit card is on the 2nd account- it redeems fine.

      also dont forget- when selecting the album/song you dont click "Buy", you click “Wish List and Gifting”, then “Give Album as a Gift”.
      good luck!

  • Hi jebdra, I never got any prompts for US cc or address, I've used the above method last week to purchase $200 worth of albums using $50 gift cards at a time.
    I read that warning about it only being available to the US too- but as of last week it wasn't enforced.

    I'll try again myself later today and let you know, it's possible they have closed the loophole since last week.

    In the mean time- perhaps try putting an australian CC as a payment method on your second account- that's how I've got it setup… maybe it just needs ANY CC on your account?

    FYI my setup is:

    1st account:
    Aus CC
    random US shipping address = ie blah blah california 90210 (that was the only zipcode I knew :)
    1 click shipping off

    2nd account:
    Aus CC
    random US shipping address = ie blah blah california 90210 (that was the only zipcode I knew :)
    1 click shipping off

    • Hi damoo, I tried this and it didn't work for me, when I tried to give album as gift from my 1st account it told me I can't purchase from my country .. but now I see from your reply here you have a US address set up for both accounts… so that is the key I think, the account purchasing (even as a gift) the mp3 must have a US address.

  • Well - it just doesn't like me.

    I had my aus CC in both accounts - and it still wants a CC and billing address when I try to download the gift from the second account (and it won't accept the aus credit card with a US address). Valid US address in both accounts (including a valid phone number)

    Too hard for me. I've signed up to a virtual US credit card. That'll fix it!

    Thanks anyway

    • Hi jebdra, what do you mean, a "virtual US credit card"? Did it work with Amazon?

  • Just like to say i went thru and followed damoos process exactly and it worked!

    When opening the second account and being asked to add details jsut add in your oz CC and put in a US address adn it was sweet!

    Thanks Damoo it takes a while but i think ill be able to streamline the process after ive done it a couple more times.

    • Just want to add my support for this method - I was so sceptical, and it seemed like a neverending process, but in the end I did what astrotrain suggested and used my Aus CC for the second account… and it worked. Amazing.
      Also used this page for tips, including having Amazon Unblocker script enabled on Hola, though I don't know whether that helped or not: http://www.gadgetguy.com.au/how-to-evade-the-geoblock-and-bu…
      Thanks again for this.

  • I can confirm that this still works!

    Thanks Damoo.

  • I couldn't get it to work, but then I thought to myself, so long as I know I've purchased the album and am actually supporting the artist, it really makes no difference if I just go piratebay to download the actual album.

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